The Student Room Group

French Coursework - L'Etranger

Hey guys,

I had been set 300 words+ coursework essay to due over half on L'Etranger. However you are never going to believe the question -

Commentez l'importance de la soleil en L'Etranger. Donnez vous avis en 300 mots ou plus.

How can you write 300 words or more on the Sun!!! I have 75 and that's it.

I mean set me an essay on Meursault and Marie's relationship and I can easily do that. BUTTHIS IMPOSSIBLE.

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Hey guys,

I had been set 300 words+ coursework essay to due over half on L'Etranger. However you are never going to believe the question -

Commentez l'importance de la soleil en L'Etranger. Donnez vous avis en 300 mots ou plus.

How can you write 300 words or more on the Sun!!! I have 75 and that's it.

I mean set me an essay on Meursault and Marie's relationship and I can easily do that. BUTTHIS IMPOSSIBLE.

Easy, look at it in the metaphorical sense. Oppression and desire etc.

Especially at his mum's funeral and when he shoots the Arab.
Reply 2
Hey! I'm doing coursework on L'Etranger too. Except I can pick the question myself, I don't know what to do though. I might actually choose a similar one to yours because the sun is one of the most important themes in the book!

If you read the part where he shoots the arab again, notice how much the sun is mentioned. It is implied that the sun made him lose his sense of awareness etc, and basically that led to him killing the arab. And again at his mother's funeral, it was the heat and the sun that made him behave in an irrational manner. It's mentioned a few more times as well throughout the book. You could easily write at least 300 words on how far you think the effect of the sun influenced Meursault's actions and thinking, and whether his bahaviour was justified.

Good luck! :smile:
ack! *Digs out copy of L'etranger from her bookshelf, and opens it only to close it two seconds later coughing* I hate dust!

Ok, here we go

A mon avis, la soleil est le plus important thème de L'etranger mais il y n'est pas assez de pour écrire 300 mots sur la topic. Mais Je peux écrire 300 mots sur la topic de le sex entre Meursault et Marie qui Je crois est très monotone car Meursault est monotone.

hehehe joking!!
Reply 4
A mon avis, la soleil est le plus important thème de L'etranger mais il y n'est pas assez de pour écrire 300 mots sur la topic. Mais Je peux écrire 300 mots sur la topic de le sex entre Meursault et Marie qui Je crois est très monotone car Meursault est monotone.

What's with all the capital Js? It isn't English!

Sorry, being a bitch :redface:
What's with all the capital Js? It isn't English!

Sorry, being a bitch :redface:

ack! *Digs out copy of L'etranger from her bookshelf, and opens it only to close it two seconds later coughing* I hate dust!

Ok, here we go

A mon avis, la soleil est le plus important thème de L'etranger mais il y n'est pas assez de pour écrire 300 mots sur la topic. Mais Je peux écrire 300 mots sur la topic de le sex entre Meursault et Marie qui Je crois est très monotone car Meursault est monotone.

hehehe joking!!

Du sex.
Dr. Blazed
Du sex.

Miaow! (But fair point!) :biggrin:
Enough analysis of the paragraph which I wrote in 5 mins and Help!!

I have 120 words and that is it, nothing more can come out of my brain!
Reply 9
Surely it can't be that hard! You could probably write about 1000 words of quotes from the book alone.
Enough analysis of the paragraph which I wrote in 5 mins and Help!!

I have 120 words and that is it, nothing more can come out of my brain!

Give us a summary of what you've got already, and we'll help you fill out with meaningless but fancy crap. Do you have a copy of the mark scheme handy ? We can use that to cheat to the max.
Reply 11
300 words on sun for coursework, 2 pages of a4 on qu'est-ce que la france represente pour vous for, the sake of it.
don't take a/s french!:frown:
300 words on sun for coursework, 2 pages of a4 on qu'est-ce que la france represente pour vous for, the sake of it.
don't take a/s french!:frown:

too late for me - doing a2

summary coming soon...I'm working on it.
too late for me - doing a2

summary coming soon...I'm working on it.

Excellent. I can work on your coursework tomorrow, instead of doing my own. :biggrin:

I've realised, whilst researching it, that I really don't care if it's worthwhile for Corsica to continue its fight for independence.
u find meursalt is stimulated by physical sensations and o amjor one is heat, the use of the sun is to show this. E.g. at his mothers funeral he is overcome by physical sensations not emotional one, which sets him apart from society, thus being an outsider
Hey guys,

I had been set 300 words+ coursework essay to due over half on L'Etranger. However you are never going to believe the question -

Commentez l'importance de la soleil en L'Etranger. Donnez vous avis en 300 mots ou plus.

How can you write 300 words or more on the Sun!!! I have 75 and that's it.

I mean set me an essay on Meursault and Marie's relationship and I can easily do that. BUTTHIS IMPOSSIBLE.

God you're lucky,we have to do the expose (don't know how to do accents!) coursework :mad: I absolutely adore 'l'etranger' :smile:
Reply 16
Tu peux ajouter qqc sur comment le soleil etait la cause du meurtre (t'aurais besoin de relire le passage). G un copain qui a ecrit 3 pages sure ca lol je vais essayer de te montrer son projet.
God you're lucky,we have to do the expose (don't know how to do accents!) coursework :mad: I absolutely adore 'l'etranger' :smile:

My coursework is made up of two 300+ word essays and an independant oral expose which has to be presented to an external examiner - I am doing Voltaire.
Reply 18
btw its le soleil not la soleil :smile:

le soleil est un faux amis pour Meursault, c'est le soleil qui lui donne toujours des problemes par example le meurtre, l'enterrement de sa mere et aux proces ou il ne se concentre plus car il a trop chaud. Mais on vois aussi que le soleil lui manque en prison quand il regarde le ciel de sa petite fenetre.

my 2 pennies
Reply 19
and its votre avis