The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Please don't take this as gospel (as it may be completely wrong) but as far as I know the NASWUT is for women and is against strike action.
Reply 2
Was just wondering if anyone knows the difference between the two??
I'm looking to join one but not sure of the differences.

Interesting what the above poster has said about the NASUWT, because afaik, it is the combination of two different unions. the National Association of Schoolmasters (or something), and the Union of Women's Teachers = NASUWT. And (get this!), the NAS used to be anti-women teachers, campaigning against equal pay for women, and originally broke away from the NUT to form the National Association of Male Teachers in 1922 (changing to the NAS) because they were unhappy with the NUT's support of equal pay for women. But then sometime in the 1970s with the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 they realised they couldn't keep on with their anti-women agenda and so to survive actually joined up with the UWT! can you believe the hypocrisy? I can't believe the UWT agreed to it to be honest. i mean, i understand both their causes instantly were rendered useless by the Act forbidding sex discrimination but it seems a bit silly. however the NUT is the biggest union but to me seems a bit left wing and hardcore marxist but that's just opinion. they are against SATs and academies i think and always push for above inflation pay rise. also the leader died recently, steve sinnott, i think, so take it into consideration that it might be a ricketty ride for a bit. and also they are considering further strike action. also i reckon there is a bit of apathy in the union, maybe due to its sheer size, because only a quarter or something turned out for the strike vote. just a thought.
Reply 3
I've never looked into this, so didn't have a clue about the male/female discrimination mentioned by the previous poster - intriguing!
The main difference and the only one I was aware of was that the NASUWT don't strike.
Reply 4
I've never looked into this, so didn't have a clue about the male/female discrimination mentioned by the previous poster - intriguing!
The main difference and the only one I was aware of was that the NASUWT don't strike.

I know, right? It's strangely interesting in terms of unions which are usually snore boring! I'll read up some more on it at some point.
Reply 5
Thanks guys, sorry i took a while to reply,

Anyone got any idea which one is better to join and why?
Just can't really decide and wondeinrg if anyone has any advice?

Thanks :smile: xx
Reply 6

use wikipedia
Reply 8
Neither are 'better'. The question is whether you agree with the issues for which they are petitioning. You need to look into that. NUT are generally more militant. Personal preference.