The Student Room Group
Reply 1
why what happened last year?
Reply 2
Last Year (with actual year)was a brand new year so i thought i'd be able to go in and get different lines which i might have been able to respond to as its arts subjects and not sex (old injuries) education.I based my a-level choices around which lines i was going to get in which lessons. so i didn't take english lang lit because i was basically going to get reminded by a spaz that took my sexuality off me based on stereotypes and then started exaggerating it and then toning it down during the lesson, pretending that it didnt happen because i didn't feel comfortable reporting it or talking about it to friends.i go into school and don't see any way of realistically socialising with distant friends that were on that were on that revision course/outward bound because they were not intersted in what i got from their actual two faced friends at those events as well as in libraries or generally when they saw me and i was on my own. thats one aspect of my school. theres these other people who chat at appearance, one is from outward bound and one is from after outward bound. so he was using a line he had for my appearance from outward bound almost whenever i saw him near or in the sixth form common room. the one from after outward bound is always in the common room and has an even more exaggerated line for my appearance and furthermore can actually say things like you've got such an easy life just to patronise me for control. This is John lyon when i go into the common rooms and i'm generally just there. the one from outward bound who patronised me whilst i was being humiliated shows concern and wonders why i'm in the library and claims there are more important things in life like drugs which apparently i'm already on? this iswhat generally happens at school but in philosophy lessons if anuj (indian tamil) wanted he has the same line as fakeplastictrees to use when i say something and he actually does use it as fake charisma (as did white tamil from spanish the year before who is in english lang lit lessons at this point).

But the beginning of that year became a new experience because my networking friends who ignore all as well as the rory's (sameer's from previous days off) of this world claim i'm bunking as i stop turning up to lessons. When i do turn up to spanish lessons i get untoward, unthinkable concern so i'm doing pretence. because of the ones chatting at my appearance i end up trying to change my appearance and old friends wonder why i'm depressed when i start blanking them because i have to.

thats john lyon as it is and then i actually do get bullied/cyberbullied/pranked so without pretence the only person i can realistically go to is the one i don't see at school but after going on machines and then teachers doing 1984, i get told to do more pretence. when i go to the library, the one place of solitude dev is being charismatic about cyberbullying (which i'm alreadygetting bullied/concern for) and his gay science friend ali is just there with daniel mazzi. Instead of reporting a section
of my school, i use sticky's image which isnt realistic to have because because he's the tip of it.

I take a different year group and break contact with the one before and guess who i meet on a football forum to open all this up.

can i control what people twice my maturity say to me when we're not in a room pretending? NO

what i'm saying using image and reality which are ****ed/blurred is that my brother's a ******** and from the victim's perspective who needed help whilst in the school (and
not using fake charisma whilst lonely) is a slightly crapper version of the one who i wasatmpting to work towards whilst being an outcast which is what i wanted to be until i was at uni but apparently that requires me to become a spaz like fakeplastictrees.

either take an interest when your social outcast friend is being bullied in school or make it none of your business when they don't turn up and then its up to school to
explain to my parents why i'm getting different treatment in the lessons.

i had a lot of time to think about image during the summer holidays between AS and A2 and i was wondering why anorexia that i'm not interested in is more important than brain sexuality in lessons. brain sexuality or anorexia - which one do i need genuine
advice on when i'm getting called a homosexual in lessons and want to complete my a-levels with year group? its obviously going to be anorexia when thats what literally everyone including the ones that use brain sexuality on you will somehow manage to judge you on.
Reply 3
i'm not making a lot of sense. you're right.
Reply 4
Wooh, maybe break it down for us a little and stop with the random phrases....

Does: 'its obviously going to be anorexia when thats what literally everyone including the ones that use brain sexuality on you will somehow manage to judge you on'


Im upset that people are being homophobic to me??
Reply 5
Last Year (with actual year)was a brand new year so i thought i'd be able to go in and get different lines which i might have been able to respond to as its arts subjects and not sex (old injuries) education.I based my a-level choices around which lines i was going to get in which lessons. so i didn't take english lang lit because i was basically going to get reminded by a spaz that took my sexuality off me based on stereotypes and then started exaggerating it and then toning it down during the lesson, pretending that it didnt happen because i didn't feel comfortable reporting it or talking about it to friends.i go into school and don't see any way of realistically socialising with distant friends that were on that were on that revision course/outward bound because they were not intersted in what i got from their actual two faced friends at those events as well as in libraries or generally when they saw me and i was on my own. thats one aspect of my school. theres these other people who chat at appearance, one is from outward bound and one is from after outward bound. so he was using a line he had for my appearance from outward bound almost whenever i saw him near or in the sixth form common room. the one from after outward bound is always in the common room and has an even more exaggerated line for my appearance and furthermore can actually say things like you've got such an easy life just to patronise me for control. This is John lyon when i go into the common rooms and i'm generally just there. the one from outward bound who patronised me whilst i was being humiliated shows concern and wonders why i'm in the library and claims there are more important things in life like drugs which apparently i'm already on? this iswhat generally happens at school but in philosophy lessons if anuj (indian tamil) wanted he has the same line as fakeplastictrees to use when i say something and he actually does use it as fake charisma (as did white tamil from spanish the year before who is in english lang lit lessons at this point).

But the beginning of that year became a new experience because my networking friends who ignore all as well as the rory's (sameer's from previous days off) of this world claim i'm bunking as i stop turning up to lessons. When i do turn up to spanish lessons i get untoward, unthinkable concern so i'm doing pretence. because of the ones chatting at my appearance i end up trying to change my appearance and old friends wonder why i'm depressed when i start blanking them because i have to.

thats john lyon as it is and then i actually do get bullied/cyberbullied/pranked so without pretence the only person i can realistically go to is the one i don't see at school but after going on machines and then teachers doing 1984, i get told to do more pretence. when i go to the library, the one place of solitude dev is being charismatic about cyberbullying (which i'm alreadygetting bullied/concern for) and his gay science friend ali is just there with daniel mazzi. Instead of reporting a section
of my school, i use sticky's image which isnt realistic to have because because he's the tip of it.

I take a different year group and break contact with the one before and guess who i meet on a football forum to open all this up.

can i control what people twice my maturity say to me when we're not in a room pretending? NO

what i'm saying using image and reality which are ****ed/blurred is that my brother's a ******** and from the victim's perspective who needed help whilst in the school (and
not using fake charisma whilst lonely) is a slightly crapper version of the one who i wasatmpting to work towards whilst being an outcast which is what i wanted to be until i was at uni but apparently that requires me to become a spaz like fakeplastictrees.

either take an interest when your social outcast friend is being bullied in school or make it none of your business when they don't turn up and then its up to school to
explain to my parents why i'm getting different treatment in the lessons.

i had a lot of time to think about image during the summer holidays between AS and A2 and i was wondering why anorexia that i'm not interested in is more important than brain sexuality in lessons. brain sexuality or anorexia - which one do i need genuine
advice on when i'm getting called a homosexual in lessons and want to complete my a-levels with year group? its obviously going to be anorexia when thats what literally everyone including the ones that use brain sexuality on you will somehow manage to judge you on.

My god. If you can't even set your own thoughts in order, how exactly might you propose that we evaluate them? Heck, I couldn't bring myself to read Washington Square (and that was at least coherent): I'll be damned if I'm going to tease out the salient strands of this semantic spaghetti you would feign call 'prose'.

'Different lines'? 'Chatting at appearance'? What wilfully obtuse, idiomatic, exasperating bull****. For the love of all that is decent, please, take some pains to ensure that what you're attempting to communicate wouldn't send the very best and brightest of GCHQ into mental paroxysms before allowing your forehead to settle with a dull thud upon the 'Enter' key.
Reply 6
WARNING If you are reading this thread then this warning is for you. Every word you read of it is useless fine print and is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Remember there's alot more to life and the universe than whats laid out in front of you.You have been warned...
Reply 7
WARNING If you are reading this thread then this warning is for you. Every word you read of it is useless fine print and is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Remember there's alot more to life and the universe than whats laid out in front of you.You have been warned...

Agreed there are better things to do that be part of a forum, but I personally still enjoy reading and responding to threads. Whats worse though, 'wasting time' reading threads or wasting your own time telling people there wasting there time? :confused:
Reply 8
Reply 9
“We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude."