The Student Room Group

The usual girl troubles

In a bit of a pickle. I've liked this girl i've known for a while now, we used to work together but now we basically don't see each other at all because she went off to uni and i'm on a gap year.

It's not a secret i like her, i sent her a text a while back telling her how i feel and what i think of her. However, i never got a reply to that actual text, the text from her after that was one just asking how i was.

Since then, we've haven't been in contact because she got a new phone, so i've been texting to nobody basically. She got in contact saying she's got a new number, i guess i'm a little confused as to what i should do, any advice would be appreciated

Thanks for your help
Reply 1
hm sorry to say but i dont think shes that interested. maybe you should concentrate on just being her friend?
Yeah it does not sound like she likes you in that way. She probably see's you as just a friend - nothing more. Sorry!
she doesnt like you. seems to be.

move on.

sorry to be blunt.
Reply 4
Nothing comes easy buddy. You like then you impress upon her, chase her and do what ver is necessary to make her like you. :smile:
Sounds like she didn't reply for a reason. She probably didn't know what to say to your initial message.
She may just feel awkward, but she probably is just not intrested.
Maybe she's just shy....nah that's a lie man, she doesn't like you like that
Reply 7
Thanks for your advice everybody

Just a little confused really, i mean if she felt awkward after me telling her i liked her, she could have just ignored me but got back in touch after a few months, so i'm not sure what impression she's trying to give me. But as you've all said, i'm sure if she felt the same she would have let me know
Reply 8
She probably isn't interested in you.

Unless - are you sure the text got through?
Thanks for your advice everybody

Just a little confused really, i mean if she felt awkward after me telling her i liked her, she could have just ignored me but got back in touch after a few months, so i'm not sure what impression she's trying to give me. But as you've all said, i'm sure if she felt the same she would have let me know

She probably texted you later on asking how you are because she does like you in a friend sense and just wanted to see how you were! She
probably doesn't want to loose you as a friend.
If you do really really lke her, talk to her about it, face to face.
Or arrange to meet her.
Reply 10
I forgot to mention that we did arrange to meet once. I asked her if she was busy sunday, she said she was but was available for saturday. However, she cancelled me at the last minute, i got the feeling she blew me off and haven't been able to ask her again since
Reply 11
She probably texted you later on asking how you are because she does like you in a friend sense and just wanted to see how you were! She
probably doesn't want to loose you as a friend.
If you do really really lke her, talk to her about it, face to face.
Or arrange to meet her.

Good reply!
Women/girls tend to do this. They care about people and don't want to hurt eople so they keep guys as friends, while the guy suffers believing she might be interested in wanting more. I have learned this by observing my girl friends, and therefor I am quite blunt now with guys interested in me that I am not interested in... to save them the elongated "heart ache".

That she cancelled last minute could mean she feels awkward about it all and is slightly guilty for keeping you around...
she seems dodgy. make friend instead.