The Student Room Group

Symptoms: Nose bleed feeling+eyes hurting+blood rush to head+dizzyness?

OK, had this last night too and again now and its worrying me slightly. At first it felt as if I was getting a nose bleed (yet no blood appears), then I get a feeling like blood rushing to my head (eyes start hurting, feel dizzy and head feels tingly and swollen). It feels as though my face is burning but there are no physical signs. It doesn't feel too good and Im going to try and get down to the Doctors.

But any possible explanations though? Could it be a sinus problem. Ive never had anything like this before.
Reply 1
Firstl GO TO YOUR GP/DOCTOR. sounds like it could be from low blood pressure but im no doctor so get yourself checked out
OMG this is just like an episode of House MD :teeth:

Could be lupus.
Reply 3
1. Go to your doctor, this is not normal, and this is obviously not good.
2. How's your blood pressure? Stressed?
Reply 4
Hey there, I get this a lot and I have really low blood pressure. Drinking more water and making sure you have a varied diet should help, but I recommend going to the doctors and getting a check up. Check your blood pressure and maybe get a blood test just to be safe :smile:
Reply 5
Original post by Herbsynth
Hey there, I get this a lot and I have really low blood pressure. Drinking more water and making sure you have a varied diet should help, but I recommend going to the doctors and getting a check up. Check your blood pressure and maybe get a blood test just to be safe :smile:
Are you aware that you just necroed a nine-year-old thread?