The Student Room Group

My mess...

ok i know im a bit of a dick to do this but here goes...

i was in a year long relationship and im still a young adult so i want to get out there...
so we ended the relationship and im very loyal while in a relationship. however afterwards i felt as though wooo im free i can go out and get laid with everyone (man hoe but shush)...

so yes i did go and get a few birds about a month after we split up,but i am a very emotional guy and i do try to be friends with everyone, so then i had about 4 girls that still liked me and wanted a relationship. all of them not having a clue about the other one.

it was easy to get rid of one because well she was up herself and not my type as to say...
so im left with these 3...
who i all very much like because they are all very pretty. but when i sat down and thought about it i choose one of them but didn't tell the others to get lost, in fact i kind of made matters worse by getting them to like me even more because i wasn't going for the lets have sex approach.

but then half way through having more official dates with this girl i decided not to go out with her because i didn't see mysel:smile: f with her. Unfortunately for me during one of these dates i find out she is a very good friend of one of my best friends (who soon after i left told her not to tell her about the other 2, which she was not proud of me for.)
but now she found out im best mates with one of her good friends she thinks that she can tag along with my best mate every time we meet and things are awkward and i always avoid the subject of "us" with her.

so now im left with the other 2 which i still had massive problems with a decision. because i summed them up they both had pros and cons(yes this is how low i had to sink to try and decide, i didn't want to make a mistake). and now this is where i am now...
but in this time they are both EXTREMELY close to me and they both think/me leading them on. think they have good chances with me.

im not the type of guy that could easily say "hey sorry, you may have thought you were the only one for me but actually theres someone else who im dating" i'm too coward to say that and then get a boat load of questions fly at me.

i have decided upon the girl i prefer but because of the reasons listed above i cannot decide what to do.

any advice on how to break it to the other one would be great, and how to get the girl thats friends with my best mate off my back...
...Tell them the truth! It might be hard for you but you got yourself into this mess. You clean it up.

You sound like a bit of a ho to me actually. Even though you said it.
Wow. Honestly, it sounds to me that these girls mean nothing to you. I don't think you are ready to be in a relationship. However, if you have convinced yourself that you want to date one of the girls, you must tell all the girls the truth. It's better because it would solve all your problems. You may not be the type of guy who tells a girl that, but you are the type of guy who does that to girls. So have a little bit of gratitude and tell them the truth before moving forward.
Reply 3
Yeah I feel sorry for you, I mean you got 3 pretty girls to choose from, man hope you pull through this tough time in your life..
Reply 4
You're an ass hat. Stop stringing them along, grow a pair and be honest.