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Reply 1

I just could hardly answer anything and felt like crying tbh :frown:

Before that exam the lowest I'd ever got in anything was a B in my Core 3, but I'm pretty sure I've failed it :frown:
American Civil Rights History yesterday. Oh my god. So bad.
The German paper for AS History. I could have actually cried.
I'm only doing GCSEs now so don't have too many to choose from but RS Mark's Gospel was terrible, it is known as an easy subject the majority of the class got A's, whereas I got an embarassing C, lowest grade i've ever got. And, the majority of the class who got A's put no effort in at all.
Law A level, hated the course, the subject, my teacher, i found it extremely boring, didn't revise and fought off sleep during the exam and during lessons. I ended up with a U surprisingly enough lol.
S1, May 08.

Hated it.
Metaphysical Poets this afternoon. 100% D grade.
Spanish oral 2nd May. Knew everything, couldn't get the words out of my stupid mouth, ended up crying on tape at the simpliest question. I sounded like an idiot and I definitely didn't pass it. My reading and writing papers certainly didn't make up for it either.

Spanish in general.
S1, May 08.

Hated it.

I thought that was the best exam I have ever done!

The worst for me have been the general studies in terms of being incredibly boring. The worst exam in terms of hardness was my chemistry GCSE, soon to be replaced by the 3 chemistry AS exams I have tomorrow... (I HATE chemistry!)
Grade 5 musical theory, my own fault for skipping half the lessons thinking I could wing it on ability. I'd never done any previous theory, it's the only exam I've ever actually failed.
Reply 11
My GCSE ICT.... we were all predicted A*s and 66% was coursework (of which we got A*s) and the rest a controlled exam... results came and I got a C and everyone else D's and E's...
Apparently the teacherr messed up... :frown: the whole of year 11 got it remarked and everyone got their mark up one grade... which is good but still...:s-smilie:
Reply 12
Physics mod 1 Jan 08. Well actually, no, Physics mod 3 June 08. :|
Reply 13
Land law on Monday. I don't have the results yet but it was absolutely awful. I knew nothing so I made it all up. Plus after writing for 10 minutes I realised that it was all in Spanish and had to write it all again. Booo :frown:
My Language Production unit for AS English. I read the first task and switched off. I literally wasn't in the room. I came "around" so to speak 40 minutes later leaving me about 35 minutes to do two tasks whilst I still didn't have any clue what to write. Needless to say, it is something I don't want to repeat.

when i did my gcse history, i answered the wrong section for like half an hour before i realised i'd made a mistake....i sat there for like 5 mins in the exam ready to cry my eyes out, then realised how much time i'd wasted and just got on with it. i still managed to get an guessing the examiner felt bad for me when they saw how much work i;d scribbed out
In terms of difficulty I actually cant remember, but 3 hour history exams are pretty horiffic in the swealtering heat, writing non stop. Awful.
RS end of year exam in year 9... something like 54%.
Serious exams... well ICT AS, got As in all my past papers, and came out with a C :confused: I still don't know how I managed that :p:
Reply 18
My last psychology exam, one question was split into two parts, I totally forgot and spent all my time for the question on one part, I only realised when I looked back at the question paper and was like 'Bugger'.
Reply 19
My Language and Society (sociolinguistics) paper yesterday. Was horrible. I was lucky I managed to find the 2 of 6 questions required that I could answer!!