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What to do in long year 11 summer holiday..

As above

Almost finished my GCSEs and I'm going to have a very long summer holiday! Only thing is I can see myself getting really bored and anticipating results day.
I'm going to try and get a summer job and I really should try and get some medical work experience but all the hospitals I've tried are booked for the summer :frown:
Obviously, I'm going to do the whole going out with friends thing but that gets boring!
Anyway has anyone got any weird and wonderful ideas on what I should do in the summer holiday?
Thanks! :biggrin:

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Lol..Whose going to Newquay?
Reply 2
Learn a new language! :biggrin:

Visit that country for a weekend too and try and speak some of it.
Reply 3
Find a job and earn money!

It's satisfying :smile: lol
Reply 4
Join a cult :biggrin:
Im going to turkey,summer camp, Enrollment day at college, alton towers.- go there its great :smile:
Erm my birthdayy and il probs get a job.

go on a mini break
Reply 6
Try getting a job at Tesco's Pharmacy.
Reply 7
Wellll, what I'm doing during my year 13 holidayyy ^_^

Gardening as a thank you to my mom
Working far too many shifts at Tesco so my manager loves me, hahaa
Ruining my life wathcing far too many DVDs
Going out and getting wasted every Thursday
Holiday for two weks
Safari park
Official tidy up of the room (HUUUUUUUGE JOB)
Getting stuff ready for uni
Having loads of driving lessons to pass my test in August
Going over Psychology notes as a preparation for uniiii
Plenty of shopping before my student ID runs out/student discount hahaa :biggrin:
Try and catch up with old friends
Get to know Birmingham at night :smile:

Cant think of any at the moment, but i'll get back to you :biggrin:
Reply 8

i went down the beach like every week - great fun - we were down porthcall on the beach - moderately pissed - it was about 12 o clock at nite and about 10 of us went in the sea for a dip - rather cold but great fun.


I got stuck into some A level maths

Got a job and earned about £1.5k

it was a pretty good summer all in all
Reply 9
Might be a good idea to get a job whilst you've got time off and no coursework. It is something you can maybe put on a C.V or your UCAS form if you plan on going to university.

Same goes for work experience. There should be no reason you can't find something you enjoy. Maybe one day a week over the summer? Or maybe a few days for a set amount of weeks?
I just watched cricket, got fat and played Football Manager.
Reply 11
go down to cornwall... have a laugh.... maybe get a job for a while save up and go to europe?

do nothing whatsoever that will stretch your brain...

oh and go to every festival you can no matter how ****ty and small it is
Reply 12
For my year 11 summer i:

Went to France for 2 weeks
Went to avtivity camp for a week
Worked loads

Simple :biggrin:
NEWQUAY! Its amazing trust me. I went with like my whole year, rented out about 10 caravans and just got wasted for a week. Naked parties all nite wooo!
Go on a cheap holiday with your friends (e.g. camping for a few days away from you parents)

Start studying for you AS levels

Get a job (you can go on a shopping trip before you go back to school then :biggrin: )

Volunteer at an old person's home (medical work experience)

Meet up with your friends and have a HUGE water fight (has to be done)

Learn a musical instrument

Start a get/keep fit regime

I'm hoping to do all of those (I already have the job, I'm just doing extra shifts & the old people's home sounded very positive about me volunteering once a week for a year or so) I'm also hoping to do 2-4 weeks work experience in hospitals, but you said you couldn't find any that woud let you...

A list of hospitals in London - just contact them/write a generic letter and send them off to all or most of them.

Edit: I also plan on playing The Sims 2 lots! I haven't played it since my exams started, plus, I'll have 6 days until school starts again after Apartment Life comes out :biggrin: ... Sad, I know...
Reply 15
I've got 11 weeks summer holiday :eek:
The worst thing is that I'm one of them sort of people who can get bored easily if I'm not doing something.

I'm gonna try my best to get a job
Play GTA IV because I'm not allowed to play it until my last exam :mad2:
Tidy my room because I'm being made to :frown: I like my room how it is
Go Germany for 1 week
Play lots of badminton and tennis
Hang out with friends
Do some programming and web design
Moan about being bored :rofl:

I think of some more stuff later :biggrin:
Get an ASBO
Stay inside playing games having no social life =D
Reply 18
Lol..Whose going to Newquay?

yup, i'm going! can't wait.... :biggrin:
Definitely a job- if you can't find one, make sure you have looked outside the box, and don't be afraid to go with places like McDonalds, its all great experiences

if you can't find/don't want a job, then do some volunteer work somewhere