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Reply 1
Erm, of course yes. I'm sure not every postgrad at Oxford or Cambridge has a first. I know four post grads, three of those only got a 2:1. One of the students who got a 2:1 is in her late thirties and has significant work experience.
Reply 2
I know someone who made it into Cambridge with a 2:1. A first would be obviously better though...
Do they still look at your A levels when applying for a post grad?
Reply 4
bloody hope not!
So do i lol, lets just say my A level years have floundered until this year and its abit late to repare all the collateral damage lol.
They don't care about your A-levels, and you don't have to have a first. A first helps, and helps more for funding, but people get in with 2:1s all the time. There is much more to it than your marks.

If you want to know more you should go to the postgraduate forum here, although they will doubtlessly come here once they see this.
you don't have to have a 2:1

i doubt anyone would make the cut with a 2.2 or below
Reply 8
i doubt anyone would make the cut with a 2.2 or below

I'm not sure anywhere will let you do a PhD with a 2.2 or below. My department at Sheffield requires at least a 2.1 to do a PhD.
i doubt anyone would make the cut with a 2.2 or below

Hmm, edited. Thanks.

However, it is possible to do a PhD with a 2:2 if you have subsequently done well on an appropriate postgraduate masters program. So even without a 2:1, it is still possible :smile: .
You can do a PhD, with a 2.2, at Cambridge - probably need quite a bit of work experience to make the cut though. Well, that's how I did it!
Reply 11
There's a whole sticky about this sort of thing so it's worth reading over it:

Anyway, of course you can get in with a 2.1. The way to find out for definate is to look at the course and the entry requirements - if it says they need a 2.1, then you need a 2.1.
Reply 12
It partly depends on your subject. For some very popular master's courses it may be hard to get accepted with a 2.1, even if a first isn't technically a requirement. Having said that, though, people can and do get accepted with 2.1s. An example on this forum would be Angelil, who got a 2.1 from Exeter and is now doing an MSt in Linguistics at Oxford.
Reply 13
I can do an LLM there providing i get at least a 2.1. But not gonna take that option.
Reply 14
Yep, proud member of the 2.1 club over here :biggrin:
That's for postgrad study. Mphil etc..

i'm not going to get a first and am really worried

I was accepted with a 2:1. This was for a DPhil, rather than for one of the taught courses.
Do they still look at your A levels when applying for a post grad?

Some universities still ask for them to put on the application form, especially if you've not completed your first degree yet. I don't think Oxford's one of them though.

In respose to the OP: all depends on the subject but yes it is do-able
Reply 17
They say on the website that you need a 2:1, so my guess would be yes? My friend knows someone who feigned interest in a masters course in American history and they let him in.
Reply 18
apotoftea: I think we've had this conversation before, but I'm not sure. I put my A Level grades down on my Oxford application form (can't remember about my Cambridge app) because it asked for any qualifications you'd obtained since the age of 17, which is a category my A Levels came under. Think there may even have been a separate section for stuff you were taking at that precise moment, which was where I listed my undergraduate degree.
Yes we did! So Oxford do - I stand corrected! :biggrin: My A-level results went in the same sort of box

There's somewhere else "high profile" that definately doesn't, perhaps it's LSE?