The Student Room Group

WJEC Music A level (AS / A2)

We're an english school yet, due to most of our music staff being welsh, we have been moved to this board.

My particular year (now A2) is the first to do it and, well, we're not liking it much.
The composition and performing is fine, and the tests seem to be easier than Edexcel..
but the essay is just annoying.

Its the same every year though, for the comparison part - anyone else doing this that has any resources or help:?
I think it's part of the course that teachers dont provide much help.

(Oh and good luck to everyone taking the AS listening exam in an hour. Our whole A2 class is resitting it just for kicks..)
how did you find it? x
Reply 2
how did you find it? x

A lot worse than our one!
But fine.
Everyone seemed to dislike the modulation questions on the last question though..

You enjoy it? :rolleyes:
i thought it was so hard lol!!
the notation question was like aahhhhh...
looks like i will be resiting.... xx
Reply 4
Yeah was a bit of a pickle!

Luckily the notation thing was fine for me.. I basically make all my marks on question 4 - I got perfect pitch so notation and key spotting is fine for me.
Bit unfair on everyone else, but then again, my theory isn't exactly amazing!

Doubt I better than last year but doesn't matter, we get the best mark out of the two right..
Reply 5
Any advice on the A2 paper? I am struggling :frown: