Before doing this essay make sure you chose two case studies that you want to do given by your teachers (one child and one adult) read both of them carefully.
A.P1 Explain diagnostic procedures to determine additional needs for one child and one adult with different additional needsUse
this book to help you answer this question or
this if you don't have the book and use a specific diagnostic procedure for each case study to determine thier additional needs.
Clue: Page 6 to 10 and probably the rest of Learning Aim A (Page 6 to 29)B.P2 Explain how disability can be viewed as a social constructDefine social construct then talk about society's and people's attitudes towards disability in general, you can also be specific to societies attutiseds towards certain disabilities (optional: you can apply the laws into it i.e. Equality Act 2010)
B.P3 Describe how health or social care workers can help one child and one adult with different additional needs overcome challenges to daily livingDo one paragraph for adult and one paragraph for child. Then discuss what health care professionals each of the case studies may need to help overcome daily challenges. i.e. a paralysed child from the neck down may need a residential nurse to help with personal care or a social worker may provide a one floor house for a wheelchair adult.
Clue: Page 40 to 42 has a list of health care professionals that you can use. Page 42 to 48 have list of ways you can support people with addtional needs that you can use for your case studyC.P4 Explain the benefits of adaptations and support provided to one child and one adult with different additional needs Talk about the benefits of making adaptation and providing support for one child and one adult in your case study i.e. the benefit of a one floor flat for an adult wheelchair user is that the can move around more and not struggle in going up the stairs.
C.P5 Explain the impact of statutory provision on the support provided for one child and one adult with different additional needsRead page 48 to 51 to give you an idea. Then explain how these statutory provisions can affect the support provided for the two case studies that you've chosen. For example the Care Act 2014 impacts adult additional needs as it enables individuals requiring additional care to ask a friend, a family member or someone else of their choice to provide that care, rather than someone provided by the local authority
A.M1 Assess the requirements of one child and one adult with different additional needs Look at both of your case studies and say what requirments they have had to support their additional needs i.e. if your case study has a health care professional supporting them you can add it as it shows your assessing the case study.
B.M2 Assess the impact of challenges to daily living that may be experienced by one child and one adult with different additional needs, and how effectively these challenges are overcomeIn each case study discuss the challenges to daily living i.e. a child wheelchair unable to go to school as they don't have ramps and no lifts or a down syndrome adult unable to go to uni as they're discriminatory to him and how it can impact them i.e. no ramps in school means that the child will be missing out in learning or the down syndrome adult dropping out of uni. Then discuss how they can be ovecomed i.e. for the wheelchair child they can implement stairs and lifts or the down syndrome adult classes about raiseing awarness for people with down syndrome
C.M3 Analyse how provision and support provided for one child and one adult with different additional needs have benefitted themStudy about the provision and support provided for children and adults in detail then say hoe this benefits the case studies you've chosen by referring to it. For example, the common assessment framework (CAF) benefits children with autism as.... (then talk about CAF)
C.M4 Analyse how statutory provision has impacted on current practice in caring for one child and one adult with different additional needsFor this you can talk about how statutory provision for a child and an adult have impacted the laws of caring children and adults with different additonal needs
A.D1 Evaluate the significance to the individuals, their families and society of a diagnosis of additional needsTalk about the significance that the child and adult additional needs affected themselves, their families and society referring to the case study you may add the postivites and negatives i.e. a child in a wheelchair can affect them as they will lose they self esteem as they would feel left out
BC.D2 Justify the support and adaptations provided for two individuals with different additional needs to help them overcome challenges to daily living, with reference to statutory provision Discuss WHY the support and adaptations in the case studies that you've chosen and recommended helped them to overcome challenges to daily living, by referring to the staturory provision
BC.D3 Evaluate the impact of providing support for two individuals diagnosed with different additional needs in improving their wellbeing and life chancesFor this you should treat it like a conclusion, talk about the impact of providing support for both of your case studies by disscussing the things you said throughout the assignment.
Then discuss how these things you talked about throughout your assignment improved their well being and life chances (or not).