The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hi- anyone know what the average starting salary is for warwick students, especially for economics degrees?

Study hard, have fun and worry about those things later... There is more to life than worrying what you will earn after uni. What IS for sure is that Warwick is a great uni and will probably place you at an advantage against other Econ. graduates. But if you're clever you'll be able to nail a high paying job regardless of the uni you decide to go to.
Reply 2
Study hard, have fun and worry about those things later... There is more to life than worrying what you will earn after uni. What IS for sure is that Warwick is a great uni and will probably place you at an advantage against other Econ. graduates. But if you're clever you'll be able to nail a high paying job regardless of the uni you decide to go to.


P.S. Warwick rules :tongue:
Reply 3
"if you're clever you'll be able to nail a high paying job regardless of the uni you decide to go to." - Agree!
if you're smart enough, the HR manager in your job interview will discover your potentials right away. =)
Reply 4
Warwick is amongst the top 3 unis in Eco and employers look favourably on graduates from there. But you will also be competing against Oxbridge and LSE grads. Basicly, warwick will give you a stepping stone, what job you get is up to your personal skills. A lot of it hasnt got to do with what you learnt at uni at all, its about your other skills, thus lots of non-eco grads get places in these jobs too.
Reply 5

Thats cool but u cant really apply it to eco graduates because these jobs are generally more high paid.
Reply 6
i would say its similar to UCL, LSE and Cam eco grads - ie. £30,000 - £40,000
Reply 7
For econ grads - £25-30k
Reply 8
For econ grads - £25-30k

is that based on anything or just educated guess?
Reply 9
i'd say about £18k-£25-30k really depending on the job you get.

£40k for a warwick starting salary is pretty high really...
Reply 10
yeah, id have thought 40k was more exception than the norm ... can always hope :smile: :redface:
Reply 11
of course 40k is high, but it happens. I was told by a number of sources (including professors there) that LSE and UCL eco grads starting salaries are around £35k. If you are compotent, then warwick should be no different.
Reply 12
the average graduate wage is £25K but that includes people who have just "graduated" from courses like MBAs.
i helped do the national graduate survey last year and most "real" graduates were on just under £20K, some about £23-24 if they were in proper graduate jobs.
the careers dept has info like this split up by subject, so just ask them!