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Anyone have any OCR biology past papers? I'm preparing for resits and really want to have some papers to look at this time (didn't get any last time so that's prob why i didn't do too well). Please send it to [email protected] or tell me where to get it.

Have you tried asking your teachers or school? They would be the first place to go. If you are resitting go to your old school / 6th form college as they should have some.
Reply 2
I had loads (being nice to teachers has it's benifits :wink: ) however I've lent them out to people. I'm sure I could scan some in if there was a particular demand... I am assuming you're talking about AS papers here.

...Of course, first I need to get the papers of my friends, then I need to scan them in (and I don't have answer schemes).
Reply 3
Yes AS papers. It doesn't seem like the school has any. Maybe they just won't give them out.
Yes AS papers. It doesn't seem like the school has any. Maybe they just won't give them out.

It might be they will give them to you either as mocks or in revision lessons. Even if this is so, they should have some they are not planning to use for teaching.
Reply 5
what modules do you want?
Reply 6
i want OCR Units 1,2 and 3. (biology foundation, human health and disease and transport). Please send to email address above.
Reply 7
can u send them to my email to .. [email protected] .. need them desperately .. just the FOUNDATION part
and me! all 3 units if possible [email protected]
Reply 9
OCR Biology - 2803/01 - 8 Jan 2004

1. Many animals rely on diffusion across outer surfaces on their bodies for gas exchange. Mammals have lungs for gas exchange. Fig 1.1 shows the structure of part of a mammalian lung and associated airway.

(See attachment 1)

a)i) Name structure X (1)

ii) Describe the process by which gases are exchanged at X (3)

b) Explain why mammals have large numbers of structure X in their lungs (2)


2. (See attachment 2) shows the formation and drainage of tissue fluid in a mammal

a)i) Give three differences between tissue fluid and blood (3)

ii) name the type of vessel labelled P in (attachment 2) (1)

b) Describe how tissue fluid is formed at R and drained at S and T - credit for using information from (attachment 2) (6 + 1QWC)

c) Suggest what could happen in the tissues of a person if the drainage at S and T was inefficient


3. (see attachment 3)

a) Name the plant organ in fig 3.1 (1)

b) Name the tissue shown in fig 3.2 (1)

c) State in which region, A to C in fig 3.1, you would expect to find the tissue shown in fig 3.2 (1)

d) state three features or properties of cells D or E which adapt the to the function - explaining how the features or properities you have given help the tissure carry out it's funtion (6)


4. Suggest how each of the following features of xerophytic plants helps survive in their habitat.

a) The stomata are shut during the day and open at night
b) The leaves of some plants are reduced to spines or needles
c) The epidermis may be covered by hairs (6 for a-c)


5. Haemoglobin is a pigment which can combine with oxygen and is found in red blood cells. (attachment 4) shows the sigmoid (S-shape) dissociation curve for maternal haemoglobin.

(see attachment 4)

a) i) Using (attachment 4) state the likely partial pressure of oxygen in the pulmonary vein leaving the lungs and in a vein leaving a muscle druing strenuous exercise.

pulmonary vein ......kPa (1)
vein leaving a muscle during strenuous exercise .... kPa (1)

ii) On (attachment 4) sketch on the curve for fetal haemoglobin (2)

iii) Using (attachment 4) explain why it is important that fetal haemoglobin and maternal haemoglobin are differnt (3)

b) Buffers are substances that regulate pH releasing or accepting hydrogen ions. Haemoglobin acts as a buffer in the blood.

i) Describe how the production of carbon dioxide during respiration leads to a higher concentration of hydrogen ions in blood

ii) Describe how haemoglobin acts to reduce the concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (4 for i+ii)


Sorry if they're any spelling mistakes....if anything looks wrong/incomplete, let me know.

(attachment 1 below)

(attachments will follow)
Reply 10
Attachment 2
Reply 11
Attachment 3
Reply 12
Bloody hell, did you type all of this out by yourself? Thats dedication
Reply 13
attachment 4
Reply 14
Bloody hell, did you type all of this out by yourself? Thats dedication

Indeed. I'm not sure why. Just hope it helps people.
Reply 15

sorry it tooks so long (because I forgot!) but I've sent you those Foundation papers, but I dont have any mark schemes I'm afraid.
Reply 16
Hey, i have about 6 past papers for human health and disease + mark schemes (i think): if you pm me your email address, i can email them to any1 who needs them.
does anyone have transport or pratical papers with markschemes?
Anyone have any OCR biology past papers? I'm preparing for resits and really want to have some papers to look at this time (didn't get any last time so that's prob why i didn't do too well). Please send it to [email protected] or tell me where to get it.

I've got 4 OCR a/s biology foundation past papers that I luckily got from my teacher. I'll send them to your email.
BTW, what other subjects are you doing. I've also got some chemistry and physics ones if you want them.
Hope the papers help.