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Reply 2
I'm doing it, but no problems :smile: Are you doing it? or are you passed this and are helping ? :P
I'm doing it, but no problems :smile: Are you doing it? or are you passed this and are helping ? :P

No, i'm doing it and I find that discussions are the best way of revising. I've only covered atomic structure and calculations though.
Well I'm doing AQA but we still have the structure and bonding topics. Anything in particular you wanted to discuss about it?
Is the first ionisation energy the energy required to remove the most loosely held electron from one mole of gaseous atoms to produce 1 mole of gaseous ions each with a charge of 1+?
Just want to check this.
I also thought that this thread would be useful for revision as there aren't really any chemistry revision threads and I could always convert it to one if I wanted to.
Is the first ionisation energy the energy required to remove the most loosely held electron from one mole of gaseous atoms to produce 1 mole of gaseous ions each with a charge of 1+?
Just want to check this.

Yup sounds good to me! Do you have to be able to produce the graph of first ionisation energies?
Reply 8
Is the first ionisation energy the energy required to remove the most loosely held electron from one mole of gaseous atoms to produce 1 mole of gaseous ions each with a charge of 1+?
Just want to check this.

what is the second ionisation?
why is the second inonisation energy of a sample of sodium atoms much higher than the first?

what is the defenition of first electron affinity?
Yup sounds good to me! Do you have to be able to produce the graph of first ionisation energies?

You might have to draw a trend for the graph but not exact values.
Im doin edexcel a well but w havent covered much..I have 2 teacher. All Ive covered is S-Block stuff and the halogens. But Im gonna start D-block and mole concept soon.
Quite interestin and quite a step up from Gcse but nothin too tricky.
How are you gonna revise for it by the way?? :confused:

Electron affinity is the reverse of ionisation energies in the sense instead of removing an electron we are addin an electron. This varies as we go across the group in the opposite kinda direction but we need 2 consider repulsion in Grp 7 element which actually reduces the energy required.
Sodium question is about once the initial electron has been removed it has a noble gas config. therefore has a large ionisation energy majiggy.
Second is the same as the first just one more electron :tongue:
Reply 11
We have to know about the general trend of ionisation energies for period 3 and group 2 elements and also need to be able to explain any ones that don't fall into the trend.
what is the second ionisation?
why is the second inonisation energy of a sample of sodium atoms much higher than the first?

what is the defenition of first electron affinity?

the first one:
because the second electron are at lower energy level, and inner shell, so lower distance from nucleus, and less shielding of course from inner full shells.

Remember that chemistry NERDS! a useful way!

the second one - the enthalpy change when one mole of electrons are added to one moles of gaseous atoms, under standard conditions. always exothermic

the second affinity is always positive because over ion is already negative so extra energy is needed to do work against repulsion.
Fade Into Black
Im doin edexcel a well but w havent covered much..I have 2 teacher. All Ive covered is S-Block stuff and the halogens. But Im gonna start D-block and mole concept soon.
Quite interestin and quite a step up from Gcse but nothin too tricky.
How are you gonna revise for it by the way?? :confused:

Electron affinity is the reverse of ionisation energies in the sense instead of removing an electron we are addin an electron. This varies as we go across the group in the opposite kinda direction but we need 2 consider repulsion in Grp 7 element which actually reduces the energy required.
Sodium question is about once the uinitiall electron has been removed it has a noble gas config. therefore has a large ionisation energy majiggy

here are some revision questions for those taking in January (atomic structure only)
Define relative atomic mass.
Define relative isotopic mass.
Why is the second electron affinity always endothermic?
What is an isotope?
State four processes in the mass spectrometer.
here are some revision questions for those taking in January (atomic structure only)
Define relative atomic mass.
Define relative isotopic mass.
Why is the second electron affinity always endothermic?
What is an isotope?
State four processes in the mass spectrometer.

I dont wana answer all the questions jst incase someone els wants to ansa.
We havent looked at elctron affinity at all so Im not sure about that(Why is the second electron affinity always endothermic?) care to ansa unless someone els wants to...
Isotopes same no of protons different no. of neutrons. Same atomic mass dif mass no.
Stages of mass spectrometer.Ionisation.Acceleration.Deflection.Dectection.(im not sure coz there are more smaller parts of the process)
Fade Into Black
I dont wana answer all the questions jst incase someone els wants to ansa.
We havent looked at elctron affinity at all so Im not sure about that(Why is the second electron affinity always endothermic?) care to ansa unless someone els wants to...
Isotopes same no of protons different no. of neutrons. Same atomic mass dif mass no.
Stages of mass spectrometer.Ionisation.Acceleration.Deflection.Detection.(im not sure coz there are more smaller parts of the process)

Yes, those are correct.
The second electron affinity is the the energy required to add an electron to each ion in 1 mole of gaseous 1- ions to produce 1 mole of gaseous 2- ions.

This process involves adding a negatively charged electron to a negative ion. Naturally this process is endothermic and requires an input of energy to overcome the repulsion between the electron and the anion.
How are you findin the course so far by the way?? did you find mole concept hard or not... you enjoy chem?
Do you kno where to find any specimen papers.. I was gonna get some of the old ones but apparently they are to make the exam more diffilcult because ppl sed it was too easy last year (at least according to my teacher).

Thanx for the explaination by the way
Fade Into Black
How are you findin the course so far by the way?? did you find mole concept hard or not... you enjoy chem?
Do you kno where to find any specimen papers.. I was gonna get some of the old ones but apparently they are to make the exam more diffilcult because ppl sed it was too easy last year (at least according to my teacher).

I love chemistry. Mole concept is not too tricky. if you don't understand anything ask me. has some past papers. Also try the edexcel website as well as they have specimen papers for everything.
Yeah we're doin it. Only covered calculations and atomic structure so far tho. But Im findin it quite difficult :frown:
I seem to cope ok in class, but when it comes to class tests I mess up. Im sittin on a C at the minute but I need an A to do medicine or pharmacy at Queens in Belfast or Trinity in Dublin :redface:

So not feelin too positive bout it at the minute. Anyone else findin it hard? Or have any advice?

Also doin Biology, Geography and ICT by the way