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It is soon time for us IB students to receive our predicted grade. What are you guys predicted and where and what are you thinking of applying?

I got 34 without bonus which I suppose is decent for me and I am thinking of doing sports science.

Cool. Well done. I don't think all students get a predicted grade.

I didn't get mine from my school, but LSE told me when I asked for feedback as to why they rejected me! (43 - HL 776, SL 776 +3)
Reply 2
wow well done for getting into Chicago though! How did you know which uni to apply for if you didn't get your predicted grades?
wow well done for getting into Chicago though! How did you know which uni to apply for if you didn't get your predicted grades?

Well I obviously had some idea of my performance. Plus throughout the two years we were given things called 'monthly grades' which basically showed our performance regularly. And then looking at results from end of term exams and just general advice from my IB Coordinator and University Advisor.
Reply 4
are the monthly grades something only your school organised or do you know if it is something IBO requires of every school that offers IB?
are the monthly grades something only your school organised or do you know if it is something IBO requires of every school that offers IB?

My school does it for grade transcripts for US universities. It's not an IBO requirement.

It's good; quite an incentive to consistently do well for university applications.
Reply 6
My school does it for grade transcripts for US universities. It's not an IBO requirement.

It's good; quite an incentive to consistently do well for university applications.

hehe ye, kind of hoping that my school will do this to keep me updated, sounds really good as u will supposedly know better what areas you need to improve the most when it comes to exams
A Stranger in Moscow
You go to UWC? Do you know Ellie R...?! (I think you would if I say it like that, don't want to post her surname)

There are 2 Ellie Rs... (3 if you include one of the teachers!!)
A Stranger in Moscow
just wondering. she's a good friend of mine from summer school. we're going to italy!

OK i know who.. :P Yeah, we're good friends. I miss her!
Reply 9
are the monthly grades something only your school organised or do you know if it is something IBO requires of every school that offers IB?

We get term reports (i.e. four per year) with our grades on. And we have exams once a semester, therefore every two reports gives us a good indication, but the IB does not require the schools to do that. For example, my friend in an IB school in France, had percentages but not grades out of 7 until half way through IB year 1.

The predicted grades that the school does are for universities. These are done around the time that you are applying. Then at mock exam time, the IB calculate what they predict you to get. Therefore, you would normally get two predicted grades. The reason the IB require one as well, is so that if your final IB grade is extremely different to the predicted, then they will know that something went drastically wrong, or well.
Reply 10

eastisred - what school do you go to in HK?? That's a very nice predicted grade lol. That's my goal WITH the bonus haha. Congrats!! :smile:

I go to KGV. I doubt I'll get any bonus points though because I always slack off in TOK class haha. Which school do you go to?
cool. KGV's so close to my home... (tin kwong road isn't it...) anyway i'm in YCIS yr12. i think i sucked all the exam, dunno i'm going to get them back on tuesday.
KGV's really gd, shatin college is gd, my school isn't.
Reply 12
Yew Cheung International I think.

We have probably been 'guinea pigs' for something every year! They are even thinking about putting year 11s into senior school which is probably the worst idea that could come out of anybody haha.

Bartal, you might want to have a look at this website which shows the EE + TOK Grading.
It's actually possible to get 0 bonus points without failing haha.
Reply 13
It is soon time for us IB students to receive our predicted grade. What are you guys predicted and where and what are you thinking of applying?

I got my predicted grades already and I'm predicted: 776 HL and 766 SL + 2 or 3 bonus points. I've set myself the target of beating my boyfriend who got 41, so I'm aiming high. I'm hoping to study law btw.
Psh hahaha. You can't get 0 bonus points or you'll fail IB, and I'm sure you'll do fine :P KGV is one of the best schools for IB, with CIS & STC...
I go to IS. So we're the guinea pigs for IB, unfortunately (teachers didn't even hesitate to tell us that) - so it's no wonder we're all screwed for everything lol.

Cool to see someone else on here hahahah. Small world. Most people here are from the UK. fail IB if you get Es in both your extended essay AND TOK. Anything from a CD combination downwards are worth 0 bonus points...many people get 0 bonus points and get a diploma
talespirit fail IB if you get Es in both your extended essay AND TOK. Anything from a CD combination downwards are worth 0 bonus points...many people get 0 bonus points and get a diploma

Not seen you around here in a while! Do you reckon anyone has actually managed to get 2 Es? I think that in itself is quite an achievement!!
Predicted Grades at Half Yearly, 776 (HL) 776 (SL) + 2/3 Bonus Marks.
As with Kitty, I aspire to study Law.
Not seen you around here in a while! Do you reckon anyone has actually managed to get 2 Es? I think that in itself is quite an achievement!! can actually get that if you : 1. do them both the night before it was due (someone in my school got this) or 2. don't hand them in at all.

Yea, i spend less time on TSR now because i've returned to the world of games. I just started WoW :P
Reply 18
Well i've returned to CS!
i've returned to watching dramas
after doing my IGCSE's