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nervous for uni coz im too shy and always unhappy

im really nervous about going to uni because of of my extreme shyness.
i went out last night with all my friends and we were drinking and everyone was having fun but i wasnt having as much fun as i should have been. even after about 3 wkds, 8 shots my behaviour wasnt any different.
i think its because im not actually happy. i never seem to be happy. i mean i enjoy seeing my friends, i love them but i just dont feel happy or fun even in fun situations or wherever i am or who im with.

im still even quite quiet with people i know quite well and i hate this about myself. im worried i will go to uni and i wont make friends because of this and people will think im just a loser and not interesting or anything.

i dont feel good about myself.
i've been feeling like this for as long as i can remember, but why cant i be different, why cant i be happy like everyone else?
it doesn help that things have made me feel worse. a few of my ex's in the past have said stuff like 'i love, ur the best thing tht ever happened to me, id never want to leave u, etc. and one of them who said that was cheating on me all along and someone else found another girl within a few days of been broken up, and my last bf who i was with for like 1 year and a half broke up with me a few months ago and said that in future relationships im just gonna get dumped or cheated on.
im happy when im in a relationship but without one i just feel unhappy 80% of the time.

i think my problem is i rely on boyfriends to make me happy. i dont know how i can overcome it as ive tried going out and keeping busy and i do have fun but i guess i dont show my 'real' personality and dont feel happy on the inside.

any suggestions?
Reply 1
stop relying on boyfriends to make you happy.

At uni you will meet alot of new people who you are literally forced to interact with. Fresher weeks are designed to make it very easy to meet new people and make new friends.

Go there with a positive attitude and you will do fine. Plus your female, which makes meeting new people even easier :wink:
Uni is exactly what you need. It's a lot easier to meet people who are similar to you, in uni, than in school. Join all the clubs you can in the first few weeks. Forget about ex boyfriends and feeling out of place. I know you're shy and have low self-esteem at the moment, but in a place where everyone starts off shy and worried, you'll fit right in, and as friendships grow, so will your self esteem!
Reply 3
Uni is exactly what you need. It's a lot easier to meet people who are similar to you, in uni, than in school. Join all the clubs you can in the first few weeks. Forget about ex boyfriends and feeling out of place. I know you're shy and have low self-esteem at the moment, but in a place where everyone starts off shy and worried, you'll fit right in, and as friendships grow, so will your self esteem!

i do have friends that are similar to me.
and ive always been shy and low self esteem and i dont think its something thats gonna go away because ive been like this forever. ex bfs r just what have made it worse.
Reply 4
people tend to forget about their Exs pretty quickly at uni
Reply 5
people tend to forget about their Exs pretty quickly at uni

its not that im consciously thinking of them. (apart from one). its more of the effect its had on me. ive been screwed over in a way by all of them and left me feeling hurt and insecure still.
i think ive been let down so many times when i have felt happy that im not happy anymore coz i cant stand to b let down again
Reply 6
Hi there,

I noticed your post and it just stood out to me as I am exactly the same as you, I am very shy and feel awkward when I meet people, and some of my exes have treated me badly as well, one of them very much so, so I can totally see why you would feel low in self esteem and stuff, I'm so sorry to hear you have been treated that way and it can be so hard on you physically and mentally...

I know it seems hard but the other posters are right, if you just try and sort of make an effort to put yourself out there, it can do wonders for your self esteem and it doesn't seem as hard to talk to people after that...You must have done okay to make some friends already and go out with them so people musn't think you are that much of a loser, they must think you are pretty interesting and cool to talk to you!

I don't want to post hijack here but I will share something that has happened in my experience...I suffered terribly with depression at the hands of my ex who used to treat me like ****** (sorry to swear) and it can really make you feel as if no one wants to know you, that you are a loser and a freak and allsorts of horrible things that people do not think about you in the slightest, it can really put blinkers over your eyes and mess with your perception and if you think it's hard to meet people, that makes it a million times worse as you see every comment as laced with nastiness...I'm still not over it 100% now but I am getting there with it, and now I just think to myself 'Stuff my exes, it's a good reason they are just that, I am a kind, smart, interesting person who has a lot to offer the world and people want to know me just as much as I want to know them, and if they don't and want to be nasty they are not worth knowing' you just have to tell yourself that, you seem like a really nice person with a lot to offer people and just tell yourself that you are cool and fun and stuff, it's all about self belief, if you believe people want to know you then they will want to know you...

I know it's hard believe me I know it more than most, and Uni can be a very intimidating place to people who don't want to do the typical student lifestyle of drinking and socialising, what is your degree? Maybe if you're really interested in it you can join the related society and meet people that way? Or maybe in your interests? I joined the Anime society, and I totally thought no one else would like it but hey, now I know a lot of people through it so it's all good!

