The Student Room Group

Herpes/Cold Sore

Hey, my girlfriend has a cold sore at the moment and i'm a bit confused about the whole herpes/cold sore inter-relation thing. I know that cold sores are caused by the herpes virus, i'm guessing that its a localised infection and the virus isn't present in throughout the whole body. If it were wouldn't this also mean that someone with a cold sore also has genital herpes?

If someone with a cold sore gave oral would that give the "reciever" genital herpes?
Reply 1
Cold sores and Genital Herpes are caused by different strains of the virus, HSV-1 and HSV-2. This means that if someone suffers from cold sores, it doesn't mean that they suffer from genital herpres too. Although they are both herpes, it's a different virus. No worries there.

It is possible to contract cold sores if you participate in oral sex with someone who has genital herpes. This means that the virus which produces genital herpes (HSV-2) can produce cold sores on or around the mouth.

As for giving oral sex when you have a cold sore? It should be avoided. Cold sores are extremely contagious and will spread. On the leafet of any cold sore cream it states that oral sex is out of the question. Kissing, sharing drinks and such is too. Once you have cold sores (HSV-1), you have them for life.

Hope that helped :smile:
Reply 2
Not true. I had a cold sore when i was about 5 and it spread over my chin (not nice!).. and i assure you i didn't/couldn't have genital herpes! :laugh:

As for having cold sores for life, that can't be true either because i've never had one since.
Reply 3
1)According to a study in the US 80% of people have HSV-1.
2)7 out of 10 ppl with HSV-1 have never had a cold sore.
3)Genital herpes is caused by HSV-2 and sometimes type 1.
4)They are not the same thing.
5)Type 2 tends to stay in the genital area, whilst type one prefers the mouth area.
6)Most ppl with type 1 in the genitals have a hardly any outbreaks.

So to answer your question:
-You can get genital herpes from being fellated by someone with a cold sore.
-You can also get it when there's no cold sore, due to assymptomatic shedding.
-You and your girlfriend should get tested for both types.
-You probably already have type 1 orally... apparently the majority of people who have it never experience a cold-sore...
-Until you've done all of your research, i'd suggest condoms...
-visit for details on the differences between the two types.
-If you get type 1 on your genitals it's not the end of the world, you'll probably have 1 or less outbreaks.... but you should be safe... type 2 is the one to watch out for.