My boyfriends going to Uni in september, but im a year younger, so i'll be staying at home for another year. He is so excited which is understandable, but will not stop going on about it. We have talked about it, and he's always said he wanted to stick with me, but recently hes started making friends with people who are also going to the same uni, and he's beggining to seem distant, all he talks about is going, and "moving away" the other day he said he would go tomorrow if he could, which really hurt me. I dont know whether im being selfish, or whether hes being insensitive.
I dont know whether i will deal with him leaving, it will be mainly up to me whether i go and see him, because he is certain that he will be getting a job too and that there wil be very few weekends to come and see me.
This is obviously quite a common thing, sooo it would be good to hear other people who have been through simmilar/are going through it now.