The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I am doing it aswell i have been told that it is not to hard to crash.
Reply 2
If you're interested in it and put some effort into it you'll be fine, not just sit back and think its easy. If you take time to listen and learn it all then yeah its simple.
Reply 3
I'm crashing it aswell, I was told by my year head that as long as you're good at maths the it should be fine. I'm taking AH maths so I reckon I should manage.
Reply 4
I'm crashin it next year too - on the basis that I pass my English. My friend crashed it this yuear and got an A in her prelim for it. She says it's not too bad
Reply 5
I'm crashing it aswell, I was told by my year head that as long as you're good at maths the it should be fine. I'm taking AH maths so I reckon I should manage.

Maths doesn't count much for accounting, the maths in accounting is adding and subtracting, ratios and some percentages. Its more about remembering the layouts of accounts and how to do things.
Reply 6
Fair enough, I'm only repeating what I was told. When I think about it my year head teaches graphics so he was proably just guessing!
Reply 7
I heard the same thing from my guidance teacher that if your quite good at maths then you should be ok with crashing higher accounts.
Reply 8
If you are prepared to put in the work it is quite an easy higher to get an 'A' in.
Reply 9
Sorry for my ignorance but, what do you mean by crashing?
Sorry for my ignorance but, what do you mean by crashing?

When you take a subject at higher you haven't done at standard grade
Reply 11
Im also crashing the higher accounts this year i have been told that its a hard higher to crash because you have to have a real good memory for the layouts and that if you wanna have a look at the marking schemes and past questions and that just to get a feel of what like the things youll be expected to do are then id suggest going to the sqa website... other than that i dont think its going to be a hard higher to crash considering that ive never done accounts before our bus ed department decided for crash higher accounts theyd teach us int 2 in 3 weeks and then give us a past paper to do... i learned int2 accounts in 3 weeks and got 96% on an int 2 past paper so it shouldnt be that hard, go for it id say
Reply 12
Ye its a straightforward subject, if you pay attention and actually work! Most people in my class took it as a crash and most of them either got a C or failed. To be honest, they didnt care about it.
Only the financial unit deals with remembering layouts in the correct format, with the management unit, you need to interpret information and the layout is pretty straight forward. for example, with budgets all you need to know is: what is cash in and what is cash out.
Im doin advanced accounts this year and it is basically the same as higher
Reply 13
well i really do care about it lol i wouldnt have crashed it otherwise i sort of took a change of career path lol instead of doing maths and chemistry at uni i now want to do maths and accounts after a lot of thinking i thought id just go for it and see what happens :biggrin: lol
Reply 14
I crashed it this year (my fifth year) and I honestly found it wasn't as bad as my other subjects (that I had brought on from 4th year)

I found the financial unit the easiest as all the accounts have the exact same layout whereas in the management unit I found harder as it wasn't as structured (but thahts me and not you)

Overall it was a good course and whilst my teacher has agreed with my class and I that this years exam was one of the hardest ones in a while in hindsight it didnt go as badly as I thought it did when I came out the exam!!

So go for it!!!!
i am crashing higher accounts and to be honest i have not found it too hard its just remembering where everything goes ie formulae if anyone who has past it has any tips i would be gratefull !:smile: :smile:
I wish my school done higher accounts, im hoping to do it ant uni and jave no experience at accounting. :mad:
Reply 17
It annoys me when teachers tell pupils who want to crash higher accounts that they need to me good at maths because really, the only maths in accounts is VERY basic stuff and you can use a calculator for it all.
I done it at standard grade and got a 1 for it, now taking it at Higher. If you're crashing it you should be fine, but you really need to learn the layouts!! Very important.
Good luck :smile:
heyy :smile: im considering doing it aswell although im not really sure :L just worried incase i fail. does anyone know if accounts is more valued than german? thanks :smile:
Reply 19
ha, im doin that n got told no one in our school has ever passed crash higher accounts i was like greaat :|