The Student Room Group


Basically a couple of weeks AFTER my period at the beginning of may, i had some very slight bleeding/browny discharge. after about 4 days i had another period, completely normal and ended fine. Im just wondering what this was? my periods are erratic, but the're always late, and never closer together than 4 weeks.

Btw i am sexually active, although not that often and i ALWAYS use condoms. i last had sex when there was slight bleeding/browny discharge. could any of this mean pregnancy?
Reply 1
Sometimes you can still spot (sometimes brown) blood whilst pregnant so to be safe I'd pop and get some home pregnancy tests and/or see your GP pretty soon.

Also, I do not mean to nag but you should be using some form of contraception every time you have sex. This avoids this worry for one thing.

How long have you had your periods and how long have they been irregular?
Hmm...that does seem slightly strange. If I were you, I'd take a pregnancy test to be sure.
Sorry I can't be that much help. Hope you're ok. :hugs:
Reply 3
i always use condoms, and its always on correctly, never split after etc. never ever done it without and i wouldnt.

well i started when i was 13 nearly 14, they were pretty regular for a year, then with stress etc. with home life went irregular, and with a period of not eating really they were extremely irregular, then bout 16 were pretty much monthly within a couple of days until this incident, im now 18.

when will a pregnancy test work? do i have to wait a certain amount of time after iv had sex?
Also, I do not mean to nag but you should be using some form of contraception every time you have sex. This avoids this worry for one thing.

I'm confused, I thought she said she used a condom every time?

Nevermind, I typed too slowly XD
Reply 5
i always use condoms, and its always on correctly, never split after etc. never ever done it without and i wouldnt.

well i started when i was 13 nearly 14, they were pretty regular for a year, then with stress etc. with home life went irregular, and with a period of not eating really they were extremely irregular, then bout 16 were pretty much monthly within a couple of days until this incident, im now 18.

when will a pregnancy test work? do i have to wait a certain amount of time after iv had sex?

Oh gosh. I'm sorry I thought it said I often always use condoms. Anyway I'm glad!

Ahh okay they definitely would explain irregularities.

Clearblue (and most other brands which you can find in superdrug/boots) say it will work the day your period is due (which is roughly two weeks after ovulation).

It does sound very unlikely so don't worry yourself too much, but do take a test or two. Hope it goes okay. :hugs:
Reply 6
im currently doing exams and been stressed for about the past couple of months trying to get the grades for uni...i know it can make periods irregular, but can it make them closer together?
Reply 7
It could be an infection, bleeding after sex, left over blood from your period, etc. Brown blood is old blood, and if you practice safe sex then I would imagine it's left over from your period, especially as you say yours are erratic. However, if in doubt do a test. Implantation bleeds can also be brown blood.
Reply 8
stress does make your periods irregular sometimes. i could just be that. i doubt bery much that it is pregnancy, however i would take a take just to put ur mind at ease :-)
Irregular periods could be due to so many things. If you're ill, stressed or come off the pill etc your period can become irregular. Tbh it's more than likely it's one of these that has made you irregular but just take a test if you feel it will put you at ease. Remember you HAVE to try to get pregnant and as you use condoms, the chance of you being pregnant is minuscule!
Reply 10
I used to have a similar problem. It definately wasn't pregnancy.

It's more likely to be stress related. There are so many things that can cause irregular periods.

But take a test if it will put your mind at rest, cos if you worry bout it, that wont help.