The Student Room Group

Where do you hope to be in 10 years time?

And what do you hope to be doing?

It might help by stating what course your doing at uni, how long the course is, and what job you hope to get at the end of it.

I'm doing a Business and Spanish course, which lasts 4 years with 1 year spent in a Spanish speaking country.

I'm hoping to be fluent in Spanish by the end of the course, with a good trainee management job (if not an actual manager), at a successful company (perhaps a Spanish one) working my way up to earning some good money :smile: (i.e. over 50k)

Where do you all hope to be in 10 years time, and doing what?

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Reply 1
Gently mouldering in an academic's office somewhere. If I'm a Nobel Laureate then so much the better.
Reply 2
engineering new chocolates for the masses :p:
Reply 3
My own livery yard.
Big house, with land...

I'm easily please :p:
Reply 4
Hopefully I'll have a dog, a nice malinois if I'm still around.
Reply 5
Hopefully I'll have a dog, a nice malinois.

Would you save it over a stranger if they were both drowning?

[this is refered to that other thread]

with a phd in philosophy, writing in depth articles and perhaps books on philosophical topics, perhaps dabbling in journalism, living in another country (i want to experience many cultures in my lifetime cause you only get one chance at living)..... a girl can dream can't she???

that would be happiness for me:smile:
Reply 7
Would you save it over a stranger if they were both drowning?

[this is refered to that other thread]


Well I don't have the dog yet...
Where do you all hope to be in 10 years time, and doing what?

In your ma!

Well, hopefully have a job (something amazing), a house (7 bedroom, worth over 2mil), a bit of money (500k/year maybe... :tongue:), and more importantly an awesome social life.
Reply 9
Living in a loft in Paris, shacked up with a stubbly photographer called Marco, blogging about my generally wonderful existence to the adoring masses.
Living in a loft in Paris, shacked up with a stubbly photographer called Marco, blogging about my generally wonderful existence to the adoring masses.

love it:biggrin:
Back of a truck.
Hopefully working as an FY1/FY2
Reply 13
Erm, out of education, I don't think I could hack much more than a degree, and one of two things that may sound stupid:

Either still in this country with a pretty good job, no idea what. But stable.

Or in Germany (I study German) probably not quite having found my feet yet.
Working an office job 9-5, with my own flat, motorbike and alsation.

Other than that I really don't care.
Probably have a job in a lab somewhere, with a masters degree (probably) and perhaps a PhD from a fairly prestigious university (I'd hope!). But hey, it's 10 years off, for all I know I'll end up failing my A-Levels, or dropping out of uni and end up with a job as a hairdresser or something! But hopefully not :s-smilie:.
Reply 16
Reply 17
2 children
good job
nice house in a village
Reply 18
I just hope I don't get fat
I really don't care.