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Id say, take a science. Bio, chem, and Physics are all good so just pick one you're best at. Investment banking is very much about logic and so a science degree of some sort would probably be your best bet to get into the career.
Reply 2
A language OR Physics OR Chemistry
Reply 3
Because you already have 4 quite strong academic A Levels I would advise you to take critical thinking or a language would be good as well.
i think thats a nice selection the way it is - i wouldnt bother taking a fifth
Reply 5
Any subject which you can get an A in and is not 'blacklisted' by any of the top unis (look at Cambridge or LSE's websites to see 'less acceptable' A-levels and don't choose one of these)! Choosing a language could be a good idea as banking's so international now, but if you're better at another subject then there's no reason why you shouldn't take that, it's your 5th AS and you've already got 4 versatile, good subjects so you can have some flexibility!
You're rarity, wanting to go into IB :rolleyes:

Your choices look pretty sound so far for getting into the appropriate unis (Oxbridge/LSE/Warwick/UCL/Imperial). If taking an extra AS would have no real chance of reducing your overall grades (i.e. if by taking 5 you got AAABB rather than AAAA) then perhaps physics or a language, it doesn't hugely matter, you've got all the right ones there (maths, FM, economics and an essay based subject). If, however, there is significant risk a 5th AS would pull down your grades, it would be better to stick with the 4.

Edit: what subject do you want to do at uni?
Reply 7
if you're good at languages, a language (i hear they're hard). if not, i'd say chemistry if you think you can get a good grade
Reply 8
It does. Don't listen to what this thing says. He doesnt know what he's talkin about. Just ignore him.

He is already doin maths, F maths, economics and history. It genuinely doesnt matter what he does as a fifth subject, he doesnt even need a fifth AS
Reply 9
four is good already, don't see what a 5th will achieve tbh, but depends on the unis you're looking to go to
Reply 10
I want to be an investment banker.
I chose Business Studies, Economics, Maths and German
Personally I would stick with 4, you already have four quite challenging subjects there. However if you're confident you can get As in all of them then it might be worth doing a fifth.
Reply 12
I don't think you can do business and economics together. My school didn't let me, said the courses were too similar
Reply 13
I want to be an investment banker.
I chose Business Studies, Economics, Maths and German

Drop Business Studies - if it is not too late - Considered as non acceptable subject by many good Univs.
Reply 14
business studies and economics; good luck getting into a top uni for economics related courses with that.
Chemistry, Physics, Maths & Economics would all be highly desirable, and perhaps History.
3 of the first 7 posts have answered the question. Don't bog the thread down with repeating the information, read before you post.

You can do economics and business studies, just some unis look down on it. They look down on business studies altogether in actual fact.
Reply 16
FM will be a good choice.
Reply 17
It doesn't matter what a-levels you do. Get to Oxbridge or LSE and you'll have the best chance.
Reply 18
I want to be an investment banker.
I chose Business Studies, Economics, Maths and German

Business Studies and Economics is not good combination at all since they overlap and business studies is often seen by top Unis as a 'soft' A Level. I would advise you to change it for another A Level such as a Science or an essay based subject such as History.
Reply 19
I want to be an investment banker, I'm doing Biology, chemistry, Maths and Economics :smile: