Hello there,
I studied Biomedical Chemistry at uni. There was another course very similar to mine called Pharmaceutical Chemistry. A decent pass (2:2 or higher) in either subject would have been enough to get a job in the pharmaceutical industry. The toughest jobs to get are with the bigger companies, Phizer, GSK, Astra Zenica etc... They pay the biggest salaries for graduates. (15-18K approx) Smaller companies tend to offer between 12-15K for a graduate.
If you have a degree you will have more responsibility and get a bigger salary. The same can be said for an MSc. A PHD will help you into a management or research position. (Some of the larger companies will help fund a PHD). In terms of job prospects I would suggest at the least getting a degree.
A lot of unis will offer a "sandwich course" where year 3 (out of 4) is spent working in the industry. You will get paid and get a shed load of experience which will be useful when applying for your first proper job when you finish your degree!
Good Luck!