The Student Room Group

Recovering from an Eating Disorder - advice

(Please keep anon)

Basically, I've had anorexia since around aged 13, I'm 17 now, and have had periods of being stable, and many relapses. I'm in NHS outpatient at the moment, and around my basic level of my target weight. As this is anon, I'm 148cm and nearly 42kg. In OP since about December, I've regained about 5kg (not from my lowest weight), and my counsellor told me yesterday that she was at this medical conference and they said that physiologically, people with ED' aren't kidding when they say the weight has really come back onto the, as you have a body shape and then during weight loss it obviously changes, and when you regain the wieght it wont go to your original body shape, but will involve you maintaining for around 6months before it redistributes as it needs to.

Basically, my situation is that I have been here so many times in getting to a stable weight, and feeling better etc, and then something happens (ie stress/family/general anorexia shouting louder than I can block out) and I fall back, and loose the weight. Has anyone been in this situation before, and have any tips on how to, well not panic? My counsellor jokily said she'd print it on my forehead, as I worry as it all has gone to my upper arms and hips, and as I am short, it shows a lot more .

Another pet peeve is that around 13, I didn't have much of a body shape - ie hips or breasts mainly. Obviously losing weight lost any chance of a chest for me in the past few years, but when my body 'redistributes' how will that work, if was barely an A-cup beforehand? Does it mean, due to hormones and lack of periods for nearly two years (I have it almost all regularly now) that it just wont come to me? Very confused, and while the anorexia is at bay I just want to be healthy and have a nice body shape like everyone else my age. I told my friend this today and she said for her 18th (October) I'd look lovely, and I really hope so - I want to look and feel normal.

Any advice really appreiacted, thanks.
Reply 1
Hey, I suffered from anorexia from the age of 14-16 ish (i'm 17 now aswell), and although I was never hospitalised, I've havn't regained my periods yet. I'm a C-cup, and I weigh 7 1/2 stone (about 47-8 kilos?) and i'm 155cms tall. I think since you were youner than me when you had anorexia it's slightly different, but my breasts were non-existant (literally) when I was at my thinnest, and I only started off an A cup (when I was 14, and a relatively 'normal' weight (I think I was fat)). So i guess what i'm trying to say is that don't give up hope, you may stil have a chance of some boobs!!

I think your councellor's right, it takes a while for some of the fat o turn to muscle, shift around a bit etc... (I'll be back to say more in an hour or so, got to go for tea)
Reply 2
Hey, I suffered from anorexia from the age of 14-16 ish (i'm 17 now aswell), and although I was never hospitalised, I've havn't regained my periods yet. I'm a C-cup, and I weigh 7 1/2 stone (about 47-8 kilos?) and i'm 155cms tall. I think since you were youner than me when you had anorexia it's slightly different, but my breasts were non-existant (literally) when I was at my thinnest, and I only started off an A cup (when I was 14, and a relatively 'normal' weight (I think I was fat)). So i guess what i'm trying to say is that don't give up hope, you may stil have a chance of some boobs!!

I think your councellor's right, it takes a while for some of the fat o turn to muscle, shift around a bit etc... (I'll be back to say more in an hour or so, got to go for tea)

Thanks, yeah I was never hospitalized either thankfully. Hopefully your period will return soon, isn't it some people have to get to 110% weight for height? Lol I really do hope so - thankyou for replying :smile:
Reply 3
im recovering from anorexia too. currently at my highest weight which is incidently my target weight and just about average for my age height etc.
i cant help thinking i could easily slip again as sometimes i really hate the weight ive put on and how much i haave changed.
but what keeps me going is the memory of how i was and not wanting to slip back there. i dunno how you were, but i was so wasted i could hardly move without injuring myself.
i found hormones are some of the last things to come back, hang on in there and see what happens.
1 - Well done for beating it! :smile:

2 - Your body shape will adjust, and fat will redistribute to your breast area

3 - Try not to relapse... you are lucky you can still have periods, surely you want kids?

Speak to your GP is you need any more advice/reassurance.

Reply 5
I lost a lot of weight and I'm also finding that my weight is being distributed unevenly. I haven't started my periods again, even though I'm at a 'normal' bodyweight. Hang in there; I'm sure things will balance out in time.
Reply 6
It will probably all sort itself out when you put on more weight. Aim for a certain weight/BMI and then incorporate some exercise (without going mad). I'm sure you will be fine.
it takes a long time, unfortunately.

I was diagnosed with anorexia at 14 (im now nearly 18). It took me about 18 months- 2 years to increase my weight from 39kg to 55kg (im 161cm tall). I have to say, it was the most difficult thing I have ever been through and I would not wish the suffering I went through (and still do) on anyone.

The only thing that I have learnt from suffering with anorexia, is my willpower and determination. Even though I still have a lot of hard times, I am more determined to work hard then I ever was before and I have always been very perfectionist. i think it helps you realise your limits, which can only be a good thing in the future. :smile:
The good news is, yes your proportions should change within 6 months to a year of having restored weight. This has been impressed on me by every specialist I've seen.
It can take time and I know that's hard and frustrating. One way I've begun to think about it recently after hearing it in hospital is that once you're at your target, it doesn't constitute being 'normal' so much as a weight-restored anoretic. You need to be so so careful during those first few months...that's the time when hopefully your recovery will become more solid and your mind will catch up with your body. Just think that you need to give this a shot yeah? If you relapse within a few months of reaching your target it doesn't even give you a fighting chance. Your body needs time to normalise and you need time to adjust.
Also, regarding cup size...I have been underweight all my life and was probably barely an A before the anorexia, I also had no periods for 3 years in all. But I'm a decent B/C cup now is indeed possible!
Serious props to you for everything you've done so far. All I can say is be mindful, you have to actively fight the anorexia very much initially. Perhaps tell yourself you'll carry on no matter what for a couple of years - that's my plan currently :wink:
PM if you ever need k?
Reply 9
im recovering from anorexia too. currently at my highest weight which is incidently my target weight and just about average for my age height etc.
i cant help thinking i could easily slip again as sometimes i really hate the weight ive put on and how much i haave changed.
but what keeps me going is the memory of how i was and not wanting to slip back there. i dunno how you were, but i was so wasted i could hardly move without injuring myself.
i found hormones are some of the last things to come back, hang on in there and see what happens.

Yeah, I have vague memories of how I was at my lowest and I don't want to be like that, and so entrenched and not myself again. And like I know how easily I slip back into the routine, especially at Sixth Form where breakfast/lunch is upto me.
Well done on reaching your target weight, you should be really proud :smile:. I will try and hang in there, thankyou.
Reply 10
1 - Well done for beating it! :smile:

2 - Your body shape will adjust, and fat will redistribute to your breast area

3 - Try not to relapse... you are lucky you can still have periods, surely you want kids?

Speak to your GP is you need any more advice/reassurance.


Thankyou.....I think I'm getting there. And yeah I definitely do want kids, I'm so glad I've more or lest kept my period now. And yeah, I was thinking about seeing my GP....even got so desperate was thinking of asking for the pill or something as it supposedly increases breast size! But like I dunno, dunno what I'd say etc. I just want to look more normal now the rest of my body had changed too. Thankyou for replying :smile:
Reply 11
i'd agree talking to your gp about it might be a good idea, it can't do any harm :smile: however, like others have said your body with redistribute itself and you should look more proportioned. In the mean time though, why don't you use some padded bras etc? My friend is completely flat chested but the bras she wears really change that!x
i totally have the same issue with the stress thing - i gained a stone/14 pounds at one point... then i just completely lost it all and i'm back to square one. i didn't even let it hang around long enough to figure out if it was going to distribute evenly. i just had a tummy and big legs and i felt urgh.
You're doing well though and i really wish you all the best. I'm around 45kg at the moment and about 165cm in height but i feel really uneven, especially from my lowest weight... but i'm hoping that time will sort it all out.. just take things a day at a time, eh?
Reply 13

I am fully recovered from anorexia, had it when I was about 15/16/17 and am now 19, and, not including relapses, I gained over three and a half stone to get back to a bmi of 20-21. However, when I first gained the weight my arms were still stupidly skinny and it took a while for my body to adjust itself. I regained the same shape was I was before, with bigger boobs strangely (went from a C cup before the anorexia to a DD after. I also naturally lost some of the weight I gained as my body adjusted back to normal, and now am completely happy and healthy.

It is really hard at first to accept the changes, but you have to keep going and persevere, otherwise anorexia will become a life sentence. I promise you it is worth it in the end, just be confident and patient, and believe in yourself and the better life that you deserve and will achieve.