I'm not very good at advice I'm afraid but that's just the advice I can offer you, if you feel shy, try and build yourself up and stuff and don't think you are a loser because no one is a loser ever, it's nasty underhanded people who make you feel that way, it is them with the problem, not you...

Oh and you're a blonde, go you girl, blonde power to us shy awesome blondes!
Reply 7
It's not a good thing to rely on a partner to make you feel happy, that's just using someone to fill a void. You need to find out what makes you feel good which doesn't include other people, and also find out why you are unhappy to begin with. Use the time between now and uni to become independantly happy, accepting and understanding yourself.
Reply 8
im really nervous about going to uni because of of my extreme shyness.
i went out last night with all my friends and we were drinking and everyone was having fun but i wasnt having as much fun as i should have been. even after about 3 wkds, 8 shots my behaviour wasnt any different.
i think its because im not actually happy. i never seem to be happy. i mean i enjoy seeing my friends, i love them but i just dont feel happy or fun even in fun situations or wherever i am or who im with.

im still even quite quiet with people i know quite well and i hate this about myself. im worried i will go to uni and i wont make friends because of this and people will think im just a loser and not interesting or anything.

i dont feel good about myself.
i've been feeling like this for as long as i can remember, but why cant i be different, why cant i be happy like everyone else?
it doesn help that things have made me feel worse. a few of my ex's in the past have said stuff like 'i love, ur the best thing tht ever happened to me, id never want to leave u, etc. and one of them who said that was cheating on me all along and someone else found another girl within a few days of been broken up, and my last bf who i was with for like 1 year and a half broke up with me a few months ago and said that in future relationships im just gonna get dumped or cheated on.
im happy when im in a relationship but without one i just feel unhappy 80% of the time.

i think my problem is i rely on boyfriends to make me happy. i dont know how i can overcome it as ive tried going out and keeping busy and i do have fun but i guess i dont show my 'real' personality and dont feel happy on the inside.

any suggestions?

The thing is sometimes people are shy because they are scared of the consequences of being extroverted. But I've learnt that if you just exude confidence (naturally / forcefully), no-one will try to take advantage of you because malicious people generally pick on those who look shy. Therefore force yourself to act confident.

If any guy messes with you again, kick them in the balls. Trust me it's a win-win situation. The guy can't do anything because otherwise he'll be labelled a womanbeater. All your friends will be in awe of your confidence and domination. Other random guys will be attracted to your feistiness and it will also send out a "subtle" message that you are not to be messed with. You will have a huge selection of boys all over you and then pick the nicest one. Then your life will be quality.
Reply 9
thanks for ur reply.

my last ex was like my best friend as well as bf. i really loved him and cared for him. we talked about marriage and our future and stuff. he was the only one i really let in as much.
he ended it over the fone and wasnt that nice to me last time i saw him. he told me i was a spiteful person, said bad things about my mum and family, that i was an angry person and can never let go and b relaxed (never letting go and being relaxed is really true, its obvious and i have always felt this way), he also said i was dull and boring coz i dnt have any real interests and passions, and kind of patronised me asking why i dont socialise much. he also said my friends walk all over me and i dont stick up to them

it really gets to me as ive been with him so long i wonder whether hes right in everything he says. its kind of made me dislike my family even more now after what he said. i feel very alone and confused and the rest. i cry about 4-7 times every week.

Hi there,

I don't want to post hijack here but I will share something that has happened in my experience...I suffered terribly with depression at the hands of my ex who used to treat me like ****** (sorry to swear) and it can really make you feel as if no one wants to know you, that you are a loser and a freak and allsorts of horrible things that people do not think about you in the slightest, it can really put blinkers over your eyes and mess with your perception and if you think it's hard to meet people, that makes it a million times worse as you see every comment as laced with nastiness...I'm still not over it 100% now but I am getting there with it, and now I just think to myself 'Stuff my exes, it's a good reason they are just that, I am a kind, smart, interesting person who has a lot to offer the world and people want to know me just as much as I want to know them, and if they don't and want to be nasty they are not worth knowing' you just have to tell yourself that, you seem like a really nice person with a lot to offer people and just tell yourself that you are cool and fun and stuff, it's all about self belief, if you believe people want to know you then they will want to know you...

I know it's hard believe me I know it more than most, and Uni can be a very intimidating place to people who don't want to do the typical student lifestyle of drinking and socialising, what is your degree? Maybe if you're really interested in it you can join the related society and meet people that way? Or maybe in your interests? I joined the Anime society, and I totally thought no one else would like it but hey, now I know a lot of people through it so it's all good!

I'm not very good at advice I'm afraid but that's just the advice I can offer you, if you feel shy, try and build yourself up and stuff and don't think you are a loser because no one is a loser ever, it's nasty underhanded people who make you feel that way, it is them with the problem, not you...

Oh and you're a blonde, go you girl, blonde power to us shy awesome blondes!
Reply 10
It's not a good thing to rely on a partner to make you feel happy, that's just using someone to fill a void. You need to find out what makes you feel good which doesn't include other people, and also find out why you are unhappy to begin with. Use the time between now and uni to become independantly happy, accepting and understanding yourself.

yeah i no it isnt :-(
thing is, is that nothing really makes me feel good that doesnt include other people. is there something wrong with me?

hmm why i am unhappy to begin with... i have been like it for as long as i can remember. i was happy as a child up to the age of about 13. the my best friend of 6 years moved to another country, i wasnt trusted by family to go out with my new friends as they were 'a bad influence', i was accused of them of being a druggie and even when i was on msn talking to my friends my dad would always kind of look at the screen and ask me who im talking to and if i hide the conversation he would ask me what i was hiding and b really weird about it. my family starting arguing all the time. my mum being moody and worrying too much and my dad being controlling, arguing with eachother, my sister being loud and constantly moaning, my brother putting me down.

i had a few bfs who were like 'i love u, ur the best thing that ever happened to me and i started to feel better and then it turned out they cheated on me and i was left feeling upset again. then my parents got seperated when i was about 16 and at first things were worse, then i started going out with a new guy and i felt happier and got told the same old, he was very sensitive and possessive and moody. he was understandibly still affected b losing his parents at the age of 5. we didnt get along as we kept on arguing and he would get really possessive if i went out with other people and didnt want to see him he would get annoyed with me. anyway we broke up

and then shortly after i started seeing my ex. was very happy with him and it seemed like evrything else that had bothered me didnt matter anymore coz i loved him and he made me happy. then we broke up in january and said the things i think i have already mentioned somewhere in this thread. and now im left feeling very insecure and upset and worthless.

so it seems, that in conclusion, ive only ever been happy when ive been in a relationship coz they have taken me away from being annoyed about my family and losing my bestest friend ive never been able to replace
Reply 11
i think you'll be fine at uni. the people you meet won't know what problems you've had in the past so they won't prejudge you and you can move as fast or as slow as you want in making friends and finding new interests

also you'll be away from your family a lot more and so you'll naturally get more confident and lose some of the bad memories you have (esp of your previous relationship)

good luck
I'd suggest not getting into relationships for the mean time, it's sort of the same situation for me and I realise that you can't really be with someone else, if you don't naturally love yourself as well. That sort of thing wears down on other people, since they're constantly lifting you up, only for you to put yourself back down.

Having said that!

What you need is definitely a close best friend(s). Good thing that is going to be abundant at university.
Well I found out that u can really get a lot of coinfidence if u just go and mingle with everyone......just push ur self a little and when u r seen to be with the group than sitting in a corner , no one will label u as shy and everyone will treat u the way u want to be treated and u will just love socialising then. It will take a little time to feel comfortable with large no of pple surrounding u......but pushing and keeping urself surrounded by pple most of time......will definitely bring abt some coinfidence daily.
Reply 14
Remember that when you start uni no one is going to know what you are like, so take the opportunity to improve in those aspects, i know it can be hard as i used to be quite shy and avoidant of some situations but it got to the point where i realised the worst that can happen is not going to be worse than missing out on a lot of things.
Reply 15
im really nervous about going to uni because of of my extreme shyness.
i went out last night with all my friends and we were drinking and everyone was having fun but i wasnt having as much fun as i should have been. even after about 3 wkds, 8 shots my behaviour wasnt any different.
i think its because im not actually happy. i never seem to be happy. i mean i enjoy seeing my friends, i love them but i just dont feel happy or fun even in fun situations or wherever i am or who im with.

im still even quite quiet with people i know quite well and i hate this about myself. im worried i will go to uni and i wont make friends because of this and people will think im just a loser and not interesting or anything.

i dont feel good about myself.
i've been feeling like this for as long as i can remember, but why cant i be different, why cant i be happy like everyone else?
it doesn help that things have made me feel worse. a few of my ex's in the past have said stuff like 'i love, ur the best thing tht ever happened to me, id never want to leave u, etc. and one of them who said that was cheating on me all along and someone else found another girl within a few days of been broken up, and my last bf who i was with for like 1 year and a half broke up with me a few months ago and said that in future relationships im just gonna get dumped or cheated on.
im happy when im in a relationship but without one i just feel unhappy 80% of the time.

i think my problem is i rely on boyfriends to make me happy. i dont know how i can overcome it as ive tried going out and keeping busy and i do have fun but i guess i dont show my 'real' personality and dont feel happy on the inside.

any suggestions?

I'll be honest, you don't sound unhappy. You sound bored, you sound fed-up with your life and you sound like you want to use university to change things around; nothing wrong with that, its exactly how I was and what I did, I'm a fairly shy person but can get on with people yet my idea of a good time is different than most other peoples, there are all sorts of people at university, believe it or not they are not all wild party animals that eat only cereal and drink 20 cans of strongbow after a lecture until 3am.

So making friends at uni isn't going to be a really hard thing as long as you put yourself out there and introduce yourself to many people, and find something that you enjoying doing. I didn't in my first year (foundation year) and didn't make any friends and was terribly naive about making them as I never had to do it before in a strange city, I did in my second year (first year of my degree) and have a fair amount of friends, I can count them on one finger who I can consider good friends and I know plenty of people from just talking about getting past the shyness. You can't rely on anyone, not a soul, to take you by the hand through university and introduce you to people, even if its a boyfriend, you have to do it yourself.

Don't see the reason why people worry so much about this, it's not rocket science.

If it really helps, don't bother with a relationship while you're in your first few months of university, you won't truly settle down in the new life until November, and during that time you want a lot of time to yourself as well as a lot of time with new found friends.
Reply 16
hmmm thanks for ur honesty..

maybe ur right. but i think im unhappy and bored. or unhappy because im bored. i think it doesnt help that ive been revising 24/7 over the last few weeks and got dumped from a long relationship..

i will get out there. i just get rly embarrassed and coz i dnt talk much anyway i do find it quite hard to get close to people. though there was this guy at a party i went to the other day, i knew him from college, hadnt seen him in a year but was chattin to him a bit at the party, and he spoke to me on fb the next day askin if i wanted to meet up with him.. so i cnt b tht bad i guess...

i plan to go to bourenmouth for a while after exams and clear my mind and stuff. i dont do many things i have a big interest in, im not passionate about anything and i need to do a bit of soul searching i think..

I'll be honest, you don't sound unhappy. You sound bored, you sound fed-up with your life and you sound like you want to use university to change things around; nothing wrong with that, its exactly how I was and what I did, I'm a fairly shy person but can get on with people yet my idea of a good time is different than most other peoples, there are all sorts of people at university, believe it or not they are not all wild party animals that eat only cereal and drink 20 cans of strongbow after a lecture until 3am.

So making friends at uni isn't going to be a really hard thing as long as you put yourself out there and introduce yourself to many people, and find something that you enjoying doing. I didn't in my first year (foundation year) and didn't make any friends and was terribly naive about making them as I never had to do it before in a strange city, I did in my second year (first year of my degree) and have a fair amount of friends, I can count them on one finger who I can consider good friends and I know plenty of people from just talking about getting past the shyness. You can't rely on anyone, not a soul, to take you by the hand through university and introduce you to people, even if its a boyfriend, you have to do it yourself.

Don't see the reason why people worry so much about this, it's not rocket science.

If it really helps, don't bother with a relationship while you're in your first few months of university, you won't truly settle down in the new life until November, and during that time you want a lot of time to yourself as well as a lot of time with new found friends.
im really nervous about going to uni because of of my extreme shyness.
i went out last night with all my friends and we were drinking and everyone was having fun but i wasnt having as much fun as i should have been. even after about 3 wkds, 8 shots my behaviour wasnt any different.
i think its because im not actually happy. i never seem to be happy. i mean i enjoy seeing my friends, i love them but i just dont feel happy or fun even in fun situations or wherever i am or who im with.

im still even quite quiet with people i know quite well and i hate this about myself. im worried i will go to uni and i wont make friends because of this and people will think im just a loser and not interesting or anything.

i dont feel good about myself.
i've been feeling like this for as long as i can remember, but why cant i be different, why cant i be happy like everyone else?
it doesn help that things have made me feel worse. a few of my ex's in the past have said stuff like 'i love, ur the best thing tht ever happened to me, id never want to leave u, etc. and one of them who said that was cheating on me all along and someone else found another girl within a few days of been broken up, and my last bf who i was with for like 1 year and a half broke up with me a few months ago and said that in future relationships im just gonna get dumped or cheated on.
im happy when im in a relationship but without one i just feel unhappy 80% of the time.

i think my problem is i rely on boyfriends to make me happy. i dont know how i can overcome it as ive tried going out and keeping busy and i do have fun but i guess i dont show my 'real' personality and dont feel happy on the inside.

any suggestions?

This is just me 100% :hugs:
I wish I knew what to suggest.
Reply 18
i was a complete loser before uni. still am to an extent. seen a slight change in the last few weeks.

do what makes you happy. i'd give uni a go