The Student Room Group

A Guide to TSR

Welcome to this TSR guide to posting, thread making, and just generally using the site! Here on TSR it's all about discussion and community so we want you to be able to get involved as soon as possible, though feel free to just browse for as long as you like. Hopefully this guide will help get you posting like a legend in no time!

First off some terms you might need to know to get the most of this guide:

Threads are like conversations. Somebody makes a thread in a forum and people can post comment on them.

Posts are the comments you see within threads.

Forums are like categories for discussion and help people find the things they want to talk about easily. Each forum will have a list of all the threads that have been posted there. We have forums for loads of things from GCSE Biology to Fashion and Beauty. It's not all work here on TSR - we even have a Games Forum!

Getting the Best Replies to Your PostsWhere am I most likely to get the best answer to my question?
When can I post in an existing thread? When should I make a new thread?
How to write a good thread title?
Where should I post my thread?
Is my thread suitable for Chat?
What information should I include in a thread title?
Is there anything I can’t post about?
What happens if I don't get any replies?

Using Your Profile PageHow do I get to my profile page?
How do I delete a VM?
What are badges?
How do I edit my ‘About Me’?
How do I find the threads I started? How do I find all my posts?
How do I send or reply to a VM?
How do I send a PM?

Customising Your TSR SettingsHow do I change the default number of posts on a page?
How do I change my avatar?
How do I change my profile picture?
How do I show/hide signatures?
How do I change my signature?

Watching ThreadsHow do I start/stop getting emails about threads?
How do I watch a thread without posting?
How do I unwatch a thread?
How do I turn on/off notifications for a thread?

Navigating the SiteHow do I find different forums?
What are watched forums and where can I find them?
What are bookmarks? How can I edit them?
Is there a sub-forum for xyz?
Where can I talk to people applying to the same uni/for the same course?
What’s the difference between a thread and a forum?
How do I find the threads I started?
How do I find my posts?

Guide to ModerationWhere do I make moderation queries?
How do I find Ask the Community Team?
I disagree with a card I've received, what should I do?
What is the report button? What does it do?
Where can I find the community guidelines?
What are some common topics that are against the community guidelines?
Where can I post about any issues I have with the site?

How to Make the Most of Posts and ThreadsHow do I make a new thread?
How do I post in an existing thread?
How do I delete a post?
What do I do if I want to delete my thread?
What do I do if I want my thread moving to another section?
What do I do if I've made a thread by mistake?
How do I quote someone in a post?
How do I tag someone in a post?
How do I mention someone in a post?
How do I tag a forum in a post?
How do I make an anonymous post?
Where and when should I post anonymously?
Anything else I should know about the anonymous function?
How can I spruce up my post? How do I add colour/images/spoilers etc?

TSR Terms and AcronymsWhat is reputation?
How do I find the TSR Glossary?
I don’t understand some TSR Slang, how do I find out what it means?

Reporting & HarassmentHow do I block a user?
How do I report a post?
What do I do if I'm being harassed by another user?
What do I do if I see someone breaking the rules?

Contacting and Following UsersHow do I follow a user?
How do I send a user a VM?
How do I send a user a PM?

Account & SettingsHow do I delete my account?
How do I change my username?
How do I change my email settings?
How do I change my password?

OtherI have a notification that won't go away, what do I do?
How do I turn off watched threads notifications?
How can I help other users on the site? E.g. applying to the team, answering unanswered threads etc
Why hasn’t my thread got an answer yet?
Should I bump my thread?

User Titles and Coloured UsernamesWhat are the plain black user titles I keep seeing around the site?
What are the different user titles people have?
How to recognise team members?
What does it mean when someone has a coloured title, but is not on any of the teams?

Helpful HintsWhat do all the different symbol links mean in and around threads?
How can I get to unanswered posts?
How do I see who has posted in a thread?
How do I search on TSR?
How do I search within a thread?
How do I filter forums in a search?

Want to know the answer to a question not listed already? Post it here, and I'll do my best to answer, or to tag in someone who can! :biggrin:
(edited 5 years ago)

Scroll to see replies

Need more info?

You can check out our 'Welcome to TSR Guide'.

Having issues with the text editor? Check out 'A guide to the text editor'.

Using the app? Check out our guide on 'How to use the app'.

Unsure what some terms mean? Check out our 'Updated TSR Glossary - A Guide to TSR Slang"

(edited 5 years ago)
Where should I post my thread?

There are loads of forums on TSR, and it can seem a bit daunting to navigate. You'll get used to it though!

The main categories are:

Chat including forum games and the international lounge

Life and Style including health, relationships, fitness, fashion and beauty and much more!

Entertainment including football, music, gaming and more

Debate and Current Affairs including news and educational debate

Study Help including GCSEs, A levels and specific subject forums

University and University Courses including university life, mature and disabled students and specific course and subject forums

Universities and HE Colleges find your uni here!

Careers and Jobs including apprenticeships, volunteering and advice on applying for jobs

Help and Announcements for if there's anything you're stuck on!

In general the better you place your thread the more likely you are for the right person to see and reply to it. So take a bit of time to get to know the site and think about your thread is best placed before you post it. You could always have a go at replying to some existing ones, too!
When can I post in an existing thread? When should I make a new thread?

This is a hard one. Around the site you'll find various mega- and chat threads, for example everyone applying for a particular university, those of a faith or religion or people supporting each other with their mental health. These can be great to contribute to! When a thread is just someone asking their question though it’s best to make your own so not to derail it. This especially applies when a thread is over a few months or years old. Finally, some forums have FAQs at the top of them so make sure you read these before posting in case your question has already been answered.
How to write a good thread title?

It's tempting not to think about the thread title much, or just to write 'HELP!'. We get thousands of these threads though, and unfortunately a lot of them go unanswered. Try and give an idea of what the thread is about, so when people are scanning down the forum they can easily see what they might be able to answer. So for example, 'A level mechanics- moments' would be far better than just homework help which could be any subject. Also avoid abbreviations that people might not know what they mean.
(edited 5 years ago)
Is my thread suitable for Chat?

In general, if you are asking a specific question, then your thread is likely better suited to a section such as Universities, Study Help, or Life & Style. Similarly, if you're wanting to chat about a TV Show, Sport, Game, or Music, then Entertainment is your best best.

If you fancy a general chat, or want to play a game, then the Chat section, and Forum Games, are the best place for your thread!
(edited 5 years ago)
Is there anything I can't post about?

You can find TSR’s community guidelines here. In general the rules are what you’d expect, except for posts about suicide and self-harm. There is a dedicated team for this but they are busy and unfortunately we can’t keep your thread on public TSR in the meantime. If you can talk to someone you trust and your GP, and there is also the Samaritans, Childline or Nightline. The other important thing is to never, ever post your personal statement online. You will have to rewrite it all or it'll show up as plagiarised!
(edited 5 years ago)
What happens if I don't get any replies?

TSR gets busy at times, and unfortunately that means some questions can take a while to get replies. Please don’t bump your thread straight away- leave it a day or so until it’s had time to be seen. You can also check back and make sure it has all the information needed included in it, and the title and if it’s in the right forum. Hopefully even if someone can’t answer your question themselves they will tag someone that can- keep an eye out for the Answer Heroes, who specialise in unanswered threads!
How do I get to my profile page?

The easiest way to get to your profile page is to hover your mouse over your username and avatar at the top of the page, and then choose 'My Profile' from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can do the same thing in a thread by hovering the mouse over the username and clicking 'View Profile' from the box that pops up.
(edited 5 years ago)
What are badges?

Badges can be viewed by clicking on the relevant tab on your profile - you can also view other people's badges. They are all linked to activity on the site, around posting in the different areas, and to reputation given and received. Each badge has different levels, and clicking on this tab shows how many badges you have and what level of them you have. Hovering your mouse over each of the badges gives a brief description of how to get them, the requirements for the different levels and how close you are to getting the next level in that badge, also shown in the progress bar underneath. More information on the badges can be found here.
(edited 5 years ago)
How do I edit my ‘About Me’?

If you click on the 'About Me' tab on your profile - the second one on the left, after 'Messages' and before 'Badges' - you'll see there are various different headings. You can choose whether to have information in here or not - if you leave it blank it will say 'N/A'. To edit each section, click on the pencil symbol to the right of the relevant heading. This will make a text box appear just underneath it. Write what you want to put and click 'save'. This section will be visible to anyone viewing this tab on your profile, so please consider it carefully regarding your privacy.
(edited 5 years ago)
How do I make a new thread?
Find the forum you want to post in (you can find out how to do that in this guide).
In the lower left of the screen there will be a + symbol. Press it.
Fill in the title and content boxes.
Swipe up from the bottom to post.

Find the forum you want to post in (you can find out how to do that in this guide).
Near the top of the page there will be an orange box saying "start new discussion". Click it.
Fill in the title and content boxes.
Click the orange "submit" button under the content box to post.
How do I delete a VM?

When you go onto someone's profile page, including your own, the default page includes messages from other people i.e. your Visitor Messages - VMs. Sometimes you might get a VM that you don't like and therefore don't want others to see when they click on your profile. To delete it, simply click 'Edit' at the top right of the VM in question, and then click 'Go Advanced' at the bottom of the text box that appears. Then choose the 'Deletion Options' check box and write a message if you wish to, before clicking the orange 'Delete Message' button.

Remember that if someone has been abusive to you or broken the rules, the best thing to do is to report the VM using the 'report' button, next to the 'edit' button on the main profile page.
(edited 5 years ago)
How do I view all my posts/threads?

Click on the 'My Stats' tab on your profile, after 'Badges'. If you click on 'Find all posts by X' this will show all the posts that have been created by you, or another user, if you are viewing someone else's profile. This includes all threads they have started, as well as any replies to other threads. The box on the left shows the number of posts in the different forums, and by clicking on a specific forum name, you can filter the posts to just view the posts in that forum. The main table shows you the name of the thread the post is in, the username, the forum that post is in, how long ago it was posted and a preview of the post, including a quote if relevant.

By default the most recent posts are shown first, but you can use the filters at the top to filter by relevance and title too. You can skip through the posts using the page scrolling buttons.

The 'Find all threads by X' works in exactly the same way, but only shows threads that have been created by you/the user you are viewing, and not the replies.
(edited 5 years ago)
How do I send a VM?

A VM is visible to anyone viewing the profile. If you click on their profile, as above, hover over their username in the thead and click 'View Profile' on the box that pops up, the section underneath their user details and above their current VMs contains a text box. Simply write your VM in this box and click 'Post Message'. The user will be notified that they have a VM and prompted to go to their profile to look at it. To see a conversation you have had with a particular user, go to either your profile or theirs, scroll to a VM from the other person and click 'View Conversation' at the top right hand corner of the message.

Alternatively, from their profile you can click on the 'My Contact Info' tab and choose the 'send a new visitor message to X' option, which links you back to the box above.
(edited 5 years ago)
How do I send a PM?

You may want to send a more private message to someone that someone else cannot see. You can do this in the form of a Private Message (PM). From their profile you can click on the 'My Contact Info' tab and choose the 'send a private message to X' option, which takes you to the PM page. Here you need to choose a title for the PM and then write the message in the text box. You can send messages to multiple people at once by putting a semi colon between each username. The person whose profile you clicked on will automatically be included in that field. If you are sending it to multiple people, make sure you get their username right! When it comes to replying, you can choose to reply to just the one person or to reply all, like in emails.

Another way to send a PM to someone is from a thread. Hover the mouse over their username and click 'Send a message', which will take you through to the same page as above to start a message.

Notifications for PMs are separate from site notifications, appearing as a number next to the envelope at the top of the page.

Please remember that while PMs are private, they can still be reported and dealt with by the TSR Community Staff accordingly.
(edited 5 years ago)
How do I post in an existing thread?
Find a thread you want to comment on.
Type your message into the "reply" box at the bottom of the screen.
Press "send" to post.

Find a thread you want to comment on and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Either click the orange "reply" button or type into the "quick reply box".
Click the orange "submit" button to post.
How do I quote someone in a post?

If you see a specific post you want to respond to you can "quote it". That will show the post you are quoting and notify the person who posted it that you have quoted them. In a lot of discussion that's super handy because it means everybody knows what you're referring to and who you're talking to. But how do you do it?

Press and hold on the post you want to quote then press the quote symbol.
That will inset a quote into the reply box.
Type your response in the box underneath it then press send.
You can also quote multiple people in one post- just press quote on multiple posts before pressing send.

Under each post you will see two orange boxes- "reply" and "quote".
To respond to just one post click the "reply" button then type and send your response in the box that appears.
To quote multiple people click the "quote" button under each of those posts then scroll to the bottom of the page and type your reply under the quotes and press "submit".
How do I tag/ mention someone in a post?

"Tagging" somebody gives them a notification that you have mentioned them in a post. It's kinda like shouting "Hey Dave" to get your buddy's attention.
To tag somebody type the @ symbol in a post then the person's username.
As you type a list will appear with suggestions of users.
Click the name you want and a tag will be added.
You can test it out by tagging yourself here.
(edited 5 years ago)
How do I delete a post?

Sometimes you might accidentally make a post you didn't mean to and want to delete it. We don't currently have it set up so you can delete posts through the app, but you can on web.
Click the edit option under the post you want to delete.
Under the text box there will be an orange "delete" button. Click it.
You can't delete threads or anonymous posts, but you can ask a the Volunteer Team or Community Team for help with that.

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