Threads are like conversations. Somebody makes a thread in a forum and people can post comment on them.
Posts are the comments you see within threads.
Forums are like categories for discussion and help people find the things they want to talk about easily. Each forum will have a list of all the threads that have been posted there. We have forums for loads of things from GCSE Biology to Fashion and Beauty. It's not all work here on TSR - we even have a Games Forum!
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Chat including forum games and the international lounge
Life and Style including health, relationships, fitness, fashion and beauty and much more!
Entertainment including football, music, gaming and more
Debate and Current Affairs including news and educational debate
Study Help including GCSEs, A levels and specific subject forums
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Universities and HE Colleges find your uni here!
Careers and Jobs including apprenticeships, volunteering and advice on applying for jobs
Help and Announcements for if there's anything you're stuck on!
Last reply 4 months ago
What do you think of TSR's new follow suggestion widgetLast reply 5 months ago
What do you think about the Reputation System on TSR?