I kinda feel bad for saying this but EXO, I tried really hard to get into their music but I just couldn't get into them. I found their music underwhelming... I just don't get it I guess? I don't hate them or anything but I don't get the hype tbh.
I kinda feel bad for saying this but EXO, I tried really hard to get into their music but I just couldn't get into them. I found their music underwhelming... I just don't get it I guess? I don't hate them or anything but I don't get the hype tbh.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6keWL0-SMw8 they have no stage presence lmao, lisa nor jennie, or rosa cant sing/rap, they never try like they used to. (Original post by NanaA23432)
I was going to say them too ~ unsure why I didn’t lol. They are cool but their most recent song is not my style.
omg i love bon bon chocolat! ahhhhhhhhhhhh i remember people saying 'wEll tHEy useD aUTo tUne' who cares, they still sound better then most group debuts, have you heard of the cherry bullet?