I go through phases with my boyfriend of complete and utter trust and not trusting him at all. Well, it's more the case of not trusting other people. I don't know if this is because I myself have a fair few boy friends who I might text or talk to (though I'm completely in love with my boyfriend and would never ever cheat on him/100% devoted). So maybe it's that I know myself it's fairly easy to get close to others...
I think it's mainly his friends that I don't trust as they're completely jealous of me and him together. They can't get g/fs, hold them down and they know how much we see each other etc. Now anyway, what I am trying to ask is this...
Boys if you knew your mate had a good relationship, when you were out together would you egg them on to do daft things? I know that I obviously have an insecurity, and that even if somebody pushed you to do something, you shouldn't...but how likely is it?
And also, to boys with girlfriends, when you're out on the town, do you ever feel tempted to do something you'd regret?
Silly questions, I just feel in one of those irrational panics today about nothing. Plus, it doesn't help that my boyfriend is a complete geek, so to others it's real fun getting him pissed out of his head, and encouraging him to do things. Before he was serious with me (though great friends), they did coerce him into a lap dancing club. I don't know..I just don't feel right about his friends, they have been known to tell him to take a break from me and go out and have fun (typical boy speak but still)..