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How much do barristers earn on avergae.

How much do barristers earn on average? My dad earns £45k a year but for all the of the years of hard study and work its pocket money at the end of the day.

£500K Would be nice lol:rolleyes:

On a serious note how much does the barrister practicing

1.criminal defence law


Thanks in advance

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Reply 1
ill tell you when youve reached puberty
Reply 2
ill tell you when youve reached puberty

Shot straight down!

I'm tempted to take issue that a salary that's almost twice the national average is pocket money. Then again I realise they years of study involved and that's quite modest, for a barrister.

My father earned less than 10k less and, although he's a professional worker, didn't go to university. So I know what you mean.

Anyway. Commercial more than criminal. Erm...are we talking here about the self employed majority?
how much does a business man earn?

You can't answer. Its too variable. Barristers are self-employed, not salaried, they earn what they get paid by their clients.

I would think 40k would be the minimum for a practicing barrister, you would have to be reasonably good to get a tenancy, you can get this during a pupillage at a decent chambers. But it would go up and up and up if you were exceptional.
Why don't you ask your father. :confused:
Reply 5
Why don't you ask your father. :confused:

It's a fair point. JJ, you're more than welcome to ask people on this forum but there are a few questions about law that you've asked which I think your father and his contacts would do as well, if not better, a job of answering accurately as we can.

Having said that if I asked my father what the average salary was for a chartered engineer his guess would probably be further away than mine. :s-smilie:

Anyway, to go back to the original qestion anything from 40 - 500k. Mucginh more for a QC. It vaies, it may even be difficult giving an average.
Odd that he is paid so poorly if he is a barrister.

My friend you are speaking rubbish. Not everyone who decides to become a barrister ends up being a high flyer. Plenty of barristers earn 45k and are very happy with it.

£100K + is realistic after 2 or 3 years of tennancy if you are any good and as long as you avoid black holes like criminal law and family law.

Simply not true that criminal law and family law are black holes. Many criminal lawyers earn well in excess of 100k a year. Some family lawyers are shockingly well paid: just look at high profile divorce cases worth millions and millions. Of course, average earnings are less than the commercial sector, but there are financial rewards aplenty in criminal and family also.

Evidence at this link:
It shows the top criminal and family barristers: the top criminal one earns 1.1 million, the top family one 500k.

100k is not realistic after 2 or 3 years of tenancy, unless you really are an exceptionally good advocate. Many barristers struggle for years whilst they build up a practice, even in commerce, barristers only start earning big bucks after a number of years when they have had the chance to build up a good reputation.

I can't actually be bothered to debunk your assertion that Johnathan Sumption earns 13million a year. Wikipedia said he earnt 1.6million in 2001, and im pretty sure the lists of top paid barristers don't go above a couple of million.
Reply 7
How much do barristers earn on average? My dad earns £45k a year but for all the of the years of hard study and work its pocket money at the end of the day.

£500K Would be nice lol:rolleyes:

On a serious note how much does the barrister practicing

1.criminal defence law


Thanks in advance!eipaL?state=showocc&idno=395&pageno=2

I am interested to find out why you think this is important though...
Reply 8
I think this post should more properly be in the Legal Careers forum, though I think the replies you've got here are pretty good.
Reply 9
"Coming to a Waitrose near you" - I assume that's in response to the discussion in that thread "Nana_Julia is no barrister" that seems to have disappeared from the D&D sub-forum? Before you start thinking it was me, you should know that I actually defended - yes, defended - your contributions on TSR. There was some speculation in that thread that the OP was justjoshing in a different guise. On the other hand, there were a few others in the Legal Careers forum whom you seemed to have annoyed a little bit at the time that thread was created. Notably karlbryon.

Nice new avatar by the way - some family members?
Reply 10
£3million :smile:
"Coming to a Waitrose near you" - I assume that's in response to the discussion in that thread "Nana_Julia is no barrister" that seems to have disappeared from the D&D sub-forum? Before you start thinking it was me, you should know that I actually defended - yes, defended - your contributions on TSR. There was some speculation in that thread that the OP was justjoshing in a different guise. On the other hand, there were a few others in the Legal Careers forum whom you seemed to have annoyed a little bit at the time that thread was created. Notably karlbryon.

Nice new avatar by the way - some family members?

Yep! I would never think it was you darling! Quite apart from anything you are a lot smarter and more subtle than that. Thank you kindly, do PM me with more details if you would be so kind, as disappointingly I didn't get to see the thread! The person who posted it (or guise, if it was Justjoshing) was banned. Yes FMQ and karlbyron are a charming couple. Personally I think they are not students aspiring for the Bar but are actually already successful barristers masquerading as applicants :wink:

Avatar= Julia on the left, Nana on the right!
18 million squids an hour
I assure you that Sumption earns a lot more than that.
His hourly charges are over 3000 pounds.
ie: 24,000 pounds for a 8 hour day.
I understand that he bills in blocks of 4 hours.
I do not know of any top QC who charges less than 800 pounds an hour.

Income figures are very rubbery and only limited by the ingenuity of the accountant.
I know a family member who earns over US$600,000 but has a "taxable personal income" of around $US40,000. He pays tax on all of it but tax on US $560,000 is paid by his personal company which consists of himself.

That is pathetic. Anyone who thinks that they honestly deserve that much money, and furthermore is not willing to pay the apt rates of tax, must be a complete and utter ****. Ingenuity over integrity.
Reply 14
On a side note, and sorry to hi-jack the thread, I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how long a piece of string is..?
Reply 15
On a side note, and sorry to hi-jack the thread, I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how long a piece of string is..?

Depends how many years ou have been a piece of string, and indeed if you were strung(?) in Cambridge or at De Montford say...
On a side note, and sorry to hi-jack the thread, I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how long a piece of string is..?

According to some, it depends on the quality and type of string.
I would say it depends more on the spirituality of the string: is this a spiritual piece of string, or a piece of string that is as shallow as, say, a piece of string?
I would say it depends more on the spirituality of the string: is this a spiritual piece of string, or a piece of string that is as shallow as, say, a piece of string?

You're just stringing us along now...
Reply 19
You're just stringing us along now...


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