The Student Room Group

tired and stressed from revision

its 7:45 and i feel sooo tired!
anyone else get like this since they started revising?
it makes me rly rly tired to do revision. but im also panicking that i wont do well in exams. in the past few weeks ive done 4 mocks. i got AABD in them. there not so bad. but i still feel like 'it must have been a fluke, i dont know enough to get a good eough grade for uni, im gonna fail. there wil b a question i wont b able to answer'

any tips?

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Reply 1
I feel exactly the same as you, I get up around 10, revise for a lot of the day and when it comes to 8ish, I'm pooped. I half expect it to be 10:30 or something when I glance at my watch and feel even more tired when I see it's only 8:30!
AABD is good, maybe the D was on an off day? Two As is better than none :smile:

Well just make sure when you are revising that you eat and drink plenty, take regular breaks (or maybe even a sneaky nap!) and go outside if you've been cooped up inside all day!

Reply 2
I know exactly how you feel, and I'm not sleeping well lately which makes it all the worse.
Reply 3
I work best from 8-10pm on most Ive been working in the day though so am not now!
Reply 4
one more subject left
catching up on sleep tomz
since i dnt need to wake up early to goto sch for an exam
Reply 5
my exams dont finish til 19th :-(
its annoying coz when i get tired like this i just lose concentration so i cant concentrate anyway. but i dont want to go to bed coz i dont want to waste my time sleeping.
it doesnt help that ive been in a really bad negative mood over the last few weeks. even harder to concentrate
I feel like utter rubbish. I only had about 5 hours sleep last night and I had 2 hours of exams today!
I had exams today, I have more exams tomorrow and Wednesday. Then I have about a week of frantic revision, and then another glut of continuous exams.

I hate this, my head feels like it's going to pop at any second. I can't sleep because I'm stressing out, but my lack of sleep is making me so tired!
Reply 7
Sometimes before exams I end up talking about the content I have been covering and use it when I'm talking to friends and I wish that I would shut off from revision mode!
Not that I revise like all day every day but it gets annoying.
Fortunately my exams haven't started yet so I still get lie-ins :smile:
I have next week to panic, then it's over again. Block period of exams, not sure whether to be thankful for that or not...

Taking exams when you are in a crap mood is really frustrating because you can't help but be pessimistic, but try and think of something happy :smile:
or someone who makes you happy.. or even day dream about someone hot e.g. David Tennant (okay some may not agree) but try not to let your mind wander too much that you forget about what you're doing...........
Mmmmmmmmm.....David Tennant....... Ooops sorry!
Reply 8
I feel like utter rubbish. I only had about 5 hours sleep last night and I had 2 hours of exams today!
I had exams today, I have more exams tomorrow and Wednesday. Then I have about a week of frantic revision, and then another glut of continuous exams.

I hate this, my head feels like it's going to pop at any second. I can't sleep because I'm stressing out, but my lack of sleep is making me so tired!

Welcome to the club :frown:
Reply 9
Do you guys feel exams are tarnishing your life?
Reply 10
i dont normally really become exhausted from revision but yesterday all my work caught up with me :s-smilie: i jst rested for a while and did some light revision had a history exam 2day went well felt refreshed for it but now im exhausted lols the exam took it out of me 2.5 hours of history :eek:
Yeah I've got a massive headache right now. I'm having an early night for sure. 48 hours left till exams are over!
put on some loud music, always wakes me up.

revision always makes me so tired though, even just an hour or two. but today i had exam int he morning then i came home and have done 5 hours biology revision for exam tomorow, then i'll have to do the same tomorow for chemistry. after that i have abreak though so can relaz for a bit :smile:
I am just struggling with revision. Full stop.

I am trying different things, like condensing notes, spider diagrams, tables etc but it is taking forever as there is so much to learn and the details are still not sticking.

I am tempted to give up lol. That would be so nice.

I agree though. Revision makes me so sleepy.

Good luck everyone.
Sometimes before exams I end up talking about the content I have been covering and use it when I'm talking to friends and I wish that I would shut off from revision mode!
Not that I revise like all day every day but it gets annoying.
Fortunately my exams haven't started yet so I still get lie-ins :smile:
I have next week to panic, then it's over again. Block period of exams, not sure whether to be thankful for that or not...

Taking exams when you are in a crap mood is really frustrating because you can't help but be pessimistic, but try and think of something happy :smile:
or someone who makes you happy.. or even day dream about someone hot e.g. David Tennant (okay some may not agree) but try not to let your mind wander too much that you forget about what you're doing...........
Mmmmmmmmm.....David Tennant....... Ooops sorry!

Oooooft David Tennant! :biggrin:
Reply 15
me and you both.. im so tired but dont care until these exams are over..
Reply 16
cant wait till wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant wait till wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wooo! same here, then its PARTAAY!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

until results day :rolleyes:
Reply 18
Yep I've got a huge headache at the moment, if you stop working AND thinking about work for a while it usually subsides a little. At least we can all take comfort from the fact that we're not the only ones feeling the heat - there's like thousands of us, we can only try our best.
Reply 19
I feel exaclty the same with exams, thats why I tend to do a little over a long period of time, it allows it to sink in more and you get all the sleep you need, your brain needs down time to take in what its been given so if you start revision a month or two before the exam and do 2 to 4 hours of revison your do alot better.