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Girls - Who would be your ideal guy?

I'm curious about the ideal guy girls imagine being with. The ideal guy must be someone with whom you can imagine yourself being with in a long-term relationship.

To make it easier for others to relate to your answers, please give your ideal combination in a man as follows (for example):

1) Intelligence - can't think of the ideal person atm
2) Personality - Russell Brand
3) Looks - Brad Pitt

Add any comments you see fit.

[Please refrain from comments such as "my boyfriend" as people will not know who you boyfriend is...]

Cheers!!! :smile:

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Reply 1
Have you just set up a dating agency?
Reply 2
Have you just set up a dating agency?

nope - just curious ...
Timothy Olyphant.

he may be 40, married and american but he is and will always be the love of my life. even though ive never met him. He is beeeeautiful.

google him.
Vincent Simone is pretty much the ideal. He seems to have an awesome personality, and he's gorgeous, and he can dance so amazingly. :love:
nice guys sweet and panty partiers
Reply 6
1) Intelligence - David Mitchell
2) Personality - Derren Brown
3) Looks - Alexander Siddig
Matt Bellamy-all three
a guy with muscles and tattoos everywhere
1) Intelligence - Doctor Who :smile:. Or an artistic genius, like Paolo Roversi. The things he does with photography...
2) Personality - I'm going to be a huge geek and say Doctor Who again. It's the whole knight-in-shining-armour thing, I think. Though not so intense. Can I have a mixture of people in this? Because someone who would love you forever would be nice too. Like Noah Calhoun or Shakespeare's Romeo. And someone funny, like Noel Fielding (though I wish he didn't laugh at his own jokes so much). Oh, and with that sort of Tony-from-Skins charm and confidence, but Chris-from-Skins humour.
3) Looks - Chad Michael Murray. No question about it.
Nice little mish-mash of people there. :biggrin:
milo ventimiglia
no actually peter petrelli (if only!)
intelligence-dr who

omg i am such a loser.
Timothy Olyphant.

he may be 40, married and american but he is and will always be the love of my life. even though ive never met him. He is beeeeautiful.

google him.

Ahhhhhh, I watched the Girl Next Door a few hours ago for about the zillionth time and was like :love:.
Reply 12
i want me some hugh fearnley-whittingstall.
that's buff stuff.
Reply 13
milo ventimiglia
no actually peter petrelli (if only!)
intelligence-dr who

omg i am such a loser.

who is milo ventimiglia - i've never heard of him?
who is milo ventimiglia - i've never heard of him?

heroes (his character name is peter petrelli...duh)
Reply 15
2) Personality - Derren Brown

Alas, he is gay

And for all three my personal choice is Shakespeare, as portrayed in Shakespeare in Love
Vincent Simone is pretty much the ideal. He seems to have an awesome personality, and he's gorgeous, and he can dance so amazingly. :love:

and he's got cute pixie ears :p:

i dunno who i'd pick, i'll have to think :p:
Reply 17
Alas, he is gay

And for all three my personal choice is Shakespeare, as portrayed in Shakespeare in Love

Huh...I didn't Derren Brown was gay!
Anony mouse

Go Heroes!

Intelligence - Hiro Nakamura
Personality - Peter Petrelli
Looks - Sylar


youve just owned this thread
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