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At what age should people stop going clubbing?

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HAHAHA thats amazing.

anyway.. er i think about 30ish. theres always oldies about.. i find it strange when some of my friends say their parents are going to the 'club' (good lord i hate that word but each to their own.. or something like that.
its pretty much up to you i guess.

Amazing but true - :s-smilie:

Disco Kenny's been doing the rounds for over 10 years - he'd often turn up half drunk at my local shop where I worked when I was at college and he'd be there in his gear buying fags before going up for a boogie at "Fifth" (think old market town with one or two nightclubs that everyone slags off but still goes to because that's all that is there.)

Ooh - thanku for the positive rep - :smile:
I stopped at 18....
Reply 62
I intend to stop after my first year at uni
Reply 63
Depends on the country.

In many countries there's lots of bars and clubs restricted to 24+.
I stopped clubbing about 4 years ago as it got boring, most people just sit looking at their phones nowadays so theirs no social anymore it’s the same in pubs too