The Student Room Group

Mathematical Physics

Hi just wondering if anybody, except myself, that is applying to University this year has applied for Mathematical Physics i. e. Mathematics and Physics. If yes, which Universities have you applied to?

I personally have applied to:

i) Imperial College London
ii) University College London
iii) King's College London
iv) Edinburgh
v) Warwick
vi) St. Andrew's

Reply 1
Hi just wondering if anybody, except myself, that is applying to University this year has applied for Mathematical Physics i. e. Mathematics and Physics. If yes, which Universities have you applied to?

I personally have applied to:

i) Imperial College London
ii) University College London
iii) King's College London
iv) Edinburgh
v) Warwick
vi) St. Andrew's


Well I am doing my first year of that course at Warwick. You will like it, its quite cool. Except they are so harsh with the notation in Analysis...
Reply 2
Hi just wondering if anybody, except myself, that is applying to University this year has applied for Mathematical Physics i. e. Mathematics and Physics. If yes, which Universities have you applied to?

I personally have applied to:

i) Imperial College London
ii) University College London
iii) King's College London
iv) Edinburgh
v) Warwick
vi) St. Andrew's


a word of note. i'm in my first year doing Maths with Applied Maths/Mathematical Physics at Imperial.

my course is essentially a maths degree, but I have already pre-chosen my options for the latter part of my course, ie the 2nd and 3rd years. so there isn't alot of practical physics going on (ie no lab work). it's not a joint honours thing like some other unis do.
Reply 3
So do you essentially do a full Mathematics Degree and a full Physics Degree? That is excellent, seeing that I want to go into Theoretical Physicss rather than Practical. :cool:

Reply 4
4Ed, do you know someone called Amir over at Imperial?
Reply 5
I'm doing a joint honours Maths and Physics degree at Durham. Beware of "Mathematical Physics" that doesn't really teach you much science, just mathematics disguised as physics. If you want to actually study physics as well, then be sure the course is Maths and Physics.
Reply 6
So do you essentially do a full Mathematics Degree and a full Physics Degree? That is excellent, seeing that I want to go into Theoretical Physicss rather than Practical. :cool:


I don't know how other unis do it but at Warwick you can chose a little on your own. We have no practical work the first year, and you could simply chose mainly theoretical modules the following years. I would say roughly 2/3 of everything we do is Maths. They are also pretty liberal about transfers within teh department so if you decide after a week that you would prefer a pure Physics/ pure maths course they would probably let you switch. Also, I asked my lecturer about it and he pretty much said that if you want to do theoretical physics then the more matsh you do teh better (still doing a physics course).
Reply 7
4Ed, do you know someone called Amir over at Imperial?

Reply 8
Hi just wondering if anybody, except myself, that is applying to University this year has applied for Mathematical Physics i. e. Mathematics and Physics. If yes, which Universities have you applied to?

I personally have applied to:

i) Imperial College London
ii) University College London
iii) King's College London
iv) Edinburgh
v) Warwick
vi) St. Andrew's


I've got an offer to do Maths and Physics at Warwick, all my others are plain physics or theoretical physics though