Hi there,
I noticed your post and it just stood out to me as I am exactly the same as you, I am very shy and feel awkward when I meet people, and some of my exes have treated me badly as well, one of them very much so, so I can totally see why you would feel low in self esteem and stuff, I'm so sorry to hear you have been treated that way and it can be so hard on you physically and mentally...
I know it seems hard but the other posters are right, if you just try and sort of make an effort to put yourself out there, it can do wonders for your self esteem and it doesn't seem as hard to talk to people after that...You must have done okay to make some friends already and go out with them so people musn't think you are that much of a loser, they must think you are pretty interesting and cool to talk to you!
I don't want to post hijack here but I will share something that has happened in my experience...I suffered terribly with depression at the hands of my ex who used to treat me like ****** (sorry to swear) and it can really make you feel as if no one wants to know you, that you are a loser and a freak and allsorts of horrible things that people do not think about you in the slightest, it can really put blinkers over your eyes and mess with your perception and if you think it's hard to meet people, that makes it a million times worse as you see every comment as laced with nastiness...I'm still not over it 100% now but I am getting there with it, and now I just think to myself 'Stuff my exes, it's a good reason they are just that, I am a kind, smart, interesting person who has a lot to offer the world and people want to know me just as much as I want to know them, and if they don't and want to be nasty they are not worth knowing' you just have to tell yourself that, you seem like a really nice person with a lot to offer people and just tell yourself that you are cool and fun and stuff, it's all about self belief, if you believe people want to know you then they will want to know you...
I know it's hard believe me I know it more than most, and Uni can be a very intimidating place to people who don't want to do the typical student lifestyle of drinking and socialising, what is your degree? Maybe if you're really interested in it you can join the related society and meet people that way? Or maybe in your interests? I joined the Anime society, and I totally thought no one else would like it but hey, now I know a lot of people through it so it's all good!
I'm not very good at advice I'm afraid but that's just the advice I can offer you, if you feel shy, try and build yourself up and stuff and don't think you are a loser because no one is a loser ever, it's nasty underhanded people who make you feel that way, it is them with the problem, not you...
Oh and you're a blonde, go you girl, blonde power to us shy awesome blondes!