The Student Room Group

Chinese people, welcome! [中國人, 歡迎你!] [中国人, 欢迎你!]


Any Chinese person (or basically anyone) can post in this thread. I just hope that people won't put any hateful things or racist comments against the Chinese people, since this thread isn't meant for these inconsiderate rants. As you know, I've seen many Chinese threads being deleted, so to be considerate, please write an English translation in order to keep this thread from being closed. Nevertheless, you are obligated to write anything you want to write, unless it's very rude and impolite. Thank you. :wink:

P.S. Moderators, please don't close this thread just because some people are inconsiderate. This thread is important to us, so please just take this into consideration and just delete the offenders' post. Thank you.

Hong Kong
Vulpes - Sheffield, Medicine

alex_hk90 - (originally) from: HK, studied in: UK (Cambridge), China (Beijing, Shanghai), working in: UK (London)
21Grapes - Originally from: Manchester, Currently: London, LSE.
Aisa S - Parents from Taiwan, born in London, studying in London

For those that are interested in joining the Chinese Society, please feel free to click the link here.
(edited 11 years ago)

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Reply 1
Since no one's replied, I'll say 'hi'! =D
Reply 2
Hi everyone.

OP, I see you're a fellow IB student!
Reply 3

Welcome, I hope everyone will try to be polite here.
Reply 4
Hi everyone.

OP, I see you're a fellow IB student!

Haha...yes I am an IB fellow comrade...welcome to this thread!
Reply 5
I just read some stuff in the closed threads and really want to say something.

I find it ridiculous that most of the people here usually think from their own perspective and make arbitrary conclusions.

One sentence is always around me these days because I'm heading to UK to study, that is "You'll never realised how you love your country until you're abroad." why? Because there're dirty words, racist, someones who spit on you, someones who have comments like "defiant, rude, crazy Chinese". Evan someone like me who dislike politics hate these and want to defend our lovely country, like defend our families.

Every coin has two sides, stereotypes though, is always the truth. China is different from western countries, culture, society, gov, etc. And China is still a developing country, I need to mention that. Different cultures lead to different understandings. Take policemans and soldiers as example, we Chinese regard them as someone who can offer help and defend to all Chinese. So when the miserable earthquake happened, they were the ones who set up immediately and rescued the people in rubble with hands when no devices were available. but what does other western policeman and soldiers do? Think about it. It's no wonder some western journalists found it wierd that no Chinese soldiers took guns alongside when they came to Sichuan. And when the disaster happened, most of the Chinese donated. In our city only, the donations from companies and citizens added up to more than 2 billion RMB (average salaries no more than 25,000 RMB per year), evan beggar donated. Just think when similar disaster should happen in your country, how many people would offer your hands?

I can also UNDERSTAND that our gov sometimes hide something to us. there're 1.3 billion people in China and a good proportion of them are not well educated( has been much improved now). It's easily to arouse rumors and fears in those people and bring distrust and resistance to the gov which would lead to another similar "Tibetan Affairs"(don't quote me here). Keep something back from us but also make it easy to management and live a peaceful life and unite Chinese better. I would like to know more but I can understand this.

Every country has omething to be ashamed of, something to be proud of. Most western people here criticized for what Chinese gov did but why should you never stop and think how much stuff that you have to be ashamed for your country? oh, sorry, there're must be someone here who evan hate their country.:s

people have the right to speak, but not in a way to always blame others and force your own opinion to others. You don't like our society, that's ok. You find our gov ridiculous, that's ok. It's your idea but not a truth. You think it wrong or you dislike it doesn't mean it IS wrong. We love our country. That' enough. As for me, a lot of brits are selfish and hypocritical. but I never regard all the british this way.

Don't point out that I'm logically wrong somewhere or quote some words I said to be stupid and finally lead to the point that all my words are rubbish, though someone did it before. I would like to receive some comments but not something like "How can you explain this" or something like "You Chinese are rude, defiant, etc and you should learn to your neighbour etc." I hate this, to be frank.

China is improving and growing, and this is the point that better than most of the countries.


(edited 9 years ago)
Reply 6

I could've sworn this was intended to be a casual thread...
Reply 7

I could've sworn this was intended to be a casual thread...

You're right...

I'm sorry.
Reply 8
You're right...

I'm sorry.

Haha, don't worry, I see where you're coming from, abd the need to relieve China of many of its political stigma, but really, is there a need to justify and clarify to those who are ignorant and unwilling to listen anyway?

We do need to change people's POV, but there's a time and a place after all...:biggrin:

Welcome leannsc :p:
Reply 9
Haha, don't worry, I see where you're coming from, abd the need to relieve China of many of its political stigma, but really, is there a need to justify and clarify to those who are ignorant and unwilling to listen anyway?

We do need to change people's POV, but there's a time and a place after all...:biggrin:

Welcome leannsc :p:

I tried to, but not succeed now. To let time tell is a good but not efficient way. Someone's words were really annoying. And to be frank, I always find lots of people 吃饱了没事做的. Forgive me...
there're 13 billion people in China
china has 13 billion :s-smilie:
china has 13 billion

i think its 1.3 billion in british standards. I think chinese have a different way of counting billions

But I swear, i won't make any political comments on this thread (i bet most people are really glad to hear this)
Reply 12
See...this thread has become the epitome of peacefulness and tranquillity. Hope this one can last for a long time.
hello :smile:
Reply 14
8 eugenius
hello :smile:

Hi, 你好嗎? How are you? Welcome to this thread. :biggrin:
Reply 15

I am half english, half Chinese :smile:

Awesome thread! :P
Reply 16

I am half english, half Chinese :smile:

Awesome thread! :P

Thank you very much...and welcome to this thread! 我是中國人, 不過我是一個加拿大的公民. I am a Chinese person, but I am a Canadian citizen. I'm happy to be Chinese as my ethnic origin.
Hi, 你好嗎? How are you? Welcome to this thread. :biggrin:

im good and thanks :biggrin: how are you?

im a British Born Chinese btw :cool:
Reply 18
8 eugenius
im good and thanks :biggrin: how are you?

im a British Born Chinese btw :cool:

Argh...I wish I was one...instead I'm born in another country other than sad...:frown:

However, I would love to visit such a nice place to go to...I hope. I shall go there in the future and see it with my own eyes. :redface:
Reply 19
I'm a Chinese born Eurasian :P