The Student Room Group

Why would someone leave panties outside of your door?

Hey, I just got back and there is a pair of panties outside of my door (white and rather skimpy) - would you say its an obscure practical joke or some girl who thinks I will guess it was her?

Why would a girl do that? (I'm pretty sure none of my male friends did it as a joke, though it might be a female friend) If you are a girl would you do it? Has it happened to anyone else?

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Reply 1
It's a conspiracy to give you STIs by proxy. Does anyone want you dead?
Reply 2
Maybe you lent them to someone and they kept them for ages and you forgot that you had lent them out and now that they have been returned you don't know why they are there
Reply 3
Maybe they were yours and you left them at someone's house.
Aaaaaaaargh don't say "panties"!! That's cringey!!

I can't imagine why a girl would do that, to be honest. It's not really textbook flirting.
Reply 5
It's a conspiracy to give you STIs by proxy. Does anyone want you dead?

No, but they might want to make my privates all itchy and inflamed I guess... :biggrin:
Reply 6
Also - what did you do when you found them? Did you leave them or take them inside? Someone's probably wondering where their pants are right now.
someone was having sex outside your door just before you came home, heard you and fled
Reply 8
Sell them on eBay, should bring in a few bob.

Post us the link when you do so :teeth:
Reply 9
Also - what did you do when you found them? Did you leave them or take them inside? Someone's probably wondering where their pants are right now.

They are still there, if anyone wants to pick them up, I sure don't.

And in answer to previous posts, no I have never owned female underwear.
I would just wait.

And frame the panties.
Reply 11
God sent them
A practical joke, I'd guess.
Maybe someone dropped their laundry? Or sat on them and didn't realise and they got caught up in their jacket and fell off when they walked along the corridor. Not that either of those things has happened to me.
Reply 14
They are still there, if anyone wants to pick them up, I sure don't.

Oh don't you know? You're meant to leave yours outside someone else's door now.
Reply 15
they got caught up in their jacket and fell off when they walked along the corridor.

Oh god that made me laugh. That'd be so funny :biggrin:
Reply 16
She clearly wants you.
Reply 17
are they...clean? (for want of a better word)
Reply 18
That is so freaky, a google advert just showed up on this page selling knickers...
Reply 19
Cause they're a filthy cow, or your male mates thought it would be funny. Either way - enjoy :wink: