The common symptoms of a heart attack are:
crushing central chest pain, or mild chest discomfort, *
shortness of breath,
clammy, sweaty, and grey complexion,
nausea and vomiting,
a general feeling of being unwell, and
a frightening sense that one is about to die.
The pain that you experience when having a heart attack often starts in your chest and then travels to your neck, jaw, ears, arms and wrists. Sometimes, it travels between the shoulder blades, back, or to the abdomen.
The pain can last from five minutes to several hours. Moving around, changing your position, or resting, will not stop, or ease, the pain. The pain may be constant, or * it may come and go and feel like pressure, squeezing, or fullness.
The factors that increase the risk of a hear attack include:
increasing age (men over 45 years of age, and women who are over 55 years of age),
being overweight, or obese,
high blood pressure,
high blood cholesterol level, maybe *
a diet high in saturated fats (animal fats), *
a family history of heart disease, and
lack of regular exercise maybe *,