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Girl Wanted Sex, I rejected her because i like her too much - opinions

So here is the thing. This girl on my course who i'm great friends with offered to have sex with me last night when out clubbing. She said she had been thinking about it for ages.

She has recently split wit her boyfriend who she is still in love with and she is also seeing this random guy for just sex. Her bf has moved to australia for 6 months, she is going to see him in 5 weeks for a month. They might get back together.

I really like her, much more than just a sex object. I told her i didnt want random casual sex because i think she is worth more than that and i want more than that, but she didnt want the same things as me right now.

I guess the whole thing is confusing. I just want her to forget the other two and go out with me! I basically said that but yeah... messy really.

We're still friends and its not awkward because we get on so well. I can be so honest with her and vice versa, i've never experienced it before. Should i just forget her in that way?

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I personally think you did the right thing. It would mess you up with all your feelings for her and she wouldn't be bothered. I can understand why you would be tempted to thou.
I don't know. As she says shes been thinking about sex with you for while then its possible that she does like you. I'd say that shes all over the place with her emotions at the moment and needs to work out how she feels. until then i think you might have a chance at some point. But if she suddenly decides something (either to split with her bf, or get rid of the random other guy,or that she doesn't see you in a boyfriend way) then you will probably have to accept it. doesn't sound like shes being final with anything thou
Reply 2
Yeah i think she may like me but i think she can't decide. Maybe i just need to play it cool for a while.
I wish i knew more guys like you, ha!
No you definately did the right thing, i dont think you should forget her though, just because she still likes her ex now doesnt mean she will forever and the fact she offered to sleep with you shows theres maybe something there because most girls wouldnt want sex with someone they werent attracted to in any way.
Reply 4
You're a better (or at least, more moral) man than me. I don't think I'd have been able to resist an offer like that. Although I doubt I would have felt bad if I went through with it either.
Give her time to get over this ex of hers and explain to her that, in the long run, she won't be getting anything out of the 'relationship' she currently has with the other guy you were talking about. Stay good friends with her through it all and you never know; you might get what you want after she's sorted herself out. :yy:
Reply 6
I think shes confused. Best to keep a distance til your "safe".
So here is the thing. This girl on my course who i'm great friends with offered to have sex with me last night when out clubbing. She said she had been thinking about it for ages.

She has recently split wit her boyfriend who she is still in love with and she is also seeing this random guy for just sex. Her bf has moved to australia for 6 months, she is going to see him in 5 weeks for a month. They might get back together.

I really like her, much more than just a sex object. I told her i didnt want random casual sex because i think she is worth more than that and i want more than that, but she didnt want the same things as me right now.

I guess the whole thing is confusing. I just want her to forget the other two and go out with me! I basically said that but yeah... messy really.

We're still friends and its not awkward because we get on so well. I can be so honest with her and vice versa, i've never experienced it before. Should i just forget her in that way?

Where do all these girls come from?
Reply 8
God it hurts so much! Why can't it just be simple?
Good Man.
Give it time. I reckon she may well like you alot, but she needs to get over this ex. I think it's a waiting game with this one.
FPS, imo.
You're a better (or at least, more moral) man than me. I don't think I'd have been able to resist an offer like that. Although I doubt I would have felt bad if I went through with it either.

Reply 13
I guarantee that you'll be going out with her inside of six months.
Reply 14
You did the right thing.

Even if she does like you, its clear that she still has feelings for her ex which may have confused her even more if she did have sex with you.
Reply 15
So here is the thing. This girl on my course who i'm great friends with offered to have sex with me last night when out clubbing. She said she had been thinking about it for ages.

She has recently split wit her boyfriend who she is still in love with and she is also seeing this random guy for just sex. Her bf has moved to australia for 6 months, she is going to see him in 5 weeks for a month. They might get back together.

I really like her, much more than just a sex object. I told her i didnt want random casual sex because i think she is worth more than that and i want more than that, but she didnt want the same things as me right now.

I guess the whole thing is confusing. I just want her to forget the other two and go out with me! I basically said that but yeah... messy really.

We're still friends and its not awkward because we get on so well. I can be so honest with her and vice versa, i've never experienced it before. Should i just forget her in that way?

I was stumped at "I told her i didnt want random casual sex". That's amazing man. Such willpower. Such... idiocy haha! :biggrin:

You definately did the right thing. The fact she's asked you and you said no is assuring her that you're a pretty safe bet so when it does happen, she knows your not just in it for the sex. Well played. Ask her again in a few weeks how things are going and maybe if you could take her out or something. She obviously sees you as a mate at the moment, therefore offering yourself for something more than that is a few steps in the right direction.
Reply 16
utmost respect for that! Way to go! =D
You're a better (or at least, more moral) man than me. I don't think I'd have been able to resist an offer like that. Although I doubt I would have felt bad if I went through with it either.

Same here
Reply 18
Can you please tell me which course you doing and at which university..
That's such a gentlemanly thing to do - look at it like this, if she ain't going out with you inside of six months there'll be a whole load of girls off here banging your door down :wink: