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Reply 1
Yep, they do it for everyone. I was given Magdalen and Jesus, and was slightly alarmed because I thought Jesus would be an overly religious college! I didn't get any further interviews though, which is a shame because I'd have liked to have nosed around them :smile:
F. Poste
Yep, they do it for everyone. I was given Magdalen and Jesus, and was slightly alarmed because I thought Jesus would be an overly religious college! I didn't get any further interviews though, which is a shame because I'd have liked to have nosed around them :smile:

*Grin* All my friends thought Jesus College was some sort of cult or something!
I've applied to Exeter College, and have been allocated to (2) Jesus and (3) New.

I thought these Colleges were supposed to be less competitive, and get less applicants (hence why everyone talks about St Hildas at this point) but New? That's like the most competitive college!
Reply 4
hah, well I applied to New and got

1) New
2) Queen's
3) Exeter
Reply 5
If the subject has a policy of allocating reserve-choice colleges, every student applying for that subject will have them. You can't read into them in the slightest, they're completely random in accordance with what application group you're in.
3)St John's- which is a good coincidence as these three were my favourites. :redface:
hah, well I applied to New and got

1) New
2) Queen's
3) Exeter

That is crazy
Reply 8
From what I can tell, the colleges you are allocated make no difference whatsoever (with arts subjects anyway). Once you get to interview you could be called by any college for a 2nd or even 3rd interview, nor or you guaranteed an interview from either your 'offical' 2nd and 3rd preferences.
Reply 9
I haven't received mine yet... (Applying for English at New).

It's not fair!
Reply 10
neither have I- i'm going for English @ New too :cool:
Reply 11
I've been allocated to Brasenose and Worcester (I chose Hertford)
Reply 12
I've been allocated to Brasenose and Worcester (I chose Hertford)

If you get another interview, it'll probably be at St. Hilda's. Last year, about 6 of the geographers got pooled; all female, all to St. Hilda's.
Reply 13
If you get another interview, it'll probably be at St. Hilda's. Last year, about 6 of the geographers got pooled; all female, all to St. Hilda's.

Mmm, I'm surprised I haven't been allocated them tbh.
Reply 14
the allocations dont really mean anything though, do they? except fro the 1st choice

(and just because im in a nostalgic mood, these were my allocations:
christ Church
St Annes)
I got:

1) St Hilda's
2) Christ Church
3) Lincoln

I know nothing about the latter two :confused:

If the subject has a policy of allocating reserve-choice colleges, every student applying for that subject will have them. You can't read into them in the slightest, they're completely random in accordance with what application group you're in.

I kind of thought they wouldn't mean much :smile: I bet that Group One female applicants are seeing St. Hilda's on their list a lot!
Reply 17
I got:

1) St Hilda's
2) Christ Church
3) Lincoln

I know nothing about the latter two :confused:


Christ Church is HUUUUGE, Lincoln is *teeny* talk about one extreme to the other!
After applying for Lincoln, mine (three years ago now!) were Worcester and LMH... glad I got into Lincoln.
That is crazy

Why's that crazy?