The Student Room Group

AQA English Lit B Unit 6 Pre Release 2008


What Grade boundary do you think you got for Question 1?

Hey, just wondering what every is thinking about the upcoming English lit exam on Wednesday 11th June. It may seem far away but we should get the pre-release for unit 6 on Wednesday 4th June - just over a week away.

Would you prefer a text, poem etc in the pre-release?
How are you revising? Are you reading more?
Just hoping to start some discussion about it for when it comes out soon.

Thanks for your thoughts

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Reply 1
Hey, just wondering what every is thinking about the upcoming English lit exam on Wednesday 11th June. It may seem far away but we should get the pre-release for unit 6 on Wednesday 4th June - just over a week away.

Would you prefer a text, poem etc in the pre-release?
How are you revising? Are you reading more?
Just hoping to start some discussion about it for when it comes out soon.

Thanks for your thoughts

i havent revised for it yet because im busy with the other english exams and other subjects, i guess i should attempt to read more as a stinky question about books you have read could come up, although our teacher said that if one like that does come up, we should write about books that we have studied in school as those are the ones we have most knowledge on?
i would prefer a text/prose in pre-release
what texts are you studying for Unit 5?
I'm doin measure for measure(shakespeare) and The wife of Bath(Chaucer)
Reply 2
i havent revised for it yet because im busy with the other english exams and other subjects, i guess i should attempt to read more as a stinky question about books you have read could come up, although our teacher said that if one like that does come up, we should write about books that we have studied in school as those are the ones we have most knowledge on?
i would prefer a text/prose in pre-release
what texts are you studying for Unit 5?
I'm doin measure for measure(shakespeare) and The wife of Bath(Chaucer)

I understand what you mean. All other exams going on, etc, it's just hard to find the time to focus on this exam. In a way having the pre-release will be helpful as we can really analyze it. However part 2 of question b requires us to talk and compare the text with books we have read. I'm just hoping that we will be able to talk about texts that we have studied, otherwise it won't be as good an answer as it could've been.

I would also prefer a text in hopefully both pre-release and the exam. In unit 5 we did Measure for Measure and Poetry. I'm just hoping this exam goes well!
Reply 3
ive completely avoided it...ille just wait for the pre release and then go mad !!
Reply 4
ive completely avoided it...ille just wait for the pre release and then go mad !!

Have you done or looked at any past papers on it? I plan on trying to do at least one over the half term - whether I do or not is another thing though!

Well lets hope a few of us on here, combined with our English classes can bring debate and discussion about the pre-release when it comes!
Reply 5
Have you done or looked at any past papers on it? I plan on trying to do at least one over the half term - whether I do or not is another thing though!

Well lets hope a few of us on here, combined with our English classes can bring debate and discussion about the pre-release when it comes!

ive looked at some, and did a mock last month. But thats about it...i need to spend a full day on it i think, just trying to familiarise with the structure of the exam.

Yep ille be here on the 4th to discuss
I don't really see how you can revise a hell of a lot for English lit. I usually re read the text, brush up on me notes, write a few paragraphs and the rest is down to getting a good question me thinks
Reply 7
well we have one of english lessons per week on synoptic, i know some schools dont, we generally go over past papers thus familiarizing ourselves with exam question and style, we've done quite a few questions and had a proper 3 hour mock with our teacher giving us pre-release before a few weeks ago. its annoying that its worth so much and cant prepare as much for it, oh well at least give us more time on other exams
Reply 8
After we get it our entire class is gonna meet up like normal, without teacher of course, and just discuss it like we have before, i think it will really help. i swear theres already an official thread for this? not sure though
Reply 9
After we get it our entire class is gonna meet up like normal, without teacher of course, and just discuss it like we have before, i think it will really help. i swear theres already an official thread for this? not sure though

Yea I think my class will do the same, it's a good idea. I'm not sure if there is. I did however see a thread like this for last year's exam, but as of yet I haven't seen one for 2008 so I didn't wanna search around on the day so that's why I started this one.

If anyone happens to see another thread about the 2008 paper then ill happily post on there too.
yep lets just stick to one thread to post everything. This one is good, if we keep it running till then
Hey everyone

I started this thread back in January in the hope we could all talk about the pre release material:

I'm dreading it!

EDIT: Oh wait, this thread's about Lit...I do Lit/Lang. My bad.
Reply 12
Assessment Objectives

AO1 communicate clearly the knowledge, understanding and insight appropriate to literary study, using appropriate terminology and accurate and coherent written expression (2½%)

AO2ii respond with knowledge and understanding to literary texts of different types and periods, exploring and commenting on relationships and comparisons between literary texts (5%)

AO3 show detailed understanding of the ways in which writers. Choices of form, structure and language shape meanings (5%)

AO4 articulate independent opinions and judgments, informed by different interpretations of literary texts by other readers (5%)

AO5ii evaluate the significance of cultural and historical and other contextual influences upon literary texts and study (2½%).

The first question will assess AO2ii and AO3.

The second question will assess AO1, AO4 and AO5ii. Each question is worth 40 marks.
Reply 13
In Question One (40 marks) candidate have to compare and contrast literary texts in terms of how the writers present their material.

In Question Two (40 marks) candidates have to show their own independent judgments, their understanding of other people’s interpretations and their understanding of contexts. AO1 is targeted in Question Two.

Question 1
This question always asks candidates to compare and contrast the ways in which different writers, of either extracts or complete texts, present their material.

However, the focus of the question is, as always, on the Comparison of the ways in which the writer achieves his or her purposes and a concentration on content at the expense of form, structure and language will not be highly rewarded.

Question 2
The mistake a lot of candidates made, including good ones, was of attempting to respond to too many of the viewpoints and thus being unable to respond to any of them in sufficient detail. It was sensible to refer briefly to them all, as many candidates did, to show that some initial evaluation had taken place but candidates would be wise in this part of the examination to concentrate on detailed consideration of one, two or three points rather than a superficial gloss on many.

They were directed to give reasons for their choice and the quality of the reasoning was the major determinant of the mark awarded. In particular candidates should be reminded that the main point of the task is to explore the literary text in order to back up the reasoning as to how far a particular viewpoint is applicable. Answers that concentrated on the viewpoints rather than the literary text therefore penalized themselves.

?? Bullet 2 ?? - Quote and Improve needed

Students can work from any of the sets of material available from previous examinations or exemplar material. They can focus on one of the important AO3 aspects and write a paragraph comparing the ways two of the writers use one aspect or technique. The key words they should be working from are viewpoint, form, language, imagery, structure and setting.
Reply 14
Example of a Good and Bad opening for Question 1

Ideally candidates should make clear in the opening paragraph that they are aware of the importance of comparing the given texts. Many candidates, including some very good ones, started their comparison of the literary extracts on last summer’s paper with a paragraph of this kind:

‘Edward Albee in the given extract from Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Elizabeth Jennings in her poem ‘Family Affairs’ and Carol Ann Duffy in her poem ‘Close’, all present intimate personal relationships under strain but they do it in different ways.’

This was an inappropriate opening because it did no more than reiterate the question. Of course candidates must focus on the question but they should be introducing their own response from the very beginning. A more appropriate opening would have been:

‘The dramatist and the two poets all present intimate personal relationships under strain but, because they are using different genres, they inevitably do so in different ways.’

The latter response not only focuses immediately on comparison of genres; it wastes no time on pointless iteration of names and titles.
Reply 15
Question 1

Compare and contrast the ways in which <Writer>, in <Pre-Release Extract>, and <Writer2> in <Exam Extract>,

June 2007: recreate history

Jan 2007: present their views on the relationship between the individual and society

June 2006: present children and parents

Jan 2006: attempt, in the opening sections of their works, to secure the interest of their reader/audience

June 2005: present experiences of education

Jan 2005: present relationships between different generations
man you are a life saver !!!!!! thank you for this thread
Reply 17
man you are a life saver !!!!!! thank you for this thread

lol, Thanks, I'm doing this to gather all my notes and to help other's people and help spur their idea's, especially considering we get the pre-release this Wednesday.
Reply 18
Yes thankyou for this! i'm digging through mine but none are really that useful.
I'm hoping that if we get poetry it will be in the pre-release and not in the unseen bit!
Reply 19
Question 2 + Bullet 2

Generally Question 2 will look like this:

On the basis of reading items <all pre-release items except item 1>, write about:

!How far (3+) critical viewpoints are presented/throw light/seem applicable in <pre-release> extract 1.

!How far you agree with <quote from pre-release>. You may support your answer with reference to texts you are familiar with (and texts in paper if question permits).

*Bullet 2 is basically your own views (I think)

June 2007:

Write about:

! Which of the views given in Items Two, Three and Four seem to you applicable to the opening of Tremain.s novel, Restoration

! Whether any of the prose fiction you have read or studied might be regarded in any way as historical fiction.

January 2007:

On the basis of your reading of Items Two, Three and Four (a) and (b), write about:

! Which of the views on Bradbury&#8217;s writing in Item Two seem to you applicable to the short story .The Murderer. You must give reasons for your choices

! The ways in which you can connect Items Three and Four (a) and (b) with the Murderer and The Unknown Citizen.

June 2006:

On the basis of your reading of Items Two, Three and Four, write about:

! The extent to which Item Two and either Item Three or Item Four have informed your response to the extract from The Mill on the Floss;

! What you have found interesting about the representation of gender in at least two literary texts you have read during your Advanced Level studies.

January 2006:

Items Two, Three and Four are all concerned with Literary Beginnings and the interpretations of texts. In the light of your reading of this material, write about:

_ How far the commentaries (Items Two and Three) on reading the openings of novels have helped to inform your response to the opening of Jon McGregor&#8217;s If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things;

_ The relationship between the reader and the text, showing how far you agree with the authors of Item Four that your response to texts arises out of your own contexts. Illustrate your answer by reference to the literary extracts from this paper and, if you wish, to other literary texts you have read.

June 2005:

In the light of your reading of Items Two and Three, write about:

_ How far at least two of the critical viewpoints in Item Two throw light on the extract from Nicholas Nickleby that you have read;

_ How far, from your study of English Literature at Advanced Level, you agree with Penelope Lively&#8217;s view that there is an advantage to reading as &#8216;literary innocents&#8217;. You should support your answer with reference to texts you are familiar with.

January 2005:

On the basis of your reading of Items Two, Three, Four and Five write about:

_ How far at least three of the qualities identified by the critics in Items Two and Three are present in the given extract from Amy&#8217;s View;

_ How far you agree with Pam Gems in Item Five when she says &#8220;all theater is political in a profound way.&#8221; In discussing this view you may refer to Item Four, to the extract from Amy&#8217;s View and to any other plays with which you are familiar.