The Student Room Group

After a preputioplasty ...

please could you keep this anonymous as I have friends on the forum who do not know about my operation.

Last week I underwent surgery to allow my foreskin to pass over the head of my penis without circumcision (preputioplasty). I am happy with how the results are looking so far but have a problem.

When waking up I get morning glory and find that its REALLY painful to get an erection at the moment ...

Any methods to prevent erections? lol

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It's kinda hard to avoid the morning glory lol

But the pain should pass soon, no more than 2 weeks.

Just gotta live with it for a bit!
Reply 2
yea im afraid theres no magic fix. it will get better soon.
Reply 3
I sincerely hope so ...

It's not so much the pain anymore, but the constant urge to just get an erection! It doesn't go away! Guess i'll just have to put my mind on something else :frown:

Thanks :smile:
Reply 4
Think of Ann Widdecombe before you go to bed.
Reply 5
hey if you dont mind me asking did you have much swelling after the operation€? i had mine done yesterday and to honest its a mess, had two incisions and its all swollen up the doctor assured me it was normal and would get better i just though id seek the advice of someone else who has had the op
im about to have a bath now but dont want to touch and look at it too much as the operation only took place yesterday

any support you could give me would be massivly appreciated

evil mod says no emails on tsr

many thanks
Reply 6
hey i had the operation done on monday, had 2 incisions
what was yours like after the operation mines still really swollen and red and have 2 swollen points of skin at the end. not too pretty but surgeon assured me that this was ok

good to find people that have also been through it:smile:
Reply 7
Hey guys,

I need to get a preputioplasty myself but the NHS consultant I saw said I need a circumcision instead. I've heard that some NHS doctors don't like to give preputioplastys because of the cost and that 90% of circumcisions are done unnecessarily so I'm thinking I don't actually need a circ!!

I want to try and get a preputioplsaty done on the NHS because the cost to go private is about £1k or more, but will go private if i have to.

Can anyone reccommend a good doctor/consultant and hospital that would undertake this procedure, either private or NHS.

Thanks :woo:
Reply 8
I'm set to have a preputioplasty on Friday and am going to Leeds festival exactly a week after the op, I was just wondering whether it will still be painful or swollen or what the effects will be after a week? Any information is really appreciated please
Reply 9
Hey, yea you'll probably be fine after a week, i was back at work within a week and was ok.
Reply 10
:frown: I joined this group because I need advise and information on preputioplasty.My forskin contracts when I am not errect but when I am errect it hurts. My partner and I got in an argument today about me getting circumcised. I really do not want to go down that road and I am hopping that this can be an alternative which I can have done during the christmas break in December. If any one has any information on how much it may cost, does it really work and if it is worth it. I really would like to know where I can getthis done.
Hey, Im having the exact same problem, Im in the same boat as Nathan24, i don't want to get circumcised, i need the same info really how i go about doing it and will it cost any thing, its understandable to cope with as i know whats wrong but its almost completely put a stop to my sex life and my partner isn't best please about it!

Reply 12
Original post by Anonymous
please could you keep this anonymous as I have friends on the forum who do not know about my operation.

Last week I underwent surgery to allow my foreskin to pass over the head of my penis without circumcision (preputioplasty). I am happy with how the results are looking so far but have a problem.

When waking up I get morning glory and find that its REALLY painful to get an erection at the moment ...

Any methods to prevent erections? lol

I had this surgery before my circumcision, when I was seven. Don't think it'll last forever; you'll find, after a few weeks, that you'll need to have more surgery. After I had mine, all was well, until I pulled it back all the way to clean it. It stuck. It stuck for three days, and eventually they had to summon an emergency ambulance to get me back to hospital to have the same surgery again. But they did that wrong and some fluid got trapped, meaning they had to let it out... not going into detail.

Long story short, I had a circumcision a couple of weeks later. Which I'd suggest you do, to be honest - and I would say the same thing to anyone else who thinks they need preputioplasty as well.

As for erection trouble, maybe you should ask at the hospital or go to your hospital.
Is the inabilty of one's foreskin to leave the head exposed that big a deal?
Reply 14
Hey guys, i really want this done because it is actually impossible for me to get my foreskin all the way back like it should. I'm curious how you got about to getting it done. Did you just pop to the doctors and have him have a look or what?
Hey guys, Iv just got back from the hospital and have this operation scheduled for April...... Has anyone got any advice about it? :/
I'm pretty nervous :L
Reply 16
Hey anon, where abouts are you from and how much is it going to cost? Just wondering.
Derby and getting it at the local Royal Derby Hospital on the NHS......... so, it's free :P
Reply 18
Hey guys,

I have just been through this op and joined this forum to give you guys sone info and to tell you about my experience.

Firstly, I'm 22 and have a larger than average penis. I'm uncut and I was only able to retract my foreskin when flaccid and when i was in a hot bath. This would be the only time it would come back. During sex and masterbation I was often put in a bit of pain if I pulled back a little too hard or if I was getting a "helping hand" and they yanked a little too hard.

I went to see my doc at the beginning of December 2011 and I had the appointment with the urologist on the 12th jan 2012. I went in for a preputioplasty and a frenuloplasty on Friday (27th jan).

They made 4 incisions in total as my Glads were larger than average. The op was quick and easy. The described what happened and what was to happen next.

I have to retract the foreskin 48 hours after the op (which is today). I havnt done this yet as I am nervous to do it on my own. I'm waiting for my partner to come back from work so I'm not alone incase something tears.

I won't lie or masquerade the fact that your penis looks weird, as it does. My foreskin used to hang around 1cm over my Glads. As the preputioplasty widens the foreskin, there is around 2mm of Glads now exposed, this is extremely sensitive so it's a good idea to wear padding and tight underwear to cushion and cup your penis.

During the first 48 hours there is also a lot of blood that comes from the open wounds. This is nothing to worry about unless your pens is literally pouring blood, then you should take a visit to your local A&E or book an emergency appointment with your GP.

Now, the lad thing... Erections. I woke up this mornin and suddenly thought "what's the sensation" looked down and I can only describe it as a burnin feeling. I read somewhere that setting an alarm at 2am and 5am to make you go for a wee helps to prevent wee-based hardons.

U can't masterbate for at least a week and if you feel the need for one, just look at your penis wounds, that's enough to put you off lol.

Overall, I would suggest getting it done only if your uncomfortable when masterbating or during sex or if your doc says ur at risk of getting an infection. I couldn't stand the discomfort when ****ing anymore so there was no point in me delaying it any longer.

I know its difficult to find advise on this so if u want to speak to someone who has gone through it, just drop me a message and I'll give u my number to call and I'll answer all questions.

Reply 19
Hey marcus, im really scared about me and my penis lol. im in late teens now and not pulled it back once because im too scared too. When i try i feel really weird and it starts to then feel weird and i just give up. Im not sure what to do...