The Student Room Group


Please keep anon, i will understand if this thread is deleted.

I know that quite a few girls are worried about being pregnant even though they have had periods, i myself is quite worried too. I've had tests which have come out negative but still, my worry continues.

I know i'm getting ahead of myself now, but if worst comes to the worst and we are pregnant... how does the whole Abortion process happen? How long would you have to wait before you can have the abortion?

I have googled it, but if anyone has ever had an abortion, please do share with us your experiences if you are willing to. Big apologies to anyone if this is disturbing so don't feel that you have to.

If anyone else has any other information, it would be very helpful. Please be serious because it is horrible being in this kind of situation
Reply 1
Ok I'm a guy with no proper experience of this, but I'll tell you what I know

You go to the doctors [or hospital, or clinic] and tell them you want an abortion with good reasons (not just "CBA LOL" or anything, tell them you're a student and it'd disrupt your life and the baby would be unwanted). Then two doctors have to sign their consent that you are eligible for an abortion, which I'd imagine isn't too difficult

Then the next bit I'm unsure about, but I think you get given a tablet there and then, and another one to take 72 hours later which makes you have a MEGA period where the foetus is passed out of the body. [This is until a certain number of weeks, of course]

If the foetus is further along the line and you need an abortion for medical reasons, I think they chop it up and pull it out or something.

Umm, hope I was helpful :smile:

EDIT: Oh ffs I thought the OP's post was in 2009 not 2008, sorry for the thread necro