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Reply 1
Reply 2
would depend who said it
Reply 3
id love it :~D
sweet :smile: but perhaps id say 'guy' instead of 'boy' some guys i know find it demeaning to be called 'boy'
id love it :~D


(Well, if I was a guy :wink:)
Reply 6
*Sniffles* Nearly made me cry.

I'd like a message like that... but then again, I'm a soppy bastard. So. o_O It depends on what sort've person the guy you sent it to is...
Are you currently together or do you just have a huge crush on him?
Cos if he was me, and we were going out I'd feel a bit suffocated, and if I was him and you liked me I'd be a bit like woah, lay off a bit.. No offence, but you did ask how we'd feel! =]
its sweet, but yeah would all depend on the person/context, i mean if you know this boy and vice versa then :smile:
Reply 9
Wow you're so lucky you can be that confident in saying that to someone! I'd be worried it'd scare them off!
Though I would love ot hear that from a guy :smile:
I'd like it, but wish it had been said with less words, I hate reading long stuff on msn
Reply 11
id love it :~D

Only if I felt the same. It's quite hard to deal with, when you don't...
Reply 13
Aw that's cute :smile:
Reply 14
I'd be concerned. It's a bit 14 year-old-myspace-thisdefinitelyisn'tpuppylove-esque.
Reply 15
bete noire
I'd like it, but wish it had been said with less words, I hate reading long stuff on msn

would you prefer it textspeak?
Reply 16
I little over the top I think!

If that was sent to me, I'd think I'd run a mile, thinking I've got a mental stalker!
would you prefer it textspeak?

Nah, a simple "Hey, you're a cool guy, wannan kiss??" would suffice.

I don't have the attention span for stuff like that, at least not on msn. Must make me sound stupid but I'd have to read it through a couple of times as my eyes just tend to skim over walls of text out of habit.....

My reply would probably be something along the lines of "LOL cool, yr a cool girl too!"
Reply 18
what did he say back?