The Student Room Group

I just accidentally drove through a red light, on a pedestrian crossing......

I feel so incredibly guilty and horrible......

I was driving down a road with 2 lanes going each way, and 2 double decker buses were blocking the lights and so i didnt notice then, and kept going through (in the inside lane)

i was going across the pedestrian crossing at probs about 25mph, when suddenly i saw people, who, at the sight of my car travelling down there, jumped out the way. I braked, but couldnt stop in the middle of the crossing, so just kept going....I dont know why i did it but i just did....

I'm really upset about this, i did notice the crossing had cameras on it but i didnt notice a flash or anything, maybe because the buses were in the way. I feel so bad about this.....should i tell the police or anything?

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Reply 1
No, just don't do it again.
Reply 2
No way man! Don't tell the police!
This is an excellent story to tell your friends!
Don't sweat it.

Hey man, I lost control on a road, resulting in my car doing a like a 180, at night.
No one was hurt though and the car was fine.
Never again!

We live and we learn.
Wel atleast if there are red light cameras then you wouldn't have been caught because of the double decker bus blocking the way!

If the road was a duel carriageway in a build up area, I'm surprized there wasn't a central reservation so there were two sets of lights for each traffic direction.
Reply 4
fair enough....if i was caught, what could i expect? points? a fine?
Reply 5
i did a very similar thing! Except i didnt even have the excuse of a bus blocking the lights:redface: i was driving along and a load of school kids were crossing the road so i was keeping an eye on them and there was a red light at a pedestrian crossing and i just didnt notice it in time and went straight through it!:eek: luckily there was no-one at the crossing, but it still shocked me a bit and i felt guilty and like u worried i may have got caught as there were cameras, but luckily they must not have been working!
my advice would be dont worry about it, nothing bad happened as a result of it, and worrying about it will not change whether you get caught or not!
I worried about it and the very next day had a minor crash:redface: i'm sure the fact that i was worried anyway made me panic and have that crash, so yeh just live and learn but dont worry yourself:smile:
Reply 6
You want to shop yourself for running a red light? :s-smilie:

Put it down to experiene, and pay more attention in future.
Reply 7
fair enough....if i was caught, what could i expect? points? a fine?

i think you get three points and a fine, but not sure how much the fine would be.
Reply 8
It was a mistake, just let it go... everyone makes them! I drove the wrong way down a dual carriage way once... i was INCREDIBLY lost at the time though
It's not your fault...
Traffic lights are not designed to be seen through two large buses.

In future, be more careful.. but don't worry about it now!
It wasn't your fault, it's in the past, forget about it :smile:
I would try not to worry because there's nothing you can do. If you get caught, you get caught... I mean, it's not the end of the world.

Chances are you won't get caught though. Just count yourself lucky that a) you'll probably get away with it and b) that you didn't hurt anyone.

Don't worry :smile:
Reply 11
Hardly a big deal is it? Be more observant in the future.
Reply 12
Don't worry, we've all done it - not long after I passed my test, I couldn't see a man on the crossing once (large signpost infront), and this crossing is practically never used, so I was totally unprepared for it to change - and I panicked as I saw it change to amber, slammed on my brakes (nobody behind me) - and stopped bang in the middle of the crossing with a screech. Really, it would have been better to just keep going, I'd have been out of the way before it even turned red (and when it starts beeping to cross). However, now that I had stopped so dramatically, I just sat there in the middle of the crossing, not sure whether to move or not, until the light turned green again. The look the man crossing gave me! I felt so horrible for the rest of the drive home.

So, don't worry, now that it's happened, you'll be ready next time! I'm always prepared for crossings to change now :p:
you loser....

dont worry about it !!

noob !!

Reply 14
This made me smile :smile:, the amount of time I went through a red light (unintentionally most times)...
Reply 15
i guess i just get too wound up about things :P

Ah well, live and learn.....stupid me :frown: at least no one was hurt
Reply 16
i went through a red light at a pedestrian crossing yesterday, i was focusing on some sign and was like "uh oh" but there wasn't anybody crossing thank goodness.
no point worrying now, no one was hurt, do not report anything !!!!!
however, some one could very easily have been killed; the question that this raises is If someone passes a test does that mean they can actually drive? Well I would say no, not really, yes it means that one can operate the required functionality of a car, but it doesn't mean that one has any road awareness.....that comes with experience and indeed experiences like the one that you have just had.
So look on the positive side, you have gained some valuable experience.... when approaching a ped. crossing Always slow down, always think.
As long as you don't do it again you should be fine, sounds like you got away with it this time.
Reply 19
I feel so incredibly guilty and horrible......

I was driving down a road with 2 lanes going each way, and 2 double decker buses were blocking the lights and so i didnt notice then, and kept going through (in the inside lane)

i was going across the pedestrian crossing at probs about 25mph, when suddenly i saw people, who, at the sight of my car travelling down there, jumped out the way. I braked, but couldnt stop in the middle of the crossing, so just kept going....I dont know why i did it but i just did....

I'm really upset about this, i did notice the crossing had cameras on it but i didnt notice a flash or anything, maybe because the buses were in the way. I feel so bad about this.....should i tell the police or anything?

Wow, over-reaction of the year? Just chill out and enjoy the 12 extra seconds you saved. It's really no big deal.