please keep anon
last yr i was in col completed the course and loved every minute of it. Went back to do the next level but all my friends from last yr went to do a different course in the col.
when i started my new course this yr i felt excited because it was something i really enjoyed doing. But when i got to col on the first moning my confidence shattered everyone seemed so confident compared to me and everyone had seemed to form into groups. I had my own little group there was three of us one girl i had known from school and the other girl didnt have much confidence either, they were really good mates and when i needed to ask the tutors something they would do it for me coz my confidence was so low(i had reasons for my confidence to be so low ask if you want to know more)
but soon then one of the girls started having a go at me and the other girl stood by her i felt alone, its now nearly four months since the arguement started, since then i have been threatend, accused of being two faced and attention seeking even though being in the centre of attention freaks me out, the tow girls have also turned the rest of the class against me bar two people, everyday on the bus for the 30 minute journey i have them slagging me off loud enough for me to hear and then again one the 30minute journey back home. I've been accused of things i havent done and i am actually petrified to go to college. the two girls have gone to the tutor saying i'm doing stuff that i'm not, i've tried explaining the situation to the tutors at first i couldnt then with help from my friends last yr i spoke to my tutor both my firends broke down crying saying it wasnt fair that way i was being treated. The col got my parents in twice my parents told them about how i was making myself ill and said that i'm scared to go to col and the tutors reply are that the other girls story is different so there nothing they can do.
really dont know what to do the 'bullies' said it was because i didnt speak so i have tried to improve on my confidence and the tutors say that they can see the improvement, i have tried apoligising but it just makes things worse
i cant eat properly, i making myself sick, i'm having panic attacks, i get shaky and stuttery i get dizziness, is SH but no-one knows. Please help someone people say if you being bullied to go to the tutors but what if they dont believe despite the fact that your parents and friends have said that it's so serious if it carries on i'm worried i might do something stupid -x- ANY POSTS WELCOME -x- I'M DESPARATE -x-