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just search the forums there are billions of threads on about this topic :smile:
1.6mm minimum tire tread :smile:

43 out of 50 is a pass on the questions, it is 44 out of 75 for the hazard perception.

My only advice (if you've revised) is to make sure you understand when to click in the hazard perception. Also force yourself to concentrate. There's 12 clips and after 7 or 8 I realised I was daydreaming, and really had to tune in.
Reply 3
I've got my theory test tomorrow (8:30 am!!!!) and im feeling just about ok.

Just wondering if anyone had some tips or pointers to help me along. I know my speed limits and breaking/thinking distances etc etc - not sure about the thickness of tread?
hmm..ill look for it now.

Anyhow - just any tips would be great, how did you find it in the end? and whats the pass mark these days with it being out of 50 now...

THANKS in advance :redface:

Just keep taking practice tests. TBH you can pass it largely on common sense/knowledge alone.
with the thinking and braking distance questions - are they quite particular?
e.g - what is the thinking distance of someone travelling at 50 mph??
or - whats the stopping distance for a vehicle travelling an 60?

i know theyre multiple choice but are they like this?
brill thanks

just search the forums there are billions of threads on about this topic :smile:

oh sorry - i didnt look hard enough for one, sorry.
with the thinking and braking distance questions - are they quite particular?
e.g - what is the thinking distance of someone travelling at 50 mph??
or - whats the stopping distance for a vehicle travelling an 60?

i know theyre multiple choice but are they like this?

You are correct, they will be in that format.
ooh - is there a time limit??

sorry again!!! :smile:
Reply 8
You have 40 mins (for multiple choice part) I think but you probably won't even need that long.
Reply 9
Here's a good website to tell you about the format, time, documents you need etc.
The format is multiple choice as you said.
Yo get 57 minutes to do the theory part not 40, thats for the old one and the hazard perception part is roughly 15-20 mins
The only documents you'll need is you counterpart and photcard licence, or the old paper licence and a signed valid passport and your booking number
I've got my theory soon, and I've only ever come across the breaking distances twice.
The tread depth is 1.6mm
Are you good at the hazard perception, also i think someone said there is 12 hazard perception, theres not there is 14 :smile:

If you need anything else, just ask, ill try and help lol, considering I'm taking mine soon I'll be more than happy to help lol
x Kelly

Are you good at the hazard perception, also i think someone said there is 12 hazard perception, theres not there is 14 :smile:

Ahhh yes. My mistake. It seemed like 1400 though :biggrin:
Ahhh yes. My mistake. It seemed like 1400 though :biggrin:

gawd tell me about it, when im doing my practice ones,i zone out after clip 3 lol. they're soooo tedious, i think they should do 6 and no more, if they do them properly so that they test like through a town, back road, housing estate etc, they would be able to test your hazard perception through 6 clips rather than 14!!! lol
Passed it today! :smile:
thanks everyone,

MAAAANNN - the hazard perception were sooooooo boooooring. I had one with sheep (hmm, maybe everyone has the same ones sorry, i would assume that)

to rephrase,. the SHEEP one, goodness. and to be perfectly honest i think the driver could have a) been a bit more perceptive of oncoming hazards
b) stopped BEFORE the hazard came bargin through and c) not travelled at 46 on the dual carrigeway!!


had a question i had no idea about at all

"why should you be extra careful when filling up your diesel car, (blah balh) beacause its
a) slippery

really silly question i personally thought - i think i put a) or d) i cant remember.
Was ir hard/easy?? I have mine this afternoon!
Passed it today! :smile:

"why should you be extra careful when filling up your diesel car, (blah balh) beacause its
a) slippery

really silly question i personally thought - i think i put a) or d) i cant remember.

It's a) slippery
No Future
Was ir hard/easy?? I have mine this afternoon!

eek - you may have gone for it - dont panic is what i say.
You have absolutely AGES so take each question slowly or you'll make silly mistakes. I dont really know what to say - i dont think its easy easy and its not entirely common sense but quite a lot of it is so dont worry.

Hope it goes ok.
Thanks! I passed :biggrin:
Reply 18
actually, the diesel question is very pertinent. diesel is slippery, so if you spill it at a petrol station it can present a hazard to bikers. i think this is especially important as most of my friends are bikers :smile:
Reply 19
Don't do what I did, and lose your licence, you lose all your money :frown: