The Student Room Group

Can you believe a 19/20 year old lad could wet himself?

I expect I'll get a bit of stick for posing a question like this but...

...two weeks back I was on a london underground tube train (Met line) on the day when Leeds played Doncaster at Wembley in the play-off final. The train was packed with footie fans and someone pulled the emergency handle between Baker Street and Finchley Road. We had two coppers in the carriage as well and some Leeds lad was busting for a wee and as we were stuck there for ages (about 20 minutes) he was begging and pleading that he had to go until..unbelievably embarrassingly...:redface: ...he wet himself - right in front of everyone and his mates. He was actually virtually in tears when it happened which made it even more embarrassing.

I guess he was probably aged about 19 or 20 and he'd obviously been in the pub with his mates before getting on the train. I suspect he must have been busting when he got on?

I've never ever seen that happen to someone of that sort of age before, at least not when they were relatively sober.

Has anyone else ever heard of that sort of thing happening before? What's the oldest age someone's ever wet themselves? Before I saw that happen I'd have said about

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Age does not give you an infinitely large bladder size, and if you've got to go then you've got to go.
Reply 2
It can happen to everyone:

(start from 30 seconds in)
Reply 3
What's the oldest age someone's ever wet themselves? Before I saw that happen I'd have said about

If the bladder gets above a certain volume full, the sphincters will loosen and you will pee yourself. It's involuntary, and it could happen to anyone if they don't go when they need to. If that doesn't happen, like if you're paralytically drunk, your bladder ruptures.
Reply 5
If I needed a piss that bad I woulda just done it in a bottle or up the wall or something, this must be *******s.
I was on the tube with my friends once, going into London. I let them direct me, I was otherwise engaged holding myself closed. We'd been drinking beforehand, but I wasn't too drunk, I just needed a piss really really badly. We got to Holborn, and they said "time to get out", so I did. Just as I thought we were about to get out of the station into a good open public place to find a suitable place to have a good one, and they told me to get on another train.

I was bursting. :>.<: I can quite easily see how it's possible to wet yourself on the train if you're that desperate. Just hope it never happens to me...
lol only excusable is VERY drunk! i had a mate who was so wrecked he went to go to the toilet but forgot to undo he fly before he started. He was peeing away merrily stood in front of the toilet....
Reply 8
If I needed a piss that bad I woulda just done it in a bottle or up the wall or something, this must be *******s.

that's why I said that there were two coppers in the carriage as well (although I think they were BTP), if they hadn't been there I suspect he would have done exactly what you suggested.

he was practically pleading with the coppers to let him go on the floor which of course they refused!! when he finally "did it" the two police officers seemed totally unconcerned about his plight.
Reply 9
i once had to carry a guy home. four of us had him on our shoulders and he started to piss himself, his flies were already open from pissing on my friends leg. so yes i believe grown adults can piss themselves.
Reply 10
that's why I said that there were two coppers in the carriage as well (although I think they were BTP), if they hadn't been there I suspect he would have done exactly what you suggested.

he was practically pleading with the coppers to let him go on the floor which of course they refused!! when he finally "did it" the two police officers seemed totally unconcerned about his plight.

I'd rather be arrested than piss my pants infront of my mates.
Reply 11
I'd rather be arrested than piss my pants infront of my mates.

I agree, me too - that's why I asked the question!
Reply 12
I agree, me too - that's why I asked the question!

Maybe he'd rather piss himself than be arrested. Goon.
I remember on the way back from spain just after they say on the plane "please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts" and at that point i was DESPERATE for the toilet and the walk from the plane to the loos seemed to take about a hour :frown: and it made me feel so sick...

When you have to go, you have to go but i held on in the end :smile:
Reply 14
I'd rather be arrested than piss my pants infront of my mates.

It'd probably be a £75 fine.
Reply 15
It'd probably be a £75 fine.

I could just put it down as the day I paid £75 for a piss I guess. Rather than the day I lost all my friends.
Reply 16
I could just put it down as the day I paid £75 for a piss I guess. Rather than the day I lost all my friends.

...your mates are not that fickle, surely? :confused:
It can happen to everyone:

(start from 30 seconds in)

Thats exactly what I thought of when I opened this thread!

I feel really sorry for this guy, I just hope his mates were nice to him about it. He must have felt so so horrible wetting himself like that with everyone watching.
I could just put it down as the day I paid £75 for a piss I guess. Rather than the day I lost all my friends.

I could just put it down as the day I paid £75 for a piss I guess. Rather than the day I lost all my friends.

Nah, I'm sure you'd easily get your money back if your mates started videoing you kicking and screaming as you were dragged away...especially if they threatened to sell the story to the local media :p:

But yeah, if I was a guy I'd have found a corner somewhere. I still think it's wrong that they tried to stop him from going. He should've hit one of them, knocked off his hat and he'd be sorted...:wink: