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yes we can, or least i think we can, diabetics can for sure....
Reply 2
Yeah we can bring food as far as I know (though not like burger and chips or anything crunchy and noisy I'd imagine...).
We can't, however, bring mobile phones within about five miles of the examination room. I live off campus so I'm in a bit of a pickle with this ... I'm going to have to go the day without my phone, even if I want to go out after exam, etc. Really annoying that you can't just give it to someone like in good old A levels.
Renegade Dagger
I heard we were, then received an email a while ago stipulating that only pens were allowed to be taken into exams.

What are the rules on this?

Yeah, there have been some changes to this.

Firstly, you're only allowed black pens in some exams, so I'd give up the blue biro while you can so you get into the habit. Technically you're not allowed phones in the exam room, but our invigilators still collect them in anyway (and there don't appear to be any sanctions for people who bring them and hand them in). If you really can't survive without your phone, check with the exmas officer or someone as a formality, and just bring it and hand it in on the day.

As for food, we're allowed water (label off the bottle of course :rolleyes:), but I'm not sure about food. I didn't think it was allowed, and you wouldn't want to waste time unwrapping stuff, but I'll see if I can find anything on QCA's site.
... as long as its not a 3 course meal, were allowed "discrete sweets" like polos n stuff.... although i saw someone with a pot of grapes on their desk the other day so...
I'm going to be so annoyed if someone comes in with crisps, which are officially the noisest food ever lol. I'm sure no one will mind the cheeky fruit pastel though, so long as you haven't written the answers on it :biggrin:
99p And A Flake
I'm going to be so annoyed if someone comes in with crisps, which are officially the noisest food ever lol. I'm sure no one will mind the cheeky fruit pastel though, so long as you haven't written the answers on it :biggrin:

How would even go about writting the answers on a fruit pastil?
How would even go about writting the answers on a fruit pastil?

When the Chinese can write your name on a grain of rice, I'm sure someone somewhere could write the answers on one. They'd probably take account of the distortion the text would be subjected to as the light reflected off the sugar crystals as well :wink:
When the Chinese can write your name on a grain of rice, I'm sure someone somewhere could write the answers on one. They'd probably take account of the distortion the text would be subjected to as the light reflected off the sugar crystals as well :wink:

If that is the case then how would you read it? i dont think a magnifying glass is particularly subtle
As far as I know, we're allowed 'subtle' food, basically stuff that doesn't make a noise. I was quite tempted to bring in a McDonalds just to see what would happen. Or get a pizza delivered to the exam hall :smile:
If that is the case then how would you read it? i dont think a magnifying glass is particularly subtle

Modified "Milhouse van Houten" style glasses would be. I'm sure someone nerdy enough to write answers on a Fruit Pastille could carry them off no problem :p:
Reply 11
Tbh anyone can cheat like that if they want...
Just bring in a tissue 'for blowing your nose' and if suspicion is aroused, eat/snort it!

As my wise A-level teacher once said :
"if you are smart/lucky enough to cheat and get away with it, you deserve the grade"
Thanks guys. I didn't know about the black pen rule, I am quite shocked!
Yeah we can bring food as far as I know (though not like burger and chips or anything crunchy and noisy I'd imagine...).
We can't, however, bring mobile phones within about five miles of the examination room. I live off campus so I'm in a bit of a pickle with this ... I'm going to have to go the day without my phone, even if I want to go out after exam, etc. Really annoying that you can't just give it to someone like in good old A levels.

You could just get a locker somewhere on campus for your bag/phone etc. The union has lockers and I imagine some departments might too. Mine has lockers in the computer room and common room that you just put £1 in, thats where I will be leaving my bag.
Really annoying that you can't just give it to someone like in good old A levels.
I guess if any of your friends are going to be on campus anyway you could leave your stuff with them. Or one of those alcoves in the library that always have someone's bag in but the owner is nowhere to be seen.

I wasn't serious about the fruit pastels originally, but now I'm definitely going to try it lol
Reply 15
There'll generally be people around revising - it's worked out pretty well for me, with friends either having exams at different times or having cars on campus. Or just find someone who lives on campus and buy them some chocolate. Most departments have lockers.

Back to the original question - I've got away with three years of smarties in exams :smile: and the black pen rule I think was someone messing around... :P I use as many colours in mine as I can justify! Don't forget to take your uni card, you'll need it for ID.
Reply 16
I'm going to have to go the day without my phone, QUOTE]

thanks for cheering me up a bit.

Can find nothing about any pen rules on Website...hopefully just someone having a joke
Reply 17
When it says 'you may make notes but not do working' on the question paper [NOT ON THE ANSWER SHEET] during reading time, what do people understand by that?

I '(may have)' rearranged a formula to make it easier to do the that allowed?
or are you just supposed to write out the theoretical method to remind yourself or something.

Where is the boundary of allowability?
How can they enforce this boundary when the papers go with the students at the end?
the exams semm really unprofessional compared to at school. reading time starts when you walk in so if your last in the room you get less by default seems a bit ******ed.
Reply 19

The exams I just sat were very much same conduct as in school.
They waited 10 mins for all to enter, gives time for the late ones to come.. then the rule readings begin.
Mobile phones, we had to have them turned off and in our bags and all belongings (coats and bags) at the front of the room by the invigulator. Our pockets had to be completley empty. all my exams even at GCSE I have taken in some form of sweets. Normally Polos, sometimes fruit pastels, or soft mints. It has never once been a problem. I do thi because after 2 hours and with the pre-exam nerves I tend to skip breakfast, nothing is worse than sitting in a silent exam theatre and your stomach grumbles loudly!
I never heard of the black ink thing.

Good thing my exams are now over ^_^
rest of the courses I have signed up for are vocational and thesis based :smile: