The Student Room Group

TfL Graduate Scheme

Hi, I am very interested in the Transport for London graduate scheme and i was wondering if anyone has any experience of it. I am hoping to apply for the scheme as a transport planner.

Is it a very popular scheme? and highly competitive?

If anyone is involved with this could they recommend it?

I am due to graduate next July; very likely with a 1st in BSc (Hons) Geography from MMU. The degree and units i've taken are relevant to the job and apparently geography is held in higher regard for planning than most other degrees. I have absoutely shocking A-Level results (hence MMU) and am wondering whether they will have a large negative impact on my application.

Help is very appreciated
Reply 1
bumpety bump

Reply 2
Bump again I guess.

This seems to be one of the few schemes still open that doesn't involve working in retail. Anyone been through this, applied or considered it at all? I'm a tad bit baffled by the sheer number of options, so I haven't got a clue as to which one to go for, if any...

If it matters and you don't already know, I've got a 2:1 BA (Hons) International Relations with Politics. I got it way back in '05 as it happens...
Reply 3
Hello! I applied, and got a telephone interview with them. But I haven't heard anything else yet. Has anyone got through to the next round (assessment centre) with them yet?
A good scheme to get on, one of my friends is currently working at TfL

HOWEVER one piece of advice for you guys, BE RESOURCEFUL

My friend failed the final interview for TfL so what she did was apply to their admin department. After 10 months working she moved onto the prosecutions department, and now has been lucky enough to secure a position in project management/infastructure.

I guess what I'm saying is if you fail think of other ways into the organization, TfL often look in-house before recruting from outisde.
Reply 5
Original post by thelegoman
Hi, I am very interested in the Transport for London graduate scheme and i was wondering if anyone has any experience of it. I am hoping to apply for the scheme as a transport planner.

Is it a very popular scheme? and highly competitive?

If anyone is involved with this could they recommend it?

I am due to graduate next July; very likely with a 1st in BSc (Hons) Geography from MMU. The degree and units i've taken are relevant to the job and apparently geography is held in higher regard for planning than most other degrees. I have absoutely shocking A-Level results (hence MMU) and am wondering whether they will have a large negative impact on my application.

Help is very appreciated

Hey thelegoman

I wanted to know if you got in beause I am thinking of applying too, if yes let me know about the telephone interview and how things went down ;D the downlow/ 411 ;* lol.

Thanks for the help take care.
Reply 6
Original post by Reema
Hello! I applied, and got a telephone interview with them. But I haven't heard anything else yet. Has anyone got through to the next round (assessment centre) with them yet?

Hey Reema

I am at the application stage and wanted to know if you could let me know what questions you was asked?

Thank you for your help in advanced :smile:.
Reply 7
Original post by LifeFreedom13
A good scheme to get on, one of my friends is currently working at TfL

HOWEVER one piece of advice for you guys, BE RESOURCEFUL

My friend failed the final interview for TfL so what she did was apply to their admin department. After 10 months working she moved onto the prosecutions department, and now has been lucky enough to secure a position in project management/infastructure.

I guess what I'm saying is if you fail think of other ways into the organization, TfL often look in-house before recruting from outisde.

Would you as to kindly ask your friend what type of questions they ask on the telephone interview?

Thanks alot for your help in advanced :smile:.
Reply 8
I had my telephone interview for transport planning last Tuesday - they ask things regarding competency - so about when you showed your skills. Eg. "Give me an example of a time where you had to deal with a customer and what the outcome was." I recommendatory using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique to answer the questions. They'll also ask you why you want to work for TfL in the first place.