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Some people say that tall people are mean to small people; what's your opinion?

I would class myself as being tall at 5" 11, 15 years old and I am the tallest girl in my school. My two best friends are 5”3 and most of my other friends are around the same height. Someone said on a post I read that tall girls are always mean to small girls about their height.
I think this is totally wrong and some of the comments people said about tall people made me feel quite annoyed. Someone said that tall girls are horrible and they just like to laugh at small people and make them feel insure.
Most tall people feel insecure about their own height, like me I hate being the height I am; I can never find clothes or shoes to fit it’s a nightmare and I hate always standing out. I would swap with anyone’s height who is 5” 5 any day if I could.
The reason why sometime tall people will say something about smaller peoples height is because they normally start it off (it may not be in any case but I have never gone to a smaller person than me and laughed at them.) When I am hanging around with my friends and we are standing up they normally say something about my height like “god why are you so tall” or “Can’t you shrink” or “lanky” and it does really annoy me because I didn’t decided to be my height and I already am self-conscious about my height. So sometime I will say something the lines of “Why are you so small? Why don’t you grow?” I don’t mean to be mean when I say it it’s just the same as what they say just the other way around.
And someone on the other post also said that all tall people seem to be arrogant. I don’t think they are; I am a nice person and when someone says that it’s just stereotypical and not right.
I don’t know any girls my age that are my height so it makes me feel that I’m different.
The only time when I have really heard people talking about height always is the tall guys who laugh at the smaller girls. And when I am walking down the street sometime I hear people shouting lanky, it’s when I’m walking with my brother most time because he is 6”7 but my parents are both smaller than me. But when you see allot of smaller people than I am I don’t shout ‘shortie’ and I never hear that when I see small people no1 calls them.
My opinion is only one sided because I don’t know what it feels like to be smaller than most people in your year because I’ve always been the tallest, but I think my opinion is fair because I also looked at it as not a tall person as well. Even though smaller people can feel awkward in your presence, I never mention anyone’s height unless something is said about me.
What is your opinion on this topic? (Sorry I can ramble on when I get started.)

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Shorter people also tease taller people, so any way you look at it, they're mean to each other (not everyone, but a minority).

A mean person will always find something to insult someone with.
Reply 2
i'm small for my age...
& no one is mean to me !! i love my height...its great being small :smile: sorry i didnt read the whole post..
Reply 3
All my friends are taller than me (I'm 5 foot), and I just get cute nicknames like 'munchkin'. Yeah, people go 'awwww! You're so cute and small!'. Sometimes I wish people wouldn't say it, not because they're being mean but because I'd prefer to pretend I was a little taller! Despite being the smallest person in my group of friends (and most of my year!) no one's ever made me feel bad about it. When people notice (especially if they're standing next to me, and I have to bend my head back to see them) they ust give me a cuddle and say something nice.

There a lots of pluses to being small- I may not be able to touch the ceiling even when I jump (what I think is really high, but people say I hardly get off the ground lol) but I always win hide and seek! :biggrin: lol

I'm half Irish and am sadly 5 foot
so i seem to attract many leprechaun jokes
However, i know everyone does it good naturedly, so it dosent really bother me
I don't think anyone i know has been vistimised or anything because of their height
thats just sillly! lol
I think maybe it's worse for short guys than short girls - girls can always stick on some heels!

Also...most taller girls wouldn't really want to be with a shorter guy...would they?

My history teacher's a very short man and he has a serious complex about it! Lol! It made him pretend he was greater in other ways...
Reply 6
I'm very quite short for my age and i have never been teased. Obviously when people first meet you they do make remarks about your height, but once you straighten them out, they will never utter harsh words.

That's what i have experienced anyway. I love being short, i would never wish to be taller.
I think thats a load of *******s, Ive never been mean to anyone for "Being small"
I'm tiny, just 4"11 and I've been dealing with someone commenting on my height everyday since year 9. Most people's first reaction upon meeting me is "aww, you're so small and cute." Most people seem to find my height adorable. My friends joke about it sometimes but then I do use it to my advantage so it doesn't bother me. :smile: I love being small.

I used to have 2 boys in my class and whenever they saw me it used to be "omg you're so short, just grow" Their teasing used to proper bug me. In the end I told them I was short, not blind so I could see how small I was and that I didn't need constant reminding. I think I also mentioned I was at the perfect height to do proper damage to their 'crown jewels' if they continued irritating me. They stopped bringing it up after that. But they were the only ones who tried making me feel bad about my height.
i may choose to be mean to people for many reasons, but not specifically because they're short! (I'm 6'0")
Reply 10
It really annoys when people come up to me and say OMG, you're short or OMG you wear glasses. And i'm like, no really! Wow i didn't notice. Just blooming state the obvious why don't you?
Reply 11
I haven't come across this

Two of my best friends are at oppisite ends of the spectrum as it were with theyre height. I'm 5tf 4 ish and one of my friends is like 5ft 2 and the other is 5ft 7. Yer ok there is occasionaly mild banter between us about their heights but nothing horrible about it. My tall friend doesn't actully mind being tall! (which i find bizare as i would hate to be tall) but then again my shorter friend doesn't mind being small.

I think its unfair that people should judge/comment on someones height, like you said its not your fault that you were tall/short and to be fair if people start to insult you about it, its probably because they're so insecure about themselves.
Reply 12
Short people got no reason to live.
Reply 13
Short people got no reason to live.

Excuse me! I'm only 5 ft 3! Do you think I deserve to die?!
Short girls are fine!
Reply 14
I'm quite a tall girl (5'9") and I'd definitely say that when I was growing up it was the small girls that were the bitchy ones. Sometimes they made me feel like a freak for having long spindly legs, whilst people just thought they were really "cute".
Reply 15
Excuse me! I'm only 5 ft 3! Do you think I deserve to die?!
Short girls are fine!

I don't want no short people round here.
Reply 16
Is 5 ft 3 too short though?! I've never been regarded as WOAH SMALL.
Reply 17
I don't want no short people round here.

whats wrong with short people?
Its not their fault their short and shorly you can't judge somone on their height?
It really annoys when people come up to me and say OMG, you're short or OMG you wear glasses. And i'm like, no really! Wow i didn't notice. Just blooming state the obvious why don't you?

i agree! i'm 4ft 9 (yeh i know- woo go me) and when ppl first meet me theyre like OMG you're small aren't you! am i? am i really? and there was me thinkin i was bloody BFG. damn, ive been living a lie.
but it has got its benefits. i can always get cheaper train/bus fare:smile: wooooop
i can make myself look older when i need (the boobs and makeup help here) and younger when i need (wear flats and act shy)
i dont expect people to feel sorry for me as ive achieved so much more than i could ever have imagined and my life is brilliant and im grateful for it. my height has never hindered me. even when it has (at the shop tryin to reach for somethin on the top shelf) ive always batted my lashes n got a fit boy to get it for me haha.
Reply 19
whats wrong with short people?
Its not their fault their short and shorly you can't judge somone on their height?

They got little hands and little eyes. They got baby legs that stand so low, they wear platform shoes on their nasty little feet. They got grubby fingers and dirty little minds. Short people got nobody to love.