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Reply 1
Reply 2
In the top 100 maybe purple lol
Reply 3
How about F.E. Smith? Sir Edward Carson? That sort. Basically any of the long-running Attorney-Generals?

One that springs instantly to mind is the wonderful silly Donald Findlay QC, apparently the best-paid advocate in Scotland at the moment. He's very well known up here.
Reply 4
Cherie Blair? Geoffrey Robertson? Eleanor Sharpeston? William Birkett Rumpole of course.

And indeed those who have been Barristers (although not famous for being so): Tony Blair, Michael Howard etc etc
Reply 5
helena kennedy?
Reply 6
Tony Blair? Lord Denning? Mahatma Gandhi? Abraham Lincoln? Vladimir Lenin?
I could go on..
Reply 7
I have just been watching this on youtube

all the best clips from the episode.
Reply 8
Rumpole!!! :p: Sir John Mortimer QC (Rumpole's creator) practised at the Bar.
Cherie Blair?

sure the biography helped
Sir Edward Coke, if he counts, for me at least. :smile:
Reply 11
Lady Narcissus
sure the biography helped

Yep. Good old Cherie:rolleyes:

Good lord, I wonder how that woman can be taken seriously in court.
Dont foger Kavanagh QC lol:rolleyes:

Whilst he's fictitious, I hold Kavanagh, both the character and the series as a whole, a lot more highly than Judge John Deed. Have yet to see Rumpole though.
Yep. Good old Cherie:rolleyes:

Good lord, I wonder how that woman can be taken seriously in court.

Um when enjoying my Friday pub lunch in our university bar I could not help observing that the Daily Express (or was it mail?) had given her a 5/5 in the embarrassing parent article. :redface: Not that I read such rubbish frequently (of course)
Reply 14
Yep. Good old Cherie:rolleyes:

Good lord, I wonder how that woman can be taken seriously in court.

I've read her biography, and I thought she came across as a serious and kind person.
Reply 15
Who on earth would buy her autobiography? Its just not done. Its shameful.
Reply 16
Lord Denning was pretty well-known, Lord Woolf, wasn't Gandhi a Lawyer?
Who on earth would buy her autobiography? Its just not done. Its shameful.

My family said they make fun of me if I bought it, plus autobiographies/biographies usually end up reduced at value books shops - I'll acquire it then :cool:

I believe it is self-written so I must apologise for referring to it as a biography before :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :tsr2: (sorry was not paying enough attention to the treasured book)
Who on earth would buy her autobiography? Its just not done. Its shameful.

how judgmental my dearest :p:
Reply 19
John Grisham