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Reply 1
me 2 ahhhhh ! ......i sectioned them into themes.(natural hazerds .etc) ...learn recent case studies as i'm told examiners credit that... do u know when the exam is are u with AQA?
Reply 2
Case studies. They can be the make or break in an exam. Basically, what you'll notice is that most case studies have generic consequences.

And as my teacher always tells me: TAKE IT FURTHER.

For example, if you were doing tourism, and the effects of tourism you could say that it creates jobs. [1 mark?] But then you should go onto say that now people have jobs, they have more disposable income, therefore increasing their standard of living. [2 marks at least at this point]. Then you could say that now that people are getting money from tourism, they pay taxes to the government. The government can then reinvest that money into things such as hospitals and infrastructure, therefore causing the economy to grow. [4-5 marks]. All that stemed from one little point about jobs.

So basically, develop your points. So if you know 2 or 3 points that are specific to a case study (e.g. the one child policy was successful as projections show that without the one child policy, the popluation in China would be at least higher by 230 million poeople) that should be enough. As long as you can develop points.

Good luck with your exams.
Reply 3
Nope no tips... except for a tip that i should also take into account: spend less time on the internet asking people for help revising and actually do the revision necessary! Haha i just can't do it though, i'm completely crapp at getting distracted. GOOD LUCK! :wink:
Reply 4
Nope no tips... except for a tip that i should also take into account: spend less time on the internet asking people for help revising and actually do the revision necessary! Haha i just can't do it though, i'm completely crapp at getting distracted. GOOD LUCK! :wink:

Thats true, I've spent way too long on here today. The plan was to learn off by heart at least the Pinatubo, Kobe, Boscastle, Bangladesh, China and Mexico-USA case studies today. Somehow I doubt I can do that now!
Lol, I have 11 case studies to learn...
I have two from Tectonics
One from Coasts
Two from Rivers
Two for Tourism
One from Industry
Two from Population

So.....10!!! Argghh, the exams on Wednesday. :frown:
I have two from Tectonics
One from Coasts
Two from Rivers
Two for Tourism
One from Industry
Two from Population

So.....10!!! Argghh, the exams on Wednesday. :frown:

I am meant to be learning it now :/

The hardest thing is working out what case-study goes where...I have about 5 for tourism - Sustainable, fragile sustainable, mountain MEDC, Coast LEDC, and sustainable tourism, and I have no idea which is which!
I am meant to be learning it now :/

The hardest thing is working out what case-study goes where...I have about 5 for tourism - Sustainable, fragile sustainable, mountain MEDC, Coast LEDC, and sustainable tourism, and I have no idea which is which!

I know! Mine are everywhere and I don't know what is what. Plus i'm takin Maths on Monday and English on Tuesday and Thursday. I feel like screaming.....there is not enough time to get through it all! :mad:
Unfortunatly for me I think I can beat 10. I'm with Edexcel adn although it is a cool course, we have 18 case studies to learn but now thankfully, due to the topic of the DME we have 4 less, but thats still 14! Thank god I learnt them during Easter...
I know! Mine are everywhere and I don't know what is what. Plus i'm takin Maths on Monday and English on Tuesday and Thursday. I feel like screaming.....there is not enough time to get through it all! :mad:

I have done 15/25 so at least I have done most of mine :smile:

I had 6 hours of exams on one day, so I am glad I have fewer after half term, but Eng Lang, His and Geog are going to be a nightmare :s-smilie:

I still have about 8 days left, so enough time to learn it all hopefully :s-smilie:

how many exams do you have after half term?
Unfortunatly for me I think I can beat 10. I'm with Edexcel adn although it is a cool course, we have 18 case studies to learn but now thankfully, due to the topic of the DME we have 4 less, but thats still 14! Thank god I learnt them during Easter...

I am doing edexcel too, but spec A, so I don't do DME...
Thats true, I've spent way too long on here today. The plan was to learn off by heart at least the Pinatubo, Kobe, Boscastle, Bangladesh, China and Mexico-USA case studies today. Somehow I doubt I can do that now!

It's so funny, i love the way we spend time on here talking about all the revision we need to do! haha makes me laugh...! i've revised the energy topic and farming topic so far.
I am doing edexcel too, but spec A, so I don't do DME...

:confused: What do you do instead then?
Reply 14
I don't even have any case studies I can study from (great teacher, eh?).
:confused: What do you do instead then?

I did coursework, which took forever and then two exams, and thats it :confused:
I don't even have any case studies I can study from (great teacher, eh?).

If you are doing edexcel, use the 'Tomorrow's Geography' textbook. All the case studies are in there, in loads of detail. I am not using my notes on case studies...
Always remember how many people died in hazard case studies then just B.S. your way through the rest of it. They always want figures of some sort.
Reply 18
I'm struggling with the case studies :frown: my notes on half of them seem to have vanished!

I'm trying to type up all the case studies in a Word doc so I can learn them from that (and print out more copies when I inevitably lose the original...) but I don't seem to know nearly enough. :frown:

Vioxx's advice seems good though -- thanks :smile:

I really wish I'd bought a decent textbook instead of relying on one borrowed from school which turned out to be crap :rolleyes:
I have done 15/25 so at least I have done most of mine :smile:

I had 6 hours of exams on one day, so I am glad I have fewer after half term, but Eng Lang, His and Geog are going to be a nightmare :s-smilie:

I still have about 8 days left, so enough time to learn it all hopefully :s-smilie:

how many exams do you have after half term?

I have 8 more exams after half term. I have 4 next week, then Geog the week after and the Sciences the week after that. i guess I have one thing to be thankfull for.....Physics is my last exam.Lol. :wink:

I officially have 6 days until Maths and 7 days until Eng Lang. OMG, I have to get of TSR.....I havn't done hardly any revision on English and I want to get an A*. :s-smilie